HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-05-15, Page 9THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 DASIIW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader 1•441' 44444 I, INSTITUTE MEETING Grandmothers were guests at the June meeting of Dashwood Women's Institute. Mrs. Emil Becker, convenor of Citizenship and her committee were in charge of a pot luck supper. Following supper several prizes were awarded. Lady with most eyelets in her shoe, Mrs. Gordon Bender; grandmother who walked farthest to attend, Mrs. Reinhold Miller; grandmother with the most buttons, Mrs. Beulah Desj- ardine; grandmother with the longest ear rings, Mrs. Everett Haist; most grandchildren, Mrs. Frieda Keller; lucky chair, Mrs. Harry Hoffman. They all receiv- ed potted plants. The 4-H girls attended the meeting and presented their fashion shows and skits they had given at achievement day. Gifts were presented to Susan Grigg for Provincial honours and seven girls for county honors. These were, Cathy Becker, Cindy Becker, Donna Baker, Carol Fader, Sandra Schroeder, Sherrie Stade and Cyntl-ia Will- ert. The leaders were also pres- ented with gift tokens. The girls' books were also on display. There were 14 grandmothers present and 31 4-H girls and their mothers. Roll call was answered by giving the surname of your grand- parent Mrs. Bill Berends discuss- ed themotto, "A good name is the greatest treasure we have, it's the richest estate we can leave behind us and the finest inheritance we can bestow on our children." Mrs. Irvin Rader spoke on the history of the Dashwood band and displayed pictures. The grand- mothers were also able to see the Tweedsmuir history book which was on display. Charades and a sing song were had. Mrs. Ray Rader, president, Emmanuel United Church- BRUCE GUY, B.A., SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MAY. 18 11 a, rxt, -Sunday School 11 a.m.- Worship Service PENTECOST SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Don MacDonald will be guest musicians, Pot Luck Dinner after the service. .Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 18 9:45 a.m.- Worship Service 10:45 a.m.- Church School MEDITATION: - God who touchest earth with beauty Make me lovely too, with thy spirit recreate me. Make my heart anew, Keep me ever, by Thy Spirit Pure and strong and true. C. H . Towdan • Everyone Welcome dealt with the business. Mrs. Eben Weigand gave a detailed report on the Officers' Confer- ence which she enjoyed but there was too much waling involved. Plans were finalized for the District Annual with Mrs. Gord- on Bender, Mrs. Ray Rader, Mrs, Earl Keller, and Mrs. Eben Weigand, voting delegates. A letter from Brother Bob Mittle- holtz was read. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER SUPPER Approximately 60 sat down to a pot -luck Mother and Daughter supper at the May meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid. Guests were members of Goder- ich Lutheran church. Group I with Mrs. Lorne Becker, conven- or was in charge. Mrs. Arnold Becker, president, welcomed everyone and Mrs. Marvin Barz proposed a toast to the daughters and Eleanor Sal- mon replied with a toast to the mothers and Jayne Hayter with a toast to the grandmothers. Pastor Barz said Grace and every- one enjoyed the delicious meal. A short program followed with Barbara and Carol Rader playing a piano duet; Mrs. Hilda Rader gave a reading, "The meanest mother in the World." followed by a Mother's Prayer; Mrs. Char- les Marten and Mrs. Al Scholl sang a duet. Prizes were awarded to the following, youngest mother, Mrs. Jim Hayter (Jr.); youngest daughter, Jennifer Hayter, lucky plate, Julie Tiernan; birthday nearest, Mrs. Lloyd Rader; youngest grandmother, Mrs. Lorne Becker, A brief business meeting followed. The Altar Guild reported 24 visits. The new Guild is Mrs. Hilda Rader and Mrs. Frieda Keller. The Aid is in charge of the June birthday party at the Blue Witter Rest Home. Mrs. Susan Merner gave a generous'donat- ion on the occasion of -her 99th birthday. Si. Peter's ,.Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B,D PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 18 10: a. m, - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School. . Everyone Welcome immiummummsommmommai Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 18 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m, - Worship Service 8 p.m. - Worship Service EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, And lean not unto thy known understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path. Prov. 3:5&6 Everyone Welcome Mrs. Ronald Merner assists -:d by Margaret Merner and Marie Tiernan spoke on,architecture, comparing ancient architecture with 20th century by means of slides. Mrs. Irvin Rader was in charge of crokinole with the winners, Mother's high, Mrs. Lloyd Rader; low, Mrs. Ed Nadiger; daughter's high, Kathy Keller; low, the Barz sisters. Mrs. Frieda Keller visited with Pastor and Mrs. Earl Steinman and boys, Parkhill, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and Susan, Brampton, spent the week end with Milt Haugh. Milford (Joe) Merner is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, having suffered a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornel- ious, Mark and Stacey, Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker and family were the latter's mother, Mrs. Ervin Greb, Cambridge; also her sister, Mrs. William Kirk of Mossbank, Sask; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Liebold and Janette, Stratford; and ivliss Rita Dens- more, Lucan. Mrs. Irvin Rader visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Well - wood Gill and Kenneth Patterson, Grand Bend, and her sister Mrs. Marjorie 1<night, London, who was spending a few days there, 4-H GIRLS The Earthworms, combined two and three 4-1-I girls' club held their second meeting of the Garden Club with the presid- ent Joan Finkbeiner presiding, Roll call was my favourite flower and why 1 like it. Dis- cussion involved preparing the soil, planting and caring for the flowers, looking after the garden and tidying the home surroundings and growing young plants for transplanting. They visited Charles Martene's green house where he showed the ' girls how to sterilize the soil. He also showed the girls many varieties of flowers and veget- ables he has for transplanting. The proper method of transplant- ing was demonstrated. Upon leaving, the leaders and girls were presented with a flower. The president thanked him. Mrs. William Beierling acc- ompanied Mr, and Mrs. Doug Stephan of Woodham to Zurich on Sunday where they attended the United Church services and three of Mrs. Beierling's great grandchildren were baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eagleson and Marshall, Little Current, flew to Centralia airport last Friday in their new aircraft and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Weber; also Mrs. Vivian Eagle- son, Parkhill. THE BIG DIP MAIN STREET EAST - ZURICH WILL BE OPEN EVERYDAY 11:30 A.M. to 12 MIDNIGHT AFTER THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND ! FRIDAY & SATURDAY - UNTIL 2 .M. SUNDAY - 12 NOON TO 12 MIDNIGHT Chicken* Fish *Hamburgers* Sundaes*Canes*Shakes PLEASE CALL 2364923 FOR TAKE-OUT ORDERS FRESH COUNTRY STYLE Fry,' r ,tarts 11; 63c FRESH FAMILY PACK Chicken Le s I,13 FRESH FAMILY PACK Chicken Breasts', 5` I R1:SI1 UTIT,i'1'Y CRAJ)E Trkey Broilers LB A-1 STEER BEEP' Chuck eaks L13 9 1 Oc)ThALI, STYLE SUGAR PLUMor LAZY MAPLE READY -To -EAT S1:i\1T BONELESS Whole Hams L81 ... 38 Whole Select Park Loins18 LB (cut to your reduircntents - Limited (,)uanti.iy - IN() Rain (hocks) KLEENEX 2 ROLL PACK Paper Towels HAM & 1-10T DOC Weston's Rolls ALCAN 12" x 150' Foil Wail 814 2/88 $2.39 LTQUJI]) LEMON FRESH 32 OZ Joy Detergent 11EINZ 11 OZ Tomato Catsup 12 OZ JAR Bides Relishes 85c 45 38c BONNIE DOG FOOD 15 OZ TINS 6/98 s SEABROOK FARM- FRENCH FRIES POTATOES 1, L13 13AG 99C McCAIN'S PEAS 2 L13 BAG 89c SLICED STRAWBERRY or WHOLE BLUEBERRIES McCAIN'S FRUIT YOUR CHOICE 69C GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS U,S. NO 1 - 2 L13 BAG CARROTS LB 21 4 9' FLORIDA 2 L13 PK G TOMATOES U, S. NO 1 LETTUCE THE TENDER SPOT Phone 238-2512 Grand Bend Open Monday to Thursday - 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday, 8 to 9 P.M.; Saturday, 8 to 7 p.m. Open Sunday, 9 A.M. to 6 P,M, 88 EA281'