HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-04-17, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS by onsu,mets'�lAssociotion;of Canada If you buy fish and chips from the supermarket, why not take a look at Consumers' Associat- ion of Canada's test results . on frozen .fish and chip dinners in the February issue of Can- adian Consumer. CAC tested four samples of six different brands of these dinners ranging in price from 75 cents to $1.39. Fraser Vale and High Liner were the only two brands rated "good" quality. The other four brands were rated "acceptable" A test panel detected stale fl- avours in the Rupert, Sea Fresh and Blue Water brand fish. The only strong "off" taste was found in one piece of Rupert brand fish. The fish in Captain'; Choice had a fibrous texture and lacked flavour. The chips in all dinners tasted slightly tart, the panel found. The price of convenience is high. The four to five ounces of fish in these dinners cost as much as 24 cents an ounce or $3.84 a pound. In a super- market survey last year, CAC found that a pound of frozen cod ranged from $1.07 to $1.20 and fresh cod was priced at, $1.35 per pound. CAC discovered that anyone who has bought these dinners has known all along --they should more appropriately be called "chips and Fish." The potato content in our samples ranged from 53 to 59 percent. The fish alone (not including batter) made up only 19 to 28 per cent of the meal. Although the major compon- ent of fish and chip dinners is french fries, a consumer can not tell this from the label. Fish and chip packages, accord- ing to federal packaging and labelling regulations, must list ingredients in descending order of quantity. But some manuf- acturers did not follow these regulations on packages CAC tested. Blue Water, High Liner, Captain's Choice and Sea Fresh placed fish at the top of their ingredient list despite the fact that the bulls of the dinner was composed of potatoes. Other information on pack- ages was scanty. A consumer looking for the number of serv- ings or pieces of fish would not find it on the label. The illust- rations on packages gave the impression the ratio of fish to potatoes was much higher than it really is, However, Blue Water and Sea Freshbrands had the same number of fish portions as pictured; four brands cont- ained one piece more than ill- ustrated; and high Liner, which displayed two and a half pieces on its 20 ounce package, act- ually contained five pieces. The Rupert brand had diff- erent cooking instructions on two of its samples. When both package directions were foll- owed, the fish was undercooked at the lower temperature and th, chips were burnt tasting at the higher setting. All six of the tested brands came close to or met one third of the daily protein requirement for adults and were found to be more than adequate for children. Hello!! PARENTS ENTERTAINED The family of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile entertained them to a dinner party recently at the Pineridge Chalet on the occas- ion of their 45th wedding anniv- ersary. Their family of three, Mr; and Mrs. Glenn Weido, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carlile • and William Carlile, also Mr. and Mrs. Stokes (nee Martha Carlile) London; and Mr. and Mrs, Leeland Willert (nee Ann Carlile) attended. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs, Orland Reichert, Mrs. Pearl Koehler, William Fairbairn, and Mr. and Mrs. John Madge of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Carlile received many gifts and congratulations. South Huron District High School offers DR. THOMAS GORDON'S "Parent Effectiveness Training Program" There will be 8 sessions of 3 hours each beginning on Thursday, April 24 7:30 p.m. The program director is Mrs. Pat Stibbards. The course fee is $40.00 ($75.00 per couple); the fee includes the textbook and workbook. The program is highly recommended. Interested persons should register at the school by telephone or in person. J. L. WOODEN, Principal aeraamor PAGE 5 UCW discuss politics Will Beck presided for the April meeting of Unit I of Hen- sall U.C.W., and opened the devotional by playing a hymn on the record player. She had for her message a litany on Forgiveness with all the group taking part. The offering was received and dedicated, a nd compassion money was given. The foster child that the. Unit is sponsoring is a girl, Ning Khan Man, born August 11, 1963. She lives in the city of Tiddin in Burman, and