HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-09-25, Page 8Page 8 - Zurich Citizens News, September 25, 1975 mi245 IIIQM AIRU .G ""t" PO —ueilf�"fid°� aK sde'n . r MAfv .max �•. t .1 Ar.1R 'ENO, O< 961.120.7 R ,.m FOREST HILLS 4RMS $2b. FOR SALE APPLES - Have fun picking your own. Excellent quality Macintosh, Courtlands and windfalls; also picked; Bring containers. Daylight hours, any day. Ross Middleton Or- chard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, south of river. 37-8-9-b 4431,4 Ge4Rl xs i,d h,i e,� Y r ,r APPLES - Pick your own; Low trees, no climbing. Beginning Friday, Septemb- er 26; Kings, Talman Sweet, Snows, Greenings, etc. After October 3, Spy, . Del- icious, Russet, etc., cider apples, Maclntosh and all varieties on hand picked. Picking days, Monday, Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Satur- days. Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141.- Mc- Clymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna 38-9-40-1-2-b ADDING MACHINES - New and usedmodels in stock, both hand operated and elect- ric. Also a Victor used calcul- ator, completely, reconditioned See the wide selection at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf ZURICH - Two-storey brick home, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, full basement, garage. Immediate possess- ion. Terms may be arranged. Phone 236-4978, after 7 p.m. 35-tt AS IS - 1961 Ford Falcon. Good tires, new battery. Apply to Box AB, % Zurich Citizens News,Zurich, Ont. 36,7,8-p . COMING EVENTS WARRINGTON 70 >. ELECTRIC GESTETNER, 460 Stencil Duplicator for sale - $250. Clerk -Treasurer's Office, Court House, Goder- ich. Tel. 524-8394. 38-b ANNUAL GENERAL meeting, group committee of Cubs and Scouts at the Zurich Public School on September 25 at 8:30 p.m. All parents and anyone with interest in the Scout movement are welcome. 38-b THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Huron County Cancer Society will be held at the White Carnation, Holmesville, on. Thursday, September 29. Dinner at 7 p.m. with busin- ess session to follow. Guest Speaker - Ron Calhoun, of Thamesford. Campaign manager for the district and district Vice -President. • 38-b POTATOES, carrots, cooking onions Spanish onions and turnips.- A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038. 2 1/2 miles out of Zurich on Highway 84. 38-b CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard Sr., and family wish to thank neighbours and friends for acts of kindness in the loss of our brother, Napol- eon. - Dorothy and Paddy.- 38- CORDANDO Electric Range, 30", with 4 burners and oven. In excellent condition. Call Alf Denomme, 236-4855. 38-p OFFICE DESK- New model in stock, single pedestal, chrome legs, etc. Only $99.95 at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf HOME IN DASHWOOD- Frame, 3 -bedroom large living room, large kitchen with utility room and garage attached. Phone 237-3323. FILING CABINETS - two and four -drawer models in stock, letter and legal size. Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf USED TYPEWRITERS - Sev- eral models to choose from, like new. -Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR See the great Victor elect- ronic calculator, with a print- out tape, now on display at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 37-tf EXERCISE BICYCLE - in excellent condition. Call 236-4740 37-b �A+ Words cannot express our deep gratitude to our relat- ives, neighbours, and friends In uest f A 19 -year old Bayfield man died from multiple injuries after being run over by an automobile August 2, on Highway 84, just west of Hen- sall, a coroner's jury ruled Friday. An inquest into the death of Douglas Schilbe failed, how- ever, to uncover how the man came to be lying on the high- way before being run over by two automobiles at about 5 a.m. The jury heard 22 witnesses in an effort to retrace Schilbes steps before his death but was unable to determine how he came to be on the deserted section of highway about one mile west of Hensall. The jury made no recom- mendations. Huron County Crown Att- orney William Cochrane conceded after the jury rend- ered its decision that "it will likely remain a mystery" how the man came to the spot where he was run over. The inquest was told by Constable James Rogers of for their acts of kindness in the the Exeter detachment of the loss of a dear husband, provincial police that he has father and grandfather, "no idea" how Mr. Schilbe Dewar (Bud) Talbot. Many carne to be on the roadway thanks for the floral tributes, despite interviews with 40 donations to the Heart Fund, persons and more than 200 the Gideons, and to those who hours of police work on the helped at the church with the lunch. Special thanks to Mr. Stephen Farris, Rev. Dennis Clark, Mr. Michael Farris and the Westlake Funeral Horne.- Ruth Talbot and family. 38-b We would like to thank all our friends and neighbours who helped out at the time of our recent bereavement. - Bill and Marion Livingston. 38-b HELP WANTED COMBINE OPERATOR Phone H. Knip, 228-6218. No calls on Sunday. 37-38-b AVON CALLING ON TV. AVON calling in your neigh- bourhood. It can be you. Call Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 1-451-0541. 38-9-40-p SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday- Beef Tuesday - Prork. Pick-up serv- ice available.