HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-02-27, Page 13PAGE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1975 Huron towns look (continued from page 3) towns only and would not leave unless emergency situations arose that required their assist- ance elsewhere. - Present members of mun- icipal forces would be absorbed into the OPP as long as they met the minimum requirements. They would be hired at salaries equivalent to their present sal- aries or possibly one step higher. - Personnel absorbed into the OPP could remain in their pres- ent locations if they were found to be suitable for these positions and if local councils made such a request to the OPP at the time of the contract.. - The OPP. could assume policing in towns within three to four months after the initial request came from municipal councils. The officers assigned to municipal duties from the local OPP detachments would Bowling scores at Zurich Lanes MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE, February 18, Flyers - Jack Hamilton - 702 D.J.'s - Leo Hoffman - 652 Head Pins - Mozart Gelinas - 557 Go Getters - Hugh McEwen - 697 Blue Water - Pat Flanagan - 583 Wild Bunch - Kim McKinnon - 556 Discount Daves - Dave Rader - 625 Rockets - Jim Bedard - 569 HIGH SINGLE - Bill Smith - 344 HIGH TRIPLE - Jirn Bedard - 824 HIGH AVERAGE = Tony Bedard - 217 SENIOR MDCED BOWLING LEAGUE, Hawkeyes - John Goldsmith - 569 Varieties - Joan Turkheim - 572 Hi Hopes - Claire Geiger - 615 .Ramblers - Howard Finkbeiner - 619 Whippoorwills - Bob Horner - 520 Newcomers - Eric Mansfield - 499 HIGH SINGLE - Mary Laporte - 329 HIGH TRIPLE - Mary Laporte - 825 Total Points Points 7 89 0 48 2 69 5 80 2 53 5 61 5 106 2 82 February 20 2 71 5 91 7 80 0 76 0 39 7 49 LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE, February 17, Happy Gang - Mary Orr - 561 Town & Country Six - Shirley Pole - 766 Jolly Six - Wanda McClinchey - 568 Alley Oops - Mary Laporte - 649 Road Runners - Anita Faber - 629 Slow Pokes - Henny Morrissey - 582 Angels - Helen Horner - 572 Ups & Downs - Dara Hartman - 592 Packers - Nellie Trott - 655 Starlites - Shirley Kipfer - 605 Super Six - Rita Mommersteeg - 547 Dashwood Tigerettes - Marg Butler - 467 HIGH SINGLE - Pat Schroeder - 316 HIGH TRIPLE - Shirley Pole - 766 HIGH AVERAGE - Pat Schroeder - 198 21 79 83 80 105 '70 53 59 125 131 50 26 PURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH ROASTER CHICKENS FRESH FRYER CHICKENS MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC HAMS CENTRE -CUT PEAMEAL SLICED BACK BACON ,x'1.19 LB 73` 1369C ' 1.69 ,B 93' ,B' 1.49 Grade A-1 A A-2 Heifer Beef SIDES LB 854 AVERAGE WEIGHT 200-220 LBS SIDES OF PORK 754 YUNGBLUT'S Meat Market PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH rotate between rural and urban duties. -While the OPP has no expan- sion philosophy at the present, there are areas in which they have been happy to assume policing because on many. occ- asions they are required to prov- ide back-up services for small municipal forces. - The $5 per capital police grant would still be paid to the towns regardless of which alter- nate they choose for policing. Discussion revealed that in Ontario, at present, there are several inequitable situations regarding the costs paid for OPP services. Exeter reeve Derry Boyle noted that Blenheim doesn't pay anything for the service. OPP chairman Elmer Bell said this was correct and explained it was now the purpose of the Ontario government to create more equitable situations. He also noted that by having the OPP assume policing, " a lot of little problems (for mun- icipalities) won't be there." That was in reference to the amount of time spent by mun- icipal councils in dealing with police matters. However, Mr. Bell quickly added it would inean giving up som responsibilities, which would be assumed by the OPP. "I'm not telling