attends a state school and is a good student. It was voted to send some money for her birthday. To close the devotional, Will offered prayer, f9llowed by the Lord's Prayer and more hymns on the record player. The ininutes were read and the roll call taken, Lois Shapter gave the business as follows: general meeting on May 5, with Zurich and Chisel - burst to be the guests, with Unit Ito have charge of the devotional, and Gwen Whils- mith, of Exeter to be the guest speaker. United Church 50th Anniversary coffee spoons are available at $2.50 each, Meet- ing for May for Unit 1 is caacell ed, Kay Elder gave an interesting study "A Christian in Politics" written by Rev. David Mac- Donald M,P., a conservative member of Parliament 'for the Egmont Riding since 1965. Thoughts and questions ment-' ioned were (.1) Political opport- Steer This . Way BY LARRY SNIDER Annoyed with pot holes? New quick -setting concrete will allow one hour repairs. When a carburetor air cleaner becomes clogged with dirt, you. not only waste fuel, you add the extra emission to air pollution, too. If the price of gas bothers you, think of it this way: it's only gone up 2 1/2 times since 1930, while per capita income has risen 6 1/2 times. Now, don't you feel better? If a tire is worn in the center, it's probably over -inflated. When tire is coo/, let some air out and recheck pressure. New giant truck is 67 feet long and weighs more than a 747 jet. Payload is 350 tons. Guess that's what you call the large economy size. Big size, small size - whatever size car you're looking for, you'll find a good selection at Larry Sniders. Come in and browse around soon. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! unities are where we live (2) Are we responding to our relat- ion to the poor amongst us, and their key social issues? (3) Are we aware of changing immigra- tion laws, unemployment insur- ance, ownership and utilization of natural resources, and the great gap between the rich and the poor . (4) Have we analyzed the ways in which injustice continues to be perpetuated in our community. The fundament, al job of Christians is to discovea where Christ is suffering with roan and to join hire there. This was followed by an open discussion. Vera Drysdale had an inter- esting contest. Lunch was serv- ed by hostess Helen Goddard and her assistant, Lois Shapter. Visit Our Store FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties * Dairy Store MAIN ST - ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 RUNIUReassinalantingstesmamomentssommemnimmemarammemmier 1974 MAVERICK 2 -door sedan, 6 cylinder automatic, radio, etc. only 14,000 miles. Licence DAD949 1974 GREMLIN "X" 2 -door coupe, 6 cylinder, automatic, radial tires. Licence DAE-278 1973 LTD BROUGHAM 2 -door hardtop, loaded with extras including climate controlled air con- ditioning, AM/FM stereo, power windows, power seats, etc. Licence DFU-471 1973 PINTO runabout, automatic, radio, 200 cc engine. Licence DFY647 1971 METEOR RIDEAU 500 2 -door hardtop, V- 8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger. Licence DFX684 1973 FORD RANCHWAGON V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger, power tailgate, window. Licence DFY963 1966 FALCON 2 -door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic. 4F27C Before Inspection. 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 convertible Licence ST17B Before Inspection., TRUCKS 1974 FORD F100 styleside pickup, 302 V-8 stan- dard transmission, west coast mirrors, HD suspen- sion, only 17,000 miles. Licence C67-335 1973 DATSUN pickup, 1600 cc pickup 4 speed transmission, radio, 8 ply tires, topper, 12,000 miles. Licence C25-483 1972 FORD F100 styleside pickup, 302 V-8, standard, west coast mirrors, rear step bumper, heavy duty suspension, only 27,000 miles. Licence C41-635 1974 BRONCO 4 -wheel drive wagon, 8 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, free run- ning hubs, traction lock, complete with Meyers snowplow. Only 4,900 miles. Licence C72503 1972 FORD F250 styleside 3/4 ton pickup, 360 V-8, 3 speed transmission, rear bumper, west coast mirrors, 6200 G.V.W. package only 38,000 miles. Licence C67-870 `3395 '3095 '3195 '2295 1895 '2&95 395 $ 195 '3395 '2695 '2595 '4995 52695 We have in stock for immediate delivery 12 light trucks and vans, including 2, 1975 F-350 c/cabs (dual rear wheels). Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Open Weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00