HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-04-17, Page 12THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 13 News of Varna The sympathy of the comm- unity goes to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reid on the loss of her father Mr. Orville Blake, of Holmesville. The United Church Women's meeting was held in the baseme of the church on Thursday evening with 21 meinbers pres- ent. The Acting President for the month of April, Mrs. Doug McAsh, opened the meeting wit: a poem. Group three was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Ivan McClymont opened with a call to worship, followed by Hymn 115. The Scripture was read. "Time for every purpose" was read by Mrs. John Ostrom. Mrs. Bill Dowson read from the January Observer, "Let us not weep for Donna." The offering was then taken up by Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and dedicated by Mrs. Charles Reid. The business meeting contin- ued. Mrs. Harvey Hayter read the minutes of the last meeting and took the roll call. Forty- eight calls were made to the sick and shut-in, during March. Mrs. Bob Webster gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to have a Dessert Euchre on April 23, in Varna Township Hall at 1:30 with Group three in charge. Mrs. John Ostrom, Mrs. Mur - vine Johnston, Mrs, Louis Tay- lor, Mrs. Gordon Johnston and Mrs. Gordon Hill were nominat- ed to form a committee for an anniversary project. There will be a plant sale at the May meeting. The meeting was closed by the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. John Ostrom, Mrs. Murv- in Johnston, Mrs. Bill Chessell and Mrs. Ivan McClymnnt. There was a full hall at Varna for the final evening of the season of card parties spon-• sored by the Varna Orange Lodge at which the Bradley Family were enjoyed by all. Twenty- five tables were in play. A cool sunny day saw canoe races on the Bannock -burn Rivet and wagon tours to the McClyinont's Sugar bush, where • the maple sap was flowing and maple syrup and hot pancakes being served at Hully Gully on Saturday, April 12. Q A visitor to'the offices of a major corporation asked the company President why allthis junior executives were busy typing letters. "Why don't you have secretar- ies do your typing?" "I'm not dumb, " replied the President. "On today's market, I can get junior executives for half the price of good secretar- ies. ofememammisommosnansimmumwsimi Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livastack with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Verne Stockyard CALL BAYFIBLO 565-2636 By 7:30 ■.m.. Monday For Poomitt Ssrvk• No Charge* on Pick -9P Professional development day Wednesday, April 30, is a county -wide Professional Dev- elopment Day for teachers in all schools under the jurisdict- ion of the Huron County Board of Education. While all stud- ents are enjoying a holiday, their teachers will be attending one of four conferences being held in the county. Teachers, . basically, will attend the conf- erence according to the divisior in which they teach. PRIMARY DIVISION (Kinder- garten, Grade One, Two, Three) The primary division teachers will meet in the Seaforth Publ- ic School. Mrs. Elizabeth Lesl- ie, primary consultant, Ontario Ministry of Education, will speak to the group. Representatives from both the local and the Ontario division of the Cancer Society will be present to introduce a no -smok- ing program. Part of the day will be spent in workshop sessions, planning, preparing and developing mat- erials for students. JUNIOR DIVISION (Grade four, five, six) Junior division teachers will meet for the day in Exeter Public School. A number of sessions will operate simultaneously with teachers choosing those which are most appropriate for them, Mr. Ken Browne, English Consultant, London Board of Education, will conduct a sess- ion on procedures for integrating classroom subjects. A team from the regional office, Ontario Ministry of Ed- ucation, will demonstrate proc- When preparing potatoes, be sure to remove all green spots before cooking, recommends St, John Ambulance. Death has occurred from eating the green parts of a potato. edures for effective use of class- room resources. A simulation of a presentat- ion of Sir Alec Clegg will offer a contract between contempor- ary British and Canadian thought on education. A physical education work- shop conducted by Mr. Ron McKay, Mrs. Georgina Reynold: and Mr. Bud Walker will devel- op ideas for the use of dance in the physical education program. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION (Grade seven, eight, nine, ten) Intermediate division teach- ers will meet at Goderich Dist- rict Collegiate Institute. In the morning a panel comp- osed of Mr, Robert Southcott, Mrs. Shirley McAllister, Mrs. Donna Wood, Mr. Douglas Fort- une and Mr. D.J. Cochrane will respond to the statement "What I Expect of the Schools.," Teachers in groups of ten, will then respond to the question, "Can We Deliver the Product Requested?" In the afternoon teachers will view and examine materials and equipment relative to specific subjects in the curriculum. SENIOR DIVISION (Grade eleven,twelve, thirteen) Senior division teachers will meet at the Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. The morning session will consist of a group presentation under the direction of Mr. J. Sweeney, Chairman cf the Professional Development Com- mittee of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. The topic will be "Changing Standards in Education." Mr. Sweeney is a secondary school teacher from Chatham. The theme for the afternoon will be "Beyond High'School- Employee or Student." A panel consisting of representatives from Business, Community College, Industry and University will address the audience on the topic; the student as I perceive hint and the student as I wish to perceive him. It is anticipated that audience reaction will provoke some dialogue. Panel members are: Mrs. M. Tone, Employment Representative, Bell Telephone Co; Professor Kenneth Hunter, President of Conestoga College; Mr. Gerry Kading, Personnel Manager, Dashwood Industries Ltd; Dr. Donald Morgenson, Psychology Dept.; Wilfred Laurier Univer- sity. Panel moderator will be Mr. Bruce Shaw, vice-principal of Seaforth District High School, 94R6/I/NS BLADE BONE REMOVED - BLADE & CROSS RIB oasts SEMI BONELESS SHORT RIB AND Shoulder Roast LOIN Pork Chops CENTRE CUT Pork Chops FRESH -3.5& 10 LBPAP.CEIS Ground Beef MAPLE LEAF BAKED Meat Loaf FROZEN 5 to 7 LBS Grude'A' Roasters FROZEN - 3 to 4 LBS Grude'A' Fryers (Limited Quantities) S LB • eat LBS1 009 LBS1.09 LBS1.19 LB 85` LBS1.19 LB 82c LB 77c YUNGBLUT'S Meat Market PHONE 236 4312 ZURICH OUR GOAL THIS YEAR $8500 • Emyr <Tlwith a check-up { and a cheque &iVeI Atli; SOUTH HURON AREA CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY EXETER BRANCH Door -To -Door Canvass Zurich Area Canvass BEGINS MONDAY, APRIL 20 The Canvass throughout this area will be conducted by ladies of the Churches in this areae Be generous!