HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-02-20, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1971;
lose first
The Peewees are now,in the
W.O.A.A. playdowns to obtain
a team which advances to the
O.M.H.A, series in "E" cate-
In the first series Zurich def-
eated Grand Bend in two games
to advance against Drayton.
On February 10, Zurich scor-
ed all seven goals before allow-
ing Graham Kobe to score for
Grand Bend, Kerry Bedard scor-
ed two goals while Jeff McKin-
non, Len Van Wonderen, Mark
Regier, Robert Willert and Kris
Bedard each added singles.
On February 12, Zurich
swamped Grand Bend, as Kerry
Bedard and Robert Willert each
scored three goals. Len Van-
Wonderen and Gerard Masse
each scored a pair while Kris
Bedard, Jim Willert, Greg
Kirk and Mike Haggitt notched
singles. Mark Willert and Fran-
cis Kelders scored for Grand
On Monday, February 17,
Zurich carne out on the short
end when Drayton outscored
them G-4. There was no scoring
in the first period, but Zurich
opened the scoring at the 28
second marl in the second per-
iod when Robert Willert notched
his first assisted by Kerry Bed-
ard. Then Drayton carne on
strong with 3 goals before Rob-
ert Willert scored again from
Kris Bedard. Next, on a solo
effort, Kris Bedard found the
range but Drayton added anoth-
er before the period ended. In
the third period, Drayton scor-
ed first, but Zurich carne alive
in the dying minutes when Jirii
Willert tucked one in assisted
by Greg Kirk and Kerry Bedard,
However, Zurich's efforts were
squashed when Campbell scored
his third goal for Drayton,
putting rtrcun out front 6-4.
ensall native
Dr. Robert E. Mickle, son
of Mrs. Laird Mickle and the
late Ernest Laird Mickle, was
honoured recently along with
other scientists in Canada when
he was presented with a certif-
icate in recognition of his work
and participation in the Atlant-
ic Experiment (GATE) that
took place off the coast of Af-
rica last summer.
Dr. Mickle also received a
plaque with the Quadra, Can-
ada's ship inscribed on it and
her association with GATE.
All the other scientists from
Canada who participated also
received a certificate present-
ed by the Deputy Minister of
the Environment and the Dep-
uty Minister of the Ministry of
This was the largest internat-
ional scientific effort in history
when more than 70 countries
with 4, 000 people, 40 ships
and over a dozen aircraft and
satellites were involved. Can-
ada's ship, Quadra played a key
role in the experiment, as
she was one of the largest and
was stated to be one of thebest
equipped ships in the world.
Dr. Mickle spent six weeks
away. He flew to Dakar, Sen-
en-egal Africa the middle of July
returning home the end of
n000000 e v e 'e s
Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader
The February meeting of
Calvary United Church was
held February 2 with the Liter-
ature and Communication group
in charge and Mrs. Leroy Gow-
anloch, chairlady. The theme
was "Jesus. the Divine Comp-
anion, " Mrs. Syd Baker read a
meditation thought on the
Horne in Bethany, Ah, the Kit-
chen, first speaker, "Recipe
for Happiness was read by Mrs.
Mildred Kellerman; second
speaker, "Our Daily Bread" by
Mrs. E.R. Guenther; third speak
er, "Vitamins, " by Mrs. Jack
Gaiser. Prayer poem was read
by Mrs. E.R. Guenther. A duet
"Have I done my best for Jesus?
was sung by Mrs. Gerald Mas-
on and Mrs. Jack Gaiser.
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, presid-
ent, dealt with the business.
The roll call was answered by
16 members, The U. C.W.
will visit the Blue Water Rest
Horne on March 12,
The monthly meeting of
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid was
held Wednesday, February 12,
following the Lenten sermon by
Rev. Frank Morgret which serv-
ed as rhe topic. It was taken .
from the 26th chapter of Mathes
and concerned Jesus words to
his disciples in the Garden of
Mrs. Arnold Becker, presid-
ent, dealt with the business.
Fourteen members answered
the roll call. The Altar Guild
reported 18 visits and two flow-
ers sent. The new Guild is Mrs.
Reinhold Miller and Mrs. Erna
Schroeder. Two weddings in
May will be catered to by the
An invitation from Calvary
United Church Women to attend
their October meeting was acc-
epted. Mrs. Nlorgret was pres•
ented a gift prior to leaving
the community. The Lord's
prayer brought the meeting to
a close.
A pot luck dinner was served
by Group II of the Ladies Aid
following Rev. Morgret's fare-
well sermon Sunday, February
16, to about 100 people. He
was presented a gift of money.
The Morgrets are moving to
Mrs. Stuart Wolfe was pleas-
antly surprised on the occasion
of her birthday Wednesday,
February 12, when her children
all of London gathered with her
and Stuart. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Wolfe, Tini and
Tracey; Mr. and Mrs. Toni
Wolfe, and Mr. and tvlrs. John
Supper guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart Wolfe, Sunday,
were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamath-
er and family, Zurich, and Mrs,
henry Eagleson.
Dashwood 4-11 girls club No
II Held their first meeting
February 11 at the community
centre. Fourteen girls and the
leaders Mrs. Earl Keller and
Mrs, Ray Rader attended.
Officers for the project
"What shall I wear?" are,
president, Sandra Schroeder,
vice-president, Joan Finkbeiner;
secretary, Jayne Hayter; Susan
Fischer, press reporter. Equip-
ment in the sewing room and
contents of rhe sewing box
were discussed. Fabric samples
were given to the girls.
Ron Braid and Gordon, Elmira,
renewed acquaintances here
Intennation Scene
(continued from page 4.
to unite and show enough polit-
ical clout to put down the
Communist threat. There are
planty of ifs but needless to
say I'm keeping my fingers
crossed that everthing turns
out all right in the end.
M P off to
R.E. McKinley, MP (Huron -
Middlesex), Conservative chief
whip, is among 16 inernbers of
the Abbott commission on parl-
iamentary facilities which
leaves Ottawa for a 12 -day visit
to Australia.
The commission is led by
Douglas Abbott, a cabinet
minister in the King and St.
Laurent governments and later
a inember of the Supreme Court
of Canada. He is retired and
living in Ottawa.
The commission is assigned
to make recommendations on
future requixernents for parlia-
mentary facilities in Ottawa.
It's recommendations are exp-
ected to have some effect on
redevelopment of Wellington
Street in front of Parliament
1-1111, a three -block stretch of
property recently acquired by
the government.
Tom Lefebvre, government
chief whip, is also a member
of the party which includes
three Liberals, three Conserv-
atives and one each from the
NDP and Social Credit parties.
The commission will spend
four days at Canberra inspecting
parliamentary facilities which
were the necleus of a new cap-
ital city for Australia. It will
also spend four days in Sydney.
Arranging a
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