HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-04-17, Page 18THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 19 Education grant available for metric conversion The Ministry of Education will make $1.5 million in grants available to school board; this year to assist thetnin conv- erting learning materials to the metric system, Education Minister Thomas Wells apnounc, ed last week. In a policy, statement to school boards, Mr. Wells urged boards to give increasing priority to the metric convers- ion program so that the goal of conversion to the metric system may be achieved in Ontario's schools by 1978. Metrication will apply to all areas of the curriculum. The system to be used will be the International System of Units, commonly known as SI. To assist the program, the Council of Ministers of Educat- ion, Canada, will produce a Metric Style Guide which will be available to Ontario Teacher later this year. The Minister said the public- ation is a reference book on modern metric terminology and symbolism, and does not in- volve teaching techniques. The imperial system will not be phased out in a single mag- ical Metric M Day. The quart of milk and the pound of butter will be with us for sometime to come. As teachers introduce metric conversion, they are not expected to abandon all refer- ence to imperial units. "In spite of ingenious modif- ications and creative thinking, metrication will inevitably create some expense and frust- ration. The answers to many questions cannot yet be given. However, the Ministry expects school boards to plan carefully and to graduallyphase out imp- erial usage, keeping in mind that many lowcost changes can be made over a period of sever- al years," Mr. Wells said. VOW STAG FOR Wayne Truemner Fri., April 18 9-12 EXETER ARENA ADMISSION $1. 00 Plan moto- Di-Jer International, Canadas largest motorcycle accessory distributor has completed arr- angements with Randy Collins, president of Hully Gully Sports and Recreation Ltd., to co- sponsor for Moto -Cross events this spring. AU four C.M.A. sanctioned races will beheld on .the redesigned Hully Gully Moto -Cross track, located near Varna. During 1973, Di-Jer Internat- ional sponsored the successful I.S.D.T. Qualifing Series, and in 1973 and 1974 also sponsored the Di-Jer Cup Enduro. Di-Jer continues their interest in the sport by sponsoring, and promot- ing the following Moto -Cross events, April 20. "The Di-Jer Spring Bash." First of this years sanctioned Moto -Cross races. This event is open to School Boys and Junior riders in all classes. For the first time in many years, riders will not have to pay an entry fee to race. The new $1.00 per rider fee, recently levied by the C.M.A. payable to the Ontario Centre, will be paid for by Di-Jer Inter- national. Entry is by mail only, no phone calls and the closing date is April 10. The "Di-Jer Spring Bash" weekend will start off on Friday conference, a press n e in with evening g 0 to officially open the redesign- ed track, and the start of the Di-Jer International Moto - Cross Series. Practice will open at 9 a.m. on Sunday, with the first races scheduled for 12 noon. Prizes are limited to trophies at this first event . There is Board (continued from page 1) consider the possibility of establishing a music program in the school. Director Cochrane will be investigating. Trustee Alex Corrigan said a similar request two years ago failed to show enough interested students. Learned arrangements have been made for a special meeting at the Exeter public school on Wednesday, April 23. The Bayfield-Ausable and Maitland Valley Conservation Authorities will be presenting their "Lands for Learning" program. Procedures to be used by principals who wish to have classes visit Authority properties will be outlined. At the conclusion, Exeter principal James Chapman will conduct members of the board on a tour indicating the recently expanded facilities and describing further changes which are planned. eaMompsamisayeak. War BIG DIP MAIN STREET EAST - ZURICH 15 NOW / / / Open Weekends FRIDAY -5 PM to 2 AM SATURDAY -i1 AM to 2 AM SUNDAY -11 AM to 12 PM Open Every Weekend Until May 16 Then Open Every Day cross event plenty of overnight camping and good parking facilities. The Di-Jer International Spring Moto -Cross Series will consist of a three race total point program, for School Boys and all Junior classes. First event is May 4, followed by a Molson Qualifier on May 25, and the final race on June 8. Purse for each race of the ser- ies is 40o/0 of the gate. $1, 000. in Di-Jer International Gift Certificates will be divided amongst the top riders in each class after the series is complet- ed. Riders must sign up and enter all three races, in order to qualify for the total series point program. Entry fee is $5, for the three race series, plus $1.00 per race to cover the C.M.A, rider levy. Entrees close on April 29, and are available from any Ontario Motorcycle Dealer who carried Di-Jer Int- ernational products, or directly from: Di-Jer International Moto - Cross Races, c/o Hully Gully Sports and Recreation Ltd., R.R,l, Varna. Bowling scores at Zurich Lanes Total Points Points 171 71 28 174 95 63 136 83 38 10$ 118 89 LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE, April 7, 1975 Starlites - Shirley Kipfer - 644 Ups & Downs - Nancy Rader - 513 Happy Gang - Sheila Willert - 523 Packers - Marg Clarke - 694 Town & Country Six - Shirley Pole - 523 Super Six - Barb Rau - 612 Road Runners - Helen Faber - 687 Angels - Carmel Sweeney - 609 Dashwood Tigerettes - Beatrice Rau - 496 Jolly Six - Iva Reid - 600 Alley Oops - Mary Laporte - 596 Slow Pokes - Absent HIGH SINGLE - Carmel Sweeney - 400 HIGH TRIPLE - Shirley Pole - 766 HIGH AVERAGE - Pat Schroeder - 201 HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL SPRING CONCERT Thursday, April 24 Friday, April 25 8:00 P.M. Tickets $1.00 per seat. Available from any senior student roommememovegaissaftwelimn TO FAMiLYSIZED.SAVINGS ON FINE FOODS Kellogg's Corn Flukes 16 OZ PKG. 59` Five Roses Flour 22 LB BAG 52.85 Maple .Leaf Sockeye Salmon ° 3Tt°Z '1.03 Sylvania Light Bulbs 2.5 43` Betty Crocker Snuckin' Cake 15 OZ pKG 83` RESDAN 6 OZ CHILI CON CARNE BEEF STEW IRISH STEW Hair Conditioner $1.19 Schneider Products8189t Anacin Tablets 65t SUDDEN BEAUTY 10 OZ Hair Spray 95: LIFE BUOY REG. Bar Soap 3/191 STUART HOUSE 10'S Garbage Bags BON AMI 15 OZ Jet Spray TOILET BOWL 16 OZ Lysol. Cleaner DEODORIZING 28 OZ Lysol Cleaner "THE TEA" 60'S Tea Bags 89c 69t 65C $1.19 99t COFFEE BREAKS OR PIRATE 16 OZ Christie's Cookies 99c HUNT'S 14 OZ Tomato Sauce 2/691 CI-IRISTIES 1 LB. Premium Thins 65t WELCH'S GRAPE 24 OZ Jam or Jelly $1.09 QUICK WHIP 2 OZ Monarch Topping 29+ BLUE BONNET 1 LB Soft Margarine 83t 89t 89C CLUB HOUSE PURE 4 OZ Black Pepper CARNATION 11 OZ Coffee Mate CANADA NO, 1 STALKS CELERY 29 CANADA NO, 1 COOKING ONIONS 2LBS 29 CRISP RADISHES 1LB 29 SCHNEIDER'S MEATS FRESH COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 89' BUNG BOLOGNA L889' BOLOGNA SLICES 16 OZ V.< 89' Doerr Superior arket 236.4354 lurid