HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-10-09, Page 8Page 8 - Zurich Citizens News, October 9, 1975 . M• 0MY FURNI W 'O • n• • FokM ;,Mull liv. •ediale Ocr 961.1200 • n L JMq,m CI FOREST HILLS /RMS 1114 FOR SALE APPLES - Have fun picking your own. Excellent quality Macintosh, Courtlands and windfalls; also picked; Bring containers. Daylight hours, any day. Ross Middleton Or- chard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, south of river. 37-8-9-b APPLES - Pick your own; Low trees, no climbing. Beginning Friday, Septemb- er 26; Kings, Tatman Sweet, Snows, Greenings, etc. After October 3, Spy, Del- icious, Russet, etc., cider apples. Macintosh and all varieties on hand picked. Picking days, Monday, Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Satur- days. Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141.- Mc- Clymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. ADDING MACHINES - New . and used models in stock, both hand operated and elect- ric. Also a Victor used calcul- ator, completely reconditioned See thc wide selection at the Zurich Citizens News, 37-tf 236-4672. POTATOES, carrots, cookirl; Onions, Spanish onions and turnips. - A. Vandenboonlcn, 236-4038. 2 1/2 miles our of Zurich on Highway 84. 3811 FILING CABINETS - two and four -drawer models in stock, letter and legal size. Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-11 SIMOTTA COAT with white Fox Fur collar, size 15, 16. Like new, Best offer. Phone 236-4021. 40,41-42 A REAL BUY - 18 H.P. O.M. Snow cruiser and 'Thorn trailer. Both in excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 236-4746. 40-b BEEF BY THE side ,ir quart- er. Call Allan Smith, 236- 4786. 10,1-b USED TYPEWRITERS - Sev- eral models to choose from, like new. -Zurich Citizens News. 236-4672. 37 -If ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR See the great Victor elect- ronic calculator, with a print- out tape, now on display at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf OFFICE DESK- New model in stock, single pedestal, chrome legs, etc. Only $99.95 at the Zurich. Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf APPLES - Most varieties $2.00 a bushel and up. Ord- ers taken for fresh apple juice. Apple butter available after November 12. - Huron - Ridge Acres, David Steckle, R.R.2, Zurich, Phone 565-2122 40 tf-b 20 HEREFORD STEERS - approximately 750 lbs. Call Ralph Stephenson, 262- 53.51. 40-b HELP WANTED CARPENTER'S HELPER, Full time position. Pole Barn Construction. - Call 236- 4081 after 5 p.m. 40tf-b BIRTH RAU- Clarence and Sharon, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Kenneth Wayne 8 lbs 14 1/2 oz. on Sept- ember 28, 1975. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Regier and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rau; great grandmother, Mrs. Adella Regier and brothers Robert, Gerard and Steven. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and nursing staff at So uth Huron Hospital. 40-p COMING EVENTS THE HURON COUNTY Health » Unit invites you to attend thc Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, on Monday, October 27, 1975 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for: 1, Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavit- ies for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. N.B. October 13, 1975 clin- ic cancelled due to holiday. 40-b HELP WANTED AVON CALLING ON TV. AVON calling in your neigh- bourhood. It can he you. ('all Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 1-451-0541. 38-9-40-p I'tll.l. 'TIME: production work- ers required immediately. Apply to Zurich Wood Prod- ucts Ltd., Phone 236-4324. 40-tf CARDS OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me in any way while a patient in Exeter Hospital and since returning home. - Milford Doerr. - 40 -b We wish to extend our sincere gratitude for all expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. -Mr. and Mrs. Milford Doerr and family. - 40 -b SERVICES OFFERED WALLPAPER hanging and interior painting. Call 262- 2613. 40,1,2,3-b CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday- Beef Tuesday - Prork. Pick-up serv- ice available.- AL'S SUPER SAVE MARKET, Hensall, Phone 262-2017. HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are '11.95 and up. Family rings and charms. Watch and clock work guaranteed. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Mondays -Beef;Tuesday Pork Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard Curing and smoking. Pick-up Service Available. YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO. PHONE, 236-4312 CUSTOM COMBINING, - Phone 236-4501. Eugene Regier. 