Zurich Citizens News, 1975-07-31, Page 1aa
No. 30 - First with the Local News
Thursday, July 31, 1975
204' Per Copy
PC's ELECT CANDIDATE — Over 600 delegates cast their ballots Monday night to elect
Jim Hayter, of Goderich as the candidate for the Huron -Middlesex Progressive Conservative
party in the next provincial election, expected this fall. Left to right are Bob Eaton, Middlesex
South MPP, Mr. Hayter, Hon. William Stewart, retiring Minister of Agriculture
in the present government, Charles MacNaughton, former MPP for Huron and a former
cabinet minister, and Hon. Dennis Trimbell, present Minister of Energy for Ontario.
Tories elect Hayter
for new riding
James Hayter, a 47 -year old
Goderich automobile dealer,
was elected Monday night to
represent the new Huron -
Middlesex Progressive Con-
servative Association in the
next provincial election
expected in late September
or early October. He won out
in the second ballot over Bill
Amos, of McGillivray Town-
ship, and Ivan Hearn, of Luc -
Mr. Hearn was eliminated
from the contest in the first
ballot, and then Mr. Hayter
picked up 317 votes compared
to 277 for Mr. Amos in the
second round. There were a
total of 602 voting delegates
at the nomination meeting
held in South Huron District
High •School, while the total
attendance was over 700 en-
thusiastic supporters.
Earlier this year the present
member for Huron, Liberal
Jack Riddell was nominated
to represent his party, while
Goderich school teacher
Paul Carroll was also chosen
to represent the New Democ-
ratic Party.
Mr. Hayter has been active
in local politics for the past One hundred and fifty-six
20 years having started his, willing persons donated blood
career as a police village at the Blood Donor's Clinic in
trustee in Dashwood, and the Zurich Arena Monday
going on from there to be a night, to make it the largest
member of the Stephen Town- crowd in Zurich's history
ship Council. He served as Ladies of the Women's
councillor, deputy -reeve and Institute assisted the London
then reeve of Stephen, being Unit of the Canadian Red
Warden of Huron County in Cross by serving juice and
1969. He is also a past pres- coffee to all donors.
ident of the .Midwestern A new touch was added to
Development Council, and the night by a group of local
served as a member of the businessmen when they
Ausable River Conservation presented each volunteer
Authority in 1971. with a Wintario ticket for
As well as being active in the next lottery.
municipal politics, Mr. Hayt
er was -a notes sportsman for
many years, playing ball and
hockey for various area teams.
He served as fire chief in
Dashwood for many years,
and also chaired the build-
ing committee for the Dash-
wood Community Centre.
(continued on -page 22)
Record crowd
at blood clinic
RECORD NUMBER OF DONORS - The Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic in Zurich on Monday
night drew a record number of donors, when a total of 156 persons registered. A couple of
staff members of the Red Cross are shown here as they 'arrange to take blood from a couple of
the people in attendance. Each donor was given a free Wintario ticket on the next lottery.
All roads lead to Dashwood
this Friday and Saturday for
the annual Friedsburg Days
event. Activities begin Friday
night with an amateur talent
program, and the picking of
a "Beauty Queen." Actually
the Bavarian Beer Garden
opens in the afternoon at
five o'clock, and at the same
time the food concessions
start serving their sauerkraut
and sausage.
On Saturday activities begin
at noon when the Bavarian
Gaden opens again, and the
food is back on the menu.
The monster parade is sched-
uled to get under way at
three o' clock, and will be
continued on page 15
Zurich Lions club participate
in youth exchange program
For two years the Zurich
Lions Club has sponsored an
area youth in an exchange
program with a club from Tex-
as. Darlene Dowswell, Exeter
will be representing Zurich
at Boerne, Texas, a town Iod-
ated twenty miles north of
San Antonio. Departure date
for a three week vacation on
a Texas ranch will commence
August 2, when Darlene will
fly from Toronto to Detroit,
and from Detroit to San Ant-
onio. Miss Dowswell has been
employed at the Zurich Dental
Clinic for nine months as a
receptionist and dental assist-
Zurich Club welcomes Ben
Marchman of Clayton, Georg-
ia as it's guest for three
weeks. Hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Vince Doyle, Dashwood, have
entertained Ben with the
Stratford Festival, the Afric-
an Lion Safari and Niagara
Falls Marineland.
Clayton, Ben's hometown,
has a population of ' 1500
and is situated in the pictur-
esque Blue Ridge Mount-
ains. The chief industry of the
area is agriculture, especial-
ly cattle farming and corn
growing. Ben tells us the
weather in their part of the
country is quite warm with an
average temperature of 85
degrees days and 70 degrees
at night.
A week of youth camp at
Wildwood Lake, near St.
Marys, was a get -acquainted
time for many exchange stud-
After returning, Ben will
enter first year college at
Western Carolina University,
North Carolina.
Club are currently involved in..a youth exchange visit with
Lions Clubs from the southern United States. Ben Marchman
standing, of Clayton, Goor,,ia, is presently visiting in this
area, while Miss Darlene Dowswell, seated, will be going to
Texas as the representative of the Zurich Lions.
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