HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-08-21, Page 13SHDHS ready fschool opening It will be "business as usu- al" on September 2 at South Huron District High School according to principal J. Wooden. "The buses will operate on the regular schedule in the morning and will be at the school at 3 p.m., one hour earlier than usual, for the return trip home," said Mr. Wooden. Indications so far show that enrollment at South Huron will be up slightly, to about 1,060, from last year's 1,040 total students. "If there are students new to the area who haven't registerd yet," said Mr. Wooden, "they should call at the school during the last week in August." He reminded anyone out of school for some time and contemplating a return to school to contact the admin- istration during the same week. "New provincial regulat- ions make it possible for credit to' be given for a var- iety of work and educational experiences," said Mr. Wood- en. "It's possible that people with a partial secondary educ- ation may be much closer to a graduation diploma than they realize." Mr. Wooden said the sch- edule at South Huron makes part time attendance for day classes much easier than in the past. He said it will be possible in many cases for adults to arrange theri schedules to allow them tc complete grade 12 or 13 or take commercial or technical courses. "It is not necessary to be committed to a full day scheduling, or any aspect of week of March 15 and in the school, can call us any- June. There will be continu- time during the day at 235- ed emphasis on the students 0880." day-to-day work, requiring South Huron's school year regular attendance.. will begin on September 2 An innovation at the school and continue through until this year will be the introd- June 22. The school will uction of a theatre arts course continue to operate on a two for fifth level students. Prev- day schedule which was intro- iously this was available duced last year. There will only in third and fourth year be four conference days dur- and according to Mr. Wooden, ing the year when there will South Huron is one of a very be no classes for students, few high schools in Ontario October 20, January 28, offering this course to senior February 25 and April 30. students, He said the course Examinations this year will would lean heavily on literat- be held during the last school ure in the theatre as well as week of December, during the theatre mechanics. (Mrs. Ervin Dashwood r. Correspondent) News o camping at Collingwood and Perth. BRIDAL SHOWERS Darlene Rader, bride -elect of September has been feted at two miscellaneous showers. The staff of the Bank of Mont- real, Exeter, held a shower at the home of Larry and Sharon Lynn when Darlene was recip- ient of many lovely gifts. At the second shower Donna Restemayer and Mar- ilyn Rader were the hostesses. Readings and contests were held. Darlene received many lovely gifts for which she thanked everyone and invited them to her trousseau tea and wedding reception, Septemb- er 6 and 13. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader and Stacey spent the weekend_ at Midland with Mrs. Laura Lackie. Mrs. Adella Fisher is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Terry Bender, Donald Beav- er, Trevor Boyle, Brian Denomme, Allan Gaiser, David Hayter and Stephen Riddell spent last week at Camp Menesetung, near Goderich. Sharon Rader, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Guy have returned from their vac- ation. They spent some time Money available for Zurich While approval was given to the Village of Zurich sev- eral weeks ago for assist- ance under the Ontario Home Renewal Program, the schedule," said Mr. Wooden. funds have just recently "Anyone interested in learn- been advanced to the mun- ing more about the possible icipality for disbursement. As funds will be loaned on a first come -first served basis, any persons interested and qualified should apply to the village clerk's office immed- iately. The prime objective 'of the program is the correction of faulty structural and sanitary conditions, and the upgrad- ing of plumbing, heating and electrical systems in an owner's home. Low and moderate income families with an annual gross income of not over $12,5.00 can qualify for the plan. The maximum amount of an OHRP loan, as determined by the local municipality, is $7500. As well, the munic- ipality is responsible for determining the amount of interest and what portion of the loan will be an outright grant. TED VOOGEL AND SONS LTD. BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DA SH W OOD R.R.I PH: 238-2742 NOTICE Village of Zurich Building Permit Fees and limits as established by the Corporation of the Village of Zurich, applicable to all renovations, repairs, additions and new construction exceeding $300. in costs. Contributed labour must be fairly evaluated and included in estimates to arrive at Permit values. Permit Value, $301. to $1,000. - $10. permit fee. Permit Value over $1,000 - $10. for the 1st $1,000. and $1.00 for each additional $1,000. or part thereof. Zurich Citizens News, August 21, 1975 - Page 13 A number of new faces will appear on the teaching staff at South Huron this year. Ralph Wareham, a South Huron graduate, returns to assume the post of Head of Science. He has been teach- ing at F.E. Madill High School in Wingham. The English department will have four new teachers. Cohn Loundes and Allison Carter come from Althouse College while Bruce Eccles has been teaching at Seaf- orth High School. Glenda Hoare comes to South Huron after two years in professional theatre. Betty Jean Miller, another South Huron graduate, will teach Family Studies and Home Economics. Wallace Montgomery, from the French i River Secondary School in ! Sudbury, will teach Geogr- aphy. Growing enrollment in the technical courses has result- ed in the addition of David Newton from Sault Ste. Marie who will teach Building Const- ruction. Terry O'Rourke will teach Physical Education. Mr. O'Rourke was a student teacher at South Huron for the fall term and joins the staff permanently. After a year on an exchange program in Quebec, Rae Wild rejoins the Language staff at South Huron. OPEN DAILY DIN.'JERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5:00 to 7:00 Sat. 5:00 to 8:00 BREAKFAST Weekdays 7:30 a.m. - Noon Sat. & Sun. 8:00 a.m, to Noon LUNCH - Every Day 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 Special Guest Organist Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" cued "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 GRAND BEND Beton our 1 Fab Detergent FSr Iig savings 5 LB BOX Betty Crocker Snackin Cake Bright's Fancy Tomato Juice Challenger Cohoe Saimon 73/4oZTIN 1.65 79` 45` 79• 15 OZ PKG 48 OZ TIN E.D. SMITH 19 OZ AApple Pie Fill 77 HEINZ 128 OZ ppWhite Vinegar E.D. SMITH 19 OZ PINK LOTION 32 OZ Raisin Pie Fill 69C Vel Detergent 450 ML 40's Johnson's Shampoo $1.89 Baggies, utility size 79 AYLMER 15 OZ AYLMER CHOICE 14 OZ Tomato Catsup 2/$1 Diced Beets 5/$1 BOSTON BROWN 14 OZ VAPONA No Pest Strips $2.33 KRAFT 24 OZ 994 69C Aylmer Beans CHOICE CUT WAX or GREEN Aylmer Beans AYLMER 14 OZ Choice Peas KRAFT KOOGLE 12 OZ Peanut Spread 14 OZ 2/55 3/$1 63C Orange Marmalade $1.09 PILLSBURY 7 OZ Weiner Wrap - 390 DREAM WHIP 3 OZ Dessert Topping 750 iuiRZurich Superior Market DIAL 236-4354 ZURICH