- AL'S SUPER SAVE MARKET, Hensall, Phone 262-2017. HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family rings and charms. Watch and clock work guaranteed. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Mondays -Beef;Tuesday Pork Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard Curing and smoking. Pick-up Service Available. YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO, PHONE, 236-4312 IMtiex UNrY(�rei MAIDS - e1�a� aOOKKEEP X AS:. e . Ip r MM hM *10•4 of AM OH VI 44/13 ils to uncover caus university student from Tor- onto, testified he was leaving Hensall at about 4 50 a.m. with his girl friend Jane Zurbrigg, 22, on their way from Toronto to her parents' cottage near St. Joseph along Lake Huron when he was forced to swerve to avoid an object in the 'west- bound lane. He said the right \front tire of his vehicl "thumped" across the object in the middle of the road but he continued westbound looking for a farm- house with lightsd on to find 'a telephone to report the obstruction on the road to police. Mr. Mingay said he fund a telephone in Zurich further down the highway. He said it was not until the next morning that he was informed by police that it was a body he had struck. He said he was "confused" when he struck the object and while it might have had a human shape "I couldn't understand how it could be a body. 1 kind of wanted it to be an animal." Miss Zurbrigg testified she was dozing at the time but was jolted awake by the sound of the car striking the object. She said she, too, couldn't believe it was a body. She estimated it was about five minutes until they found a telephone. A second motorist, Charles Hoffman of Hemlock, Michi- gan,testified he and hiswife were in the lead car of a three - car procession of U.S. tour- ists returning to Port Huron from a visit to Tobermory. He said he struck an object and immediately realized it was a body. He stopped his car and sent a member of his party back to Hensall to notify police. case. Coroner Dr. Charles Wall-- ace, of Zurich, said there is confusion surrounding the man's movements prior to his death and "the main problem remains is how Doug Schilbe's body came to be on the highway." Two westbound drivers test- ified they ran over an object on the road which they first believed to be an animal. Cameron Mingay, 23, a BLUEWATER T.V . Electronics Repairs to all makes PHONE ZURICH 236-4224 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES .dc• SERVICE FOR AIL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH Phone Horsell SERVICES OFFERED ON 262>S74$ HURON WATER WELL Drilling, Rotary Drill, 6" hole, 6" steel casing, drill 1' to 1,000' - drilling 12 months of the year. For free estimates phone Zurich 236- 4548. 37-tf CUSTOM COMBINING, - Phone 236-4501. Eugene Regier. 28-tf of Stratford General blospital said. A lack of fractures in the face and head area ruled out the possibility he was knocked out and left on the roadway, he said. The amount of fresh blood found in the body indicated he was killed by being run over, the pathologist said. "It tends to suggest a pers- on is alive or at least asleep rather than dead when the injuries were sustained, he said. Tests Constable Rogers and Con- stable William Wilson, of the Goderich detachment of the OPP told the inquest that examination of the Mingay vehicle indicated Schilbe must have been on the grund and the car ran over him. There was a lack of damage to the front end of the car. Police dispatcher Laurie Marshall said the cal from Mr. Mingay was received at about 5:15 a.m. while a sec- ond call from an unidentified and excited man came about five minutes later. A post-mortem examinat- ion on Mr. Scilbe showed his body was "severely mangled,' pathologist Dr. James Mallett, revealed 160 milli- grams of blood alcohol, enough to alter reaction time and to induce a feeling of euphoria, the pathologist noted. There was no trace of drugs. The injuries were massive enough to suggest he was struck by first one then a second automobile, Dr. Mall- ett said. Crown Attorney Cochrane produced 11 witness --all young persons and acquaint- ances of the dead youth. Ad in a farm paper: Wanted — dairy farm employee. Must not have any bad habits such as drinking, cussing or eating margarine. If», Steer This TENDER FOR Custodian for HENSALL UNITED CHURCH Apply in writing to Howard Scane, Hensall , by October 10, 1975. Duties may be obtained from Howard Scane, Hensall, phone 262-2234. Way BY LARRY SNIDER Do you tow a trailer? Your car will need more frequent oil changes. * Flexible bumper systems are expected to trim weight from cars in the future. Some plastic parts weigh only a third of similar steel ones. There seems to be fads in car colors. Most popular in 1974 was white; the year before, earth tones were ahead. Just from looking around, we're betting on red for '75. * A hand choke should be pulled all the way out when starting then pushed halfway in after you get underway. When engine is warmed up, remember to push choke all the way in. Radials have very flexible sidewalk. Even when they're properly inflated they look like they need air. Let us check those tires for you. Make Larry Snider Motors your first stop, while the tires are still cool• Lorry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227.4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer siiiwcisemorimmouseamoormalmismosemosimmisaammol