HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-04-17, Page 6PAGE 6
The April meeting of the
Ladies Guild was held Tuesday
evening April 8 in the Parish
Hall. Presided over by the pres-
ident, Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons ,
she opened the meeting with a
very beautiful poem, "A Prayer
for Your Neighbour" and also
read the scripture reading from
the 20th chapter of the Gospel
according to St. John. All
repeated the Lord's Prayer in
unison. The roll call was answ-
ered by 12 members.
The secretary, Mrs. Lloyd
Scotchmer read her report of
the last meeting which was app-
roved. Several letters of thanks
were received and also two let-
ters from our new sponsored
Foster Child, in Pakistan.
The president thanked us for
our Guild card and flowers sent
to her when she was.ill. The
meeting approved the treasurer's
report given by the treasurer,
Mrs. Merton Merner. Birthday
money was paid by Mrs. Flo
Youmatoff, Mrs. Bessie Hulls
and Mrs. Margaret Lynn.
A report from the Card Secret
ary, Mrs. Bessie Hulls showed
that 21 Easter cards had been
sent out to shut-ins and friends
of the church.
Discussion on the euchre and
bridge party for sometime dur-
ing the summer months was
held in abeyance.
The May meeting will be helc
at the home of Mrs. Bessie
Hulls on Tuesday evening,
May 13. The Rector closed the
meeting and hostess Mrs. Marg-
aret Lynn being absent due to
illness, Mrs. Bill Parker and
Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer served
her delicious lunch which had
been provided by her. We
regretted very much her absence
and hope that she will be able
to be with us very soon.
(by Joanne Sturgeon)
Our fifth meeting of the
Classy Lassies was held at the
home of Mrs. Merner on March
24. We opened our meeting with
the 4-H Pledge and Motto. Our
roll call was answered by all
members. We then discussed
how to put a dart in and how to
put the tacs in. We were shown
how to stay stitch. Julie showed
us how to make tailor tacs. Our
next meeting will be held on
April 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Merrier.
The ladies of the UCW of
St. Andrew's served a dinner
to the choir members, and
Sunday School Teachers on
April 2 in appreciation for their
services rendered during the
past year. Audrey and Dave
Kemp of Clinton presented a
slide presentation of their exp-
erience in the Arctic region.
Little was it realized that
weather outside had changed to
Arctic conditions at the same
time, causing several people
to be forced to stay in the
village for the night.
The United Church men agair
faced adverse weather condition
as they served the annual bean
supper. As usual the experience
has improved the qualifications
of "mother's helpers". This
undertaking again proved quite
Unit II of the United (Murch
Women met at the home of
Mrs. Elva Metcalf. Here final
arrangements were made to
participate in the conducting
of the following Sunday's Churcl
Service in celebration of Inter-
national Women's Year and the
50th anniversary of the United
Church of Canada. Plans for •
having the Dominion Life Choir
presentation at the United
Church on April 22 were also
finalized. The ladies also
prepared to serve the Bayfield
Cubs and Scouts Father and Son
Banquet on April 24.
Mrs. Mildred Merrill, Mrs.
Elva Metcalf, Mrs. Doris
Reddoch, Mrs. Kathleen Siert-
sema and Mrs. Anna Stirling
aided Rev. James Reddoch in
the special service celebration,
International Women's Year
and the 5 Oth anniversary of the
United Chnrch of Canada. An
all lady choir and lady ushers
also shared in theprogram.
Twenty-nine Cubs, Scouts,
their leaders and a few parents,
went to the•sugar bush on Thurs-
day evening and learned from
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schilbe the
art of making maple syrup.
Mr. and Mrs. Schilbe told them
that it takes about 50 gallons
of sap to produce one gallon of
maple syrup. It was a very int-
eresting art, but one that takes
many hours of tedious labour.
The Schilbe's deserve a very
big vote of thanks for giving of
their time during a very busy
schedule, and for their patience
in explaining this very interest-
ing art and last but not least
for the sample taste of fresh
maple syrup given to till those
The leaders of these troups
have planned some very inter-
esting and varied activities for
April and May. Upcoming Thurs
day evening April 17 is Investit-
ure Night for Boy Scouts. Par-
ents are invited to attend this
ceremony. April 24 is set for
the Father and Son Banquet.
It will be held in the Sunday
School room of St. Andrew's
United Church, commencing
at 6:30 p.m. Lions Club mem-
bers are available to accomp-
any any Cub or Scout whose
Father is unable to attend or
where there is more than one
boy in the Scouting program.
Saturday, April 26 has been set
as "Work -Day, " The cubs and
scouts will be available that
date to perform tasks such as
raking leaves, garage cleaning,
gardening etc., for the purpose
of raising money to take a trip
to the African Safari to round
off their season. Anyone inter-
ested in providing work please
contact Mrs. Carol Fisher at
565-2152 of Mr. John Siertsema
at 565-2479, Saturday morning
May 10, the leaders are plann-
ing an all day hike for the boys.
The remaining Thursday even-
ings will see regular Scout and
Cub meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling
and Jerry, Goderich Township
and Mrs. Bertha Turner, Bay-
field, visited last Monday with
the latter's sister, Mrs. Milton
Pollock, Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith,
Brussels had lunch and a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy
Fitzsimons and Kelso on Tues-
Mrs. George Reid, Varna and
her sister Mrs. L.B. Smith spent
Friday in London. Mrs. Reid
accompanied Mrs. Smith home
to Bayfield and was her guest
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer,
Toronto, were with her mother,
Mrs. G.L. Knight for the week-
Miss Barbara Graham, London
was with her parents, and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Graham,
Nancy and John for the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker
were weekend guests of their
sons and families, The UCW
Parker's in London and the
Robert. Parker's in Dorchester.
Mrs. David Veysey and son
Chris flew to Winnipeg on Mon-
day to visit her parents and
sister, Cpl. and Mrs. Stan
Smith and Lisa after having
spent the past few days with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
R,J. Larson, Louisa St,
Mr. Bud Sturgeon and Miss
Barbara Davidson were in Wind-
sor for the weekend as the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Davidson.
Mrs. Keith Brandon and Gary
arrived homeon Wednesday
after being with her sister, Mrs.
Charles Presber in Naicam,
Sask. They had flown to be with
her sister following the sudden
death of her nephew, Ronald
Presber. Gary was one of the
honourary pallbearers at the
funeral of his cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig
and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Erick-
son visited with friends in Port
Huron, Michigan, on Sunday.
Best wishes to Mr. Frank
Boyce, Goshen Line who is
presently confined to Victoria
Hospital, London.
About people!
Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger,
of London were weekend visitors
with their parents.
Dr. and Mrs. Grahame
Farquhar, Julia and Eric, of
Waterloo visited with Miss Inez
Yungblut on Saturday and Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe
and family celebrated with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tiernan,
of Exeter, on the occasion of
the latter's 25th wedding anniv-
ersary. A reception for friends
and family was held at the
Pineridge Chalet.
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