28-tf ABOUT PEOPLE .Icronie Sweeney and a friend of his, Bob Harlon. of New York, have gone on a one-week trip to St. Louis, M issouri. Clearing Auction Sale To be held for Le Roy Erb 3 miles north of Zurich Wed., Oct. 15 at 1:15 p.m. TRACTORS — Oliver 880 Diesel 1600 hrs., fully hyd.; Oliver 88 standard gas; Oliver 77 standard gas. EQUIPMENT — Dion self unloading box with roof; George White 8 ton wagon, 6 ply tires; F 83 Gehl harvester c/w pick- up and 1 row corn head; 3 furrow 14" J.D. trail plow trip beam hyd. lift; 2-9 ft. Int. cultivators; 2 drum land roller; 4 ton New Idea wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; 10 ft. chain harrows; J.D. 8 ft. double disc; New Idea 7 ft. mower; 6 ft. blower; 130 bu. New Holland P.T.O. spreader; Int. 13 run drill; 2 sets dia- mond harrows; Little Giant 32 ft. bale elevator; Kools K.B. 30 forage blower; 32 ft. 9" pipes; 2 wheel trailer; 2 water troughs; scrap metal; Webster air compresser; large anval; blacksmith drill; Lincoln welder; Cockshutt plate grinder; pump jack; cow trainers; cattle clippers; homelite chain saw; large iron kettle; Viking separator. FURNITURE: Wood Bed & Dressers; steel bed; Sherlock - Manning Piano; 9 -piece walnut Dining Room Suite; small table; 2 Ferneries; and other misc. items. Terms — Cash or personal cheque only Farm Sold Prop — Le Roy Erb ' RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers and Liquidators BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 000KKEEP .. } x a:.fue"u, n.` cry 'On .•aur ai:'rn .,. • • 100thanniversary Village of Zurich; Jack Tin - trey, reeve of the Township of Hay; and Jack.. Riddell, MPP of Fire Insurance for Huron -Middlesex. Congratulatory messages were received from Bob Mc- Kinley, MP, Huron -Middlesex and Anson McKinley, Warden of Huron County, who were unable to attend. There were 475 people in attendance to contribute to the success of this celebration. The policyholders and friends of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur- ance COmpany were entert- ained by the Bluewater Play- boys at a dance and smorgas- bord on Saturday, September 27, in honour of the Comp- any's 100th Anniversary. Guests were welcomed by Cecil Desjardine, president of the company. After a brief address, Mr. Desjardine introduced the following dign- itaries who extended their greetings to the Company; Mel MIntyre, Cambridge, executive secretary of the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association; Bruce Bird, Cam- bridge, secretary of the Farm Mutual Re -insurance plan; Fred Haberer, reeve of the BLUEWATER T.V. & Electronics Repairs to all makes PHONE ZURICH 236-4224 dormessemmonowans The Corporation Of The VILLAGE of HENSALL requires Road Superintendent Applications to be received no later than October 31, 1975, in writing, stating experience, age, qualifications and any other information, in resume form. Good benefits, salary negotiable. All applications are to be addressed to: ROBERT J. HEIL Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensall Hensall, Ont. NOM 1X0 RR 3, BAYFIELD OFFICE 565-5393 FARMS AND ACREAGES ST. JOSEPH - 73 acres very valuable property located on Highway 21. This is good, level land with a beautiful view of the lake, and is priced to sell. BAYFIELD AREA - 1 1/2 storey solid brick 4 bedroom home with 1 1/2 baths, attached garage, very good barn and small orchard, plus many shade trees, on -almost 2 acres. A perfect hideaway. RESORT PROPERTY GRAND BEND - 10 acres choice development property 'with lake and highway frontage. Wide, private sandy beach with no erosion. This is one of a kind and is an exc- eptionally rare opportunity for a developer or someone wanting a large, private lakefront frontage. Only 4 miles north of Grand Bend. BAYFIELD - Be the first to live in this new, three bedroom cottage with electric heat and very attractive natural stone • fireplace. Owner transferred. BAYFIELD - one large treed lot in private subdivision. The septic tank and tiling are already installed and ins- pected, and this lot is priced to sell. The' taxes are very, very low. Buy now for spring building. BAYFIELD - We have just listed another new two bed- room permanent home, kitchen, dining area, large liv- ing room with fireplace, electric heat, large wooded lot, private subdivision. Remember, this is year-round living, and is priced very reasonable for a quick sale. If you have been considering the purchase of a cottage or resort property for some time DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY, as you can be sure the prices will be higher next spring. Many of these are listed at a price you CAN AFFORD. We arrange financing on all types of properties.