HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-07-10, Page 1[rikg
VERY NEAT WORK - Terry Zehr, Karen Sutherland, Vicki Bleck and D' Arcy Martin of the Grade
two class at Vacation Bible School are having a hard time deciding which poster is tops.
ST. PETER'S BIBLE SCHOOL - Kathryn Weido and Laurie Heimrich, teachers of the kinder-
garten class, have been very busy the past two weeks with crafts, songs and stories for about a dozen
tiny tots.
Bayfield oppose hydro incre
(by Milvena Erickson)
Bayfield Council, at their reg-
ular meeting Monday evening
endorsed two resolutions, one
from the Association of Munic-
ipalities of Ontario urging coun-
cils to register their concern over
the proposed Ontario Hydro rate
increases, which would mean a
90% increase by 1978, and the
other from the City of Orillia
urging more stringent firearm
Several letters were read
by the clerk, ,in respect to Mun-
icipal election procedures; from
the MTC stating permits are
required to construct buildings,
signs, driveways etc., along
highway property; from the Ont-
ario Association of Property
Standards Officers stating that
workshops are avilable for stand-
ards officers enforcing regulat-
ions set out in the several
housing programs; from the Aus-
able-Bayfield Conservation
Authority informing council
that the SWEEP project of piling,
burning dead wood, removing
non-burnables had been compl-
eted as requested by the vill-
A letter from the Internat-
ional Plowing Association inform-
ed council that the Plowing
Match will be held on the farm
of James Armstrong in Wing -
ham in 1978. A letter was read
from Canada Manpower Centre
pertaining to grants ' available
for 1975-76 for the Local Initiat-
ives Program, with the project
length extended to ten weeks,
and must be completed on or
before June 26, 1976.
An invitation was received
to attend the Association of Mun-
icipalities of Ontario Conference
from August 3 to 6 in the Royal
York, Toronto.
In other business, council
will look into a complaint of
a mobile trailer parked on vac -
ant property during the weekend,
(contravening a by-law) near the
property of Dr. G. Johnston,
noted that the Rabies 'Clinic
recently held in the village had
been well attended. Council
decided to sign the end of Victor-
ia Street prohibiting the dumping
of garbage there following a
complaint, and discussed the
drainage program scheduled to
get underway within the next two
New correspondents
The Citizens News this week is
introducing two new correspond-
ents to it's subscribers. They are
Mrs. Bertha McGregor and
Mrs. Carl Payne, who will both
be responsible for gathering news
in the Hensall area. A call to eith-
er of the two ladies will assure
readers that their news items
will appear in the paper.
Zurich and Hay both
recive iH
Grants for the implementat-
ion of the Ontario Home Ren-
ewal Program (OHRP) have been
allocated to several additional
Ontario municipalities, including
the Village of Zurich and Town-
ship of Hay, Housing Minister
Donald R. Irvine announced
this week.
OHRP provides per capita
grants to Ontario municipal-
itiesto administer directly as
loans to homeowners occup-
ants to repair their houses to an
acceptable municipal standard.
Zurich has been allocated
$14,500 at this time, Mr. Irvine
said, which represents 50 per
cent of the total 1975-76 funding
designated under OHRP for the
Hay Township has
ated $8,212 at this
Irvine said, which
25 per cent of
1975-76 funding
under OHRP for the
The prime objective of the
program is the correction of
faulty structural and sanitary
conditions and the upgrading
been alloc-
time, Mr.
the total
municipal -
P grant
of plumbing, heating and elect-
rical systems of the owner
occupant's home.
"OHRP is directly oriented
to low and moderate income
families, with a maximum
annual income of $12,500,"
Mr. Irvine said. "Zurich and Hay
Township are to be congratulat-
ad for their initiative in moving
quickly to implement this prog-
ram, which ensures the contin-
ued usefulness of needed existing
The maximum amount of an
OHRP loan, as determined by the
local municipality, is $7,500,
less any funding from other home
renewal programs. The municip-
ality is also responsible for
determining the rate of interest
charged on the loan, from zero
to eight per cent, and what
portion of the loan will be 'for-
given." and therefore need not
be paid back.
OHRP extends home renewal
possibilities to owner occup-
ants in any municipality in Ont-
ario, urban or rural, which has
adopted either a minimum hous-
ing standards by-law or a resol-
ution setting such standards.
Hensall councillors
award paint contract
(by Rena Caldwell)
Hensall council met July 7
and examined tenders for paint-
ing the Town Hall. The cont-
ract was awarded to Dave Mor-
rissey for $4490.
Council also decided to accept
the residential standards as set
down by the Home Renewal
program and will apply for
$29,000 with an advance of
$10,000. Council will advise
home owners through the papers
when money is available.
Ernie Davis reported the cul-
vert at the dump as being fixed,
streets patched, boulevards mow-
ed, garbage cleared away at the
dump, and cleaning up after
the bricklayers. He needs 10
bags of calcium for . streets,
and a dead tree across from the
arena should come down.
Leonard Erb will investigate
the issuing of dog licences.
He reported that Postill was not
happy with conditions at the
dump, as he finds domestic
garbage on the trailer from Bend -
ix and the mills dump beans, etc,
on top of the domestic garbage.
He prefers it dumped separately.
Council discovered the catch
basins at Ira Geiger's full of
Councillor Harold Knight rep-
orted that Gregus Construction
will be commencing construction
of the new roof on the arena
tomorrow and that a new air
conditioner had been installed
at the Town Hall.
Councillor Murray Baker res-
igned from the Arena Parks
Board and Paul Neilands will
take his place. Baker will be on
the Fire Board.
The Ministry of Housing is
taking the Senior Citizens Hous-
ing request under advisement.
Council will apply for kit
regarding the Winter Works
program to b egin November 3
and end June, 1976.
Building permits were issued
to Wilmer Ferguson to take down
a garage and build a new one;
to Glen Koehler to replace
garage roof; to J. Palsa to add
two bedrooms and to Bob Dry
dale to renovate the kitchen.
Bills and accounts amount-
ing to approximately $65,827.70
were ordered paid. This includ-
ed the Huron County Board of
Education costs amounting to
$35,956.50; separate school,
$771.00 and County of Huron,
Tuckersmith turns
down tux levy
Tuckersmith Township rate-
payers have said no to a quest-
ionaire asking if they favor a
recreation levy added to their tax
The questionaires, counted last
Wednesday night, were 78.5
per cent against the levy. Fifty-
five per cent of the 991 quest-
ionaires mailed were returned.
Township council decided in
April to ask ratepayers if they
would support a recreation
levy after several expressed ang-
er that council turned down a
request from Seaforth for $2,300
for capital improvements to the
Seaforth arena.