HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-04-10, Page 13F THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 13 SNOW PILEDQHIGH - The severe snow storm which swept through this area last Thursday and Friday left large mountains of the white substance piled high. This photo shows the snow which practically covered many of the tomb stones in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, south of Zurich. ; ,, 1-0149Q DASIIW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent:. Mrs. Ervin Rader WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Dashwood W.I. held their annual meeting Tuesday, April 1 with the directors, Mrs. Ralph Weber, Mrs. Mild- red Kellerman, and Mrs. Earl Guenther in charge. The pres- ident, Mrs. Gordon Bender dealt with the business. Mrs. Glen Webb gave a report of the board meeting attended in the afternoon at Hensall by herself, Mrs. Ray Rader and Mrs. Bender The area convention will be held in St. Thomas in October. The officers conference at Waterloo in April. The Dist- rict Annual in Dashwood on May 15. The ladies decided on a pot lucl< dinner for this. Reports were heard from all convenors as well asthe secret- ary -treasurer and president. Once again it had been a busy year. Mrs. Sid Baker presided for the election of officers and Mrs. Harold Kellerman gave the report of the nominating com- mittee. Officers for 1975-76 are; past president, Mrs. Gord- on Bender; president, Mrs. Ray Rader; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Eben Weigand; assistant, Mrs. Howard Datars, district director, Mrs. Gordon Bender; alternate, Mrs. Sid Baker; directors and nominating corn- mittee, Mrs. Ralph Weber, Mrs. Harold Kellerman, and Mrs. Valentine Becker; resol- utions, Mrs. Hilda Rader; public relations and press reporter, Mrs. I. Rader; Tweedsmuir Curator, Mrs. Irvin Rader; pianist, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan; auditors, Mrs. T.H. Hoffman and Mrs. Letta Taylor. Convenors of standing comm- ittees, Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Emil Becker; Education and Cultural Activit- ies, Mrs. Earl Keller; Agric- ulture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Bill Berends; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. During the social hour which followed Mrs. Gordon Bender was presented a gift for her leadership while president. Gifts were opened from "Secret Pals" and new names drawn. The group in charge served lunch Ken McCrae has returned home from Westminster Hospital, * Homes * Cottages * Barns Backhoe Service Richard Bedard CONSTRUCTION LTD. 236-4679 ZURICH London, following surgery. Ed Nadiger is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. A most interesting folk service was held in Zion Lutheran church Sunday morning conducted by Kol Timbrel, a group of stud- ents from Concordia Lutheran Junior College, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Seven young people from Zion Lutheran church, Peter Datars, Tom and Jayne Hayter, Vickie Miller, Laurie and Cathy Becker, and Sherrie Stade also attended the service at Berea -by -the -water, Goderich Lutheran church and the pot- luck dinner. Flowers in Zion Lutheran church last Sunday and this were placed by the families in memory of Mrs. Milford Merner and Cliff Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Datars and family vacationed recently in Florida visiting many places of interest. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb and girls of Kitchener at the Contemporary hotel, Disney -World. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader and Stacey attended the Baptism of Sheri Leanne Wells, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells, Exeter, at the Anglican Church. They were also dinner guests with the Wells. Fraser Boyle, who underwent knee surgery at St. Joseph's hospital, London, is expected hone Thursday. Mrs. Hilda Wein has return- ed home following eye surgery at Victoria Hospital, London. Her daughters, Erma Wein, Clinton, and Mrs. A. C. NOTICE CHANGE OF DATE FOR Garbage Collection IN ZURICH Effective April 16, Garbage Collection in Zurich will be made every Wednesday, instead of every Friday! Harold Stire I 237-3251 DASHWOOD Whittier, Mississauga, are spending some time with her. FELLOWSHIP NIGHT The Lutheran Laymen's League held a fellowship fun night at Dashwood Community Centre, Saturday, April 5. Progressive games were played with prizes being awarded to high scores. Those attending were from London, Stratford, Goderich and Dashwood. LIBBY'S BROWN 19 OZ Beans with Pork 14 OZ TIN Aylmer Creamed Corn 3/$1 15 OZ Bonnie Dog Food 4/591 STRAINED Heinz Baby Food 5/$1 Cooking Onions 2 LBS 29 LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET PHONE 236-4316 - ZURICH ST. JOSEPH Variety & Gas (Formerly St.Joseph B.P. Service) New Store Hours MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SPECIAL Oil Change & Lubrication $9.95 (Now Under New Management) 84R64/AfS FRESH Ground (huck lst to 5th RIB Rib Steuks 6th & 7th Rib Steaks 1e 89° X1.49 M .39 FRESH BUTT Pork Chops/Rousts LB79c MAPLE LEAF Smoked Picnics LB 89€ MAPLE LEAF SLICED Cooked Hang 11.69 (Limited Quantities Only) OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. YUNGBLUT'S Meat Market PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH