HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-06-12, Page 191 B'OW'IE'S ��„F 1 CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Honor graduate at parent's home Close to 40 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meidinger last Friday evening to attend a graduation party for their son Douglas, who has completed his course in elect- ronics at Fanshawe College, London. STARLITE First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY — JUNE 13 & 14 IVIR. MAJESTIC Adult Entertainment Charles Bronson Color TIE OUTSIDE MAN Adult Entertainment Ann Margaret Color PAGE 20 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1975 CHATTING WITH PRINCE CHARLES - Huron M.P. Robert E. McKinley, as whip of the Prog- ressive Conservative party, was given the opportunity to formally 'Deet and visit with Prince. Charles on his recent trip to Canada. Mr. McKinley is shown here in'the House of Commons as he enters serious discussion with the Royal visitor. RCSS Board discusses Bill 100 (continued from page 1) set aside for a possible school site in the Devon Park area in case it jeopardizes it as a school site. The Board will write Ontario Hydro as to the use of the hydro lane on the west side of this property to be used by the Board in the event there is a school there. Howard Shantz, who with chairman Teahen had viewed the property in relation to Mr. I<ehl's request, recommended the prop- erty be cleaned up by removing OPEN EVERY NIGHT THURSDAY TO THURSDAY JUNE 17 10 Iv FLUS Sensuous Teenagers d°m2'. such eyesores as large boulders, to make it more attractive. Two rooms in the former Sr. Peter's School in Goderich are to be rented to the Town of Goderich for a Day Nuisery at a rental of $ 1,200 for the year, including water, Hydro, heat, in "as is" condition effective September 1, 1975 to August 1976 with the lessee responsible for minor electrical orpluinbing repairs. Joseph Tokar, Superintendent informed the board that a pilot project is being initiated when a Grade 7 class from St. Mich- ael's School in Stratford will be in residence at Camp Bituini f for one week and a Grade 7 class from St. Joseph's School in Strat- ford will be bused to and front the Camp for three days for out- door science education. The Board has accepted the following resignations from its teaching staff; Susan Johnson from St. Ambrose School, Strat- ford, Lutgardis Smith, Francois Lavictoire, principal, and l.ise Morneau all from Ecole Ste. OPEN DAILY DINNERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5:00 to 7:00 Sot. 5:00 to 8:00 BREAKFAST Weekdays 7:30 a.m. • Noon Sat. 8. Sun. 8:00 a.m. to Noon LUNCH Every Day 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO SATURDAY, JUNE 14 for your listening and dancing pleasure Mozart's Melody Makers green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 GRAND BEND asivernolevOtkl Marie, Sr.' Joseph. Mary Ann Phillips and Agnes Cowan, St. Aloysius, Stratford, Shirley Ann Beecroft and Mary Lou Jordan, St. Patrick's Kinkora; Yvonne Seiler, St. Joseph's Clinton; Katherine Dick, St. Boniface, Zurich, Sister Marion Normandin, principal and June Holmes, St. Columban; Larry Lane and Eleanor Robinson, St. Mary's Goderich; Linda Lee, Our Lady of Mount Cannel, Dashwood. Itinerant teachers who resigned are; Nancy Ann Wilson, remedial, special education, St. Aloysius, St. Ambrose and St. Mary's Hesson; Mary Ottman, music, St. Patricl<s, Kinkora and St. Mary's, Hesson; Roberta hickey, reinedial, special education, Stratford, and area at St. Aloysius. The board approved the hiring of the following teachers commencing September 1975, George Van Slycl< to St. Amb- rose; Marta Szczesial< to St. Aloysius; Sharon McGrath to St. Patrick's at Kinkora; Mary Kerrebroecl< to St. Joseph's Clinton; Peter K oe ns to Our Lady of Mount cannel; and Kathleen McMillan to St. Michael's in Stratford and holy Name of Mary, St. Marys; and Raymond Contois. 30 TNT SOUARE PHONE 514,7611 FIA (ONDITEONED" WED. TO TUES. — JUNE II TO 17 Adult Entertainment SufSGEDNhh<SEIS 1911111.1:1Eul RID 01Y1t'IEIIUNIS. 1IUIU11It7Jllly 1E1110111 ht,t\E11t N 7111. II7NI.I.I\E h 111\ • Illttltll It,f,,0I 0)11111* ,1\r11111*1 71)1,1„.1 tlllt'1t 1111 Y1 Illill1111111 WED.. THUR., FRI , SAT.—JUNE 19, 19.70,11 n•a.v4. ,. '799, .t4,. .-e,°WI.17_Yp.9' '77 "0l19.'I')`.. Mr ''R'..'A. Adult Entertainment THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY June 12 - 13 - 14 Vigilante, city sttyle- iud9e, Jury, and executioner. .DM111,r,ct 11411ESTRICTE01. .1. A PRrdmOUnl R('h`dse -.. DIND DE LJ URENTIIS -' Presents CHARLES SOIV ; q,.XP Ina A►K!$A.EJ. WINNER Idm r)•: "DEATH WISH" tram me novel -DEATH WI F5^by=um GARFIELD Scrtt'7Dla7 Uy WENDE11 MAY E5 WELCOME TO SCENIC ATOKA COUNTY It a great place to live ...if THEY let you. A Paramount Release RICHARD LEE BURTON MARVIN "THE KLANSMAN" Tacbolcolor • A Paramount Release SUNDAY, JUNE 15th WOMEN WHO MAHE THE HIND OF OFFER A COP CANT REFUSE! 7, Netakaacett., dirgpomneii1 THEIAI LIFE DF A CDP '',,,,.,MORGAN PAULL• ART METRANO 2 LET THE REVENGE fill FIT THE CRIME! They had all been violated in the same savage way ...NOW THEY'RE OUT TO GET EVEN �<1 Ilk'6T A9CTIPO' 11121111.112 triVailli111) STARTING JUNE 19 OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK THURSDAY to TUESDAY -June 19 to 24 One Show Nightly at 9:30 p.m. 0A1MYOOkI PlClparS ='' Fraetis-Ford Coilpolrs t The C'dfelher \...t:w