you if it would be better or worse, " he quickly noted. He also told those in attend- ance that a county force as suggested by some "is unattain- able. He based that opinion on the fact that it would mean impos- ing taxes on rural communit- ies who presetnly pay no direct taxation for policing. "If you put it to a county vote you know what the outcome would be, " he said. The OPC chairman also not- ed that the retention of local forces with improved commun- ication system would provide municipalities with a better communication system than the OPP now have. However, he said the OPP were presently studying their communication CLOSE TO HOME More than half of all fatal- ities occur within 25 miles of home and at speeds of less than 45 mph, reports Consumers' Association of Canada. ODCRICH 30 THE SOUARE' PHONE 514.1811 AIR CONDITIONED STARTS WED., FEBRUARY 26 FOR ONE WEEK TIL MARCH 4 Winner of Golden Globe Award BEST COMEDY MOVIE OF THE YEAR SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST. AND THE FUNNIEST. IRAA.ROII VP. 1113.13 AUAUNTLA000IIAADUCIWR Bl1BTREYNDLDS "THE LONGEST YARD" ALALAI S RUDDY ik. A011A1A100161 TA/CIRLLRRA.I.R .•• RUMP S. AULIOI 0. PROM DRY01 ... .1.1.•1µ11.A4AGwfl1 elk SATURDAY MARCH 1 MATINEE "Snoopy Come Home" -PLUS- 4 Cartoons WED. THURS . FRI. SAT. MARCH 5,6, Y,0 "Delightfully outrageouTIMESs." L A mirAumwr [F -,G PAKAD 1171' 0Y MUVIUMVIUAB PLUS do it to the C.I.A. as Ire, ,1r4 with ZOUZOU IITIPLRNUIN IN'IV,IP d' AI ADULT ENTERTAINMEN system and would probably have a much better system in operation in the near future. Mayor Shaw, in summarizing the advantages of the OPP, said municipalities would have trained personnel, better equip- ment, professional expertise and "perhaps" lower costs. He cited the main disadvant- age of being a loss of autonomy. He also noted that if present members of local forces could not be absorbed into the OPP due to not rneeting minimum requirements, it was his opinion they shouldn't be serving . In answer to a question reg- arding the hours of service to be provided by the OPP, Staff Supt. Wellesley said it takes 5.2 men to provide 24-hour service every day of the year. "I don't feel small towns require that type of policing, " he said. Come and enjoy an evening of gospel music with the WATCHMEN QUARTET SUNDAY MARCH 2, at 8 P.M. Zurich Community Centre A free will offering will be taken. They will also be singing in the Zurich Mennonite Church Sunday morning. 20 Cu. Ft. Deluxe Freezer ONLY $298 ACT FAST - THESE UNITS ARE SCARCE! HENSALL DISTRICT CO.OPERATIVE Brucefield Hensall 482-9823 262-3002 Zurich 236-4393 ZURICH ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 4:15 - 5:15 - Private Rental 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. - ZMAA Midget Practice 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Zurich Rec League FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Grand Bend Minor Atoms 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. - ZMAA Bantams vs Drayton Playoffs 8:30 - ? - Shipka Intermediates vs CCAT Playoffs SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. - ZMAA Novice Practice 10:00 - 2 :00 p.m. - Figure Skating 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.rn. - Public Skating SUNDAY, MARCH 2 2 'p.m, - Zurich Flyers vs Exeter Playoffs 5 p.m. - Grand Bend Minor 7 p. m. - ZMAA Peewee Practice 8 p.m. - ZMAA Bantam Practice MONDAY, MARCH 3, 7 p.rn. - Grand Bend Minor Novice 8 p.m. - Grand Bend Minor Atoms 9 p.m. - Grand Bend Peewees TUESDAY, MARCH 4 ]2:30 p.m. - Mt. Carmel School 4:15 - 8:15 - Figure Skating 8:30 - ZMAA Bantams WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 1 - 2 p.m. - St. Marys School 2 - 4 p.m. - Mother & Tots Skating' 6:30 p.m.,- ZMAA Atoms 7:30 p.m. - ZMAA Peewees 8:30 p.m. - ZMAA Midgets THIS AF) SPONiSOREI) BY: Richard Bedard Construction Dominion Hotel, Zurich