HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-05-15, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1975
Jottings by Jack
(continued from page 2)
The Farm Products Marketing
The purpose of this legislation
is to provide for control of the
production of chicks -for -place-
ment, eggs and hatching eggs
and the possession of fowl by
means of a quota system.
Bill 40 - An Act to provide
for the Payment of Uncondition-
al Grants.
This legislation consolidates
into one Act The' Municipal
Unconditional Grants Act, 1974,
The Regional Municipal Grants
Act and the Property Tax Stabil-
ization Act, 1973.
Payments to municipalities
in recognition of expenditures
for the provision of municipal
police services will be increased
in 1975 from $5. to $8 per capita
Payments to regional municipal-
ities, in recognition of expend-
itures for the provision of region-
al police services will be increa-
sed from $7 to $12 per capita.
Changes have been made to
the general support grant provis-
ions. Each municipality will
receive a general support grant
equal to 650 of its 1974 net
general dollar levy.
The fixed mill rate different-
ial of 1550 between residential
and farm assessment on the one
hand, and commercial assess-
ment on the other, will be
standardized throughout the
Province. In 1975, the impact
of this change on residential
taxpayers will be limited to an
increase of not more than 5%
in residential property taxes.
Bill 41 - An Act to amend the
Municipal Act.
The amendments to the Mun-
icipal Act provide for the follow
They delete the sections in th.
Act which outline the method
of caldulating the general purp-
ose mill rates. The Differential
between residential, farm and
commercial mill rates willbe,
standardized at 150/o across the
province, and calculated in
accordance with the Ontario
Unconditional Grants Act, 1975.
Payments in lieu of taxation
under section 304 will now be
made in respect of certain
previously exempt institutions
such as provincial educational
institutions, and agricultural
research stations. Payments
for the educational institutions,
such as the schools for the deaf
and blind and -blind and agricult-
ural colleges, such as the one
in Ridgetown, will be calculat-
ed at $50 per student place.
Payments for agricultural
research stations will be calcul-
ated on an acreage basis, as
is currently done for provincial
parks. This formula provides
$5. per acre for the first 100
acres, $2 per acre for the next
9, 000 acres and 50 cents an
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acre on the acreage in excess
of 10, 000 acres. in addition,
the amendments delete the
limitation in the Act which
restricted the payment under
Section 304 to no more than
25 per centv'of the net municip-
al levy.
There is a very good possibil-
ity that a Provincial election
will be called in June. Several
strong indications point to a
June election, Both the elect-
ion expense legislationand
Riding Redistribution legislation
were passed earlier this month --
Premier Davis announced that
Agriculture Minister, William
Stewart and long-time party
worker, Hugh MacCaulay are
Tory Campaign co-chairmen,
effective immediately --in the
news release announcing the
appointments the Premier
said that Tories across Ontario
"clearly have a responsibility
to undertake every effort to
ensure maximum campaign
readiness in each riding of our
province"- Premier Davis
recently named Arthur Wishart
to head the new Commission on
Election Contributions and Exp-
enses. Mr. Wishart has already
called a meeting of commission
members and said the new body
could be operational in time for
a June election.
So it might be back to the
busting at the wake of summer,
What's new at.Huronv eu'?
The senior students of Huron
Centennial School at Brucefield
presented a program of skits and
music on Monday afternoon.
The theme of the program was
"the History of Huron County, "
with music and events over the
past one hundred years.
The Principal of the school,
Mr. Mothers, was emcee for
the afternoon with Mrs. Doris
McKinley directing the choir
and Mrs. Moffatt playing the
piano accompaniment; The
concert was appreciated very
much by the residents as they
recalled when most of the
events had happened.
Mrs. Elsie Henderson thanked
the students and teachers on
behalf of the residents.
The residents enjoyed a mus-
ical program on "Family Night"
featuring the Harbouraires,
The Harbouraires are a group
of thirty men frons the Goderich
area who love to sing and
harmonize and they proved it
Tuesday evening singing several
old songs as well as religious
One of their members, Mr.
John Greidenies arranged the
program and was emcee for the
Two groups of young people
assisted with the music which
included vocal numbers by
Trudy Nykamp, Gingrid Damens,
Irene Heykoop, Rene and
Audrey Roorda and vocal solos
Christine Bylema. Playing wind
instruments Cathy and Steven
DeBoer, Jim Kluzinga, Leonard
and Raymond Greidanue.
Mrs. Ramsay expressed the
appreciation of the residents to
all those responsible for the
* Homes
* Cottages
* Barns
*--Backhoe Service
Richard Bedard
The $1,500 On . 'o
Home Buyers Grant.
® get it? Hove en?
Ontario understands how important it is to have a home of your own.
And we'd like to help out with a grant of $1,500 toward your first home. It's
part of an overall plan to make more homes available in Ontario. And stim-
ulate our economy. So it's good for all of us.
The answers to your questions can be found in a handy booklet specially
prepared to help you understand every detail of the Grant. For your free
copy, write to: Ministry of Revenue, Ontario Home Buyers Grant,
Queen's Park, Toronto M7A 2C9.
For more information, telephone us (free of charge) by dialing "0" and asking the
operator for Zenith 8-2000. Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling
area.should dial 965-8470.
William Davis
W. Darcy McKeough Premier Arthur Meen
Treasurer of Ontario Minister of Revenue