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Zurich Citizens News, 1975-02-13, Page 13
PAQE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1975 ZURICH 4-H GIRLS (by Wendy Meidinger) Meeting two of Zurich 4-H Girls was held at the home of Cathy Hamather, February 10. We started the meeting off with the 4-H Pledge. We discussed our roll call with our personal analysis. We voted on a next club name, called "Let's bake bread." We discussed how to suit your self with line, taxture and coloug. For the next meeting the leaders wanted us to bring our patterns and material so we can get started on our blouse. 0 Sts Boniface CWL plan card party The February C.W.L. meeting was attended by 28 members who answered the roll call by stating their Lent- en denials. A new song was taught the ladies by Sister Mary Winnifred, which will be sung on the World Day of Prayer. All church women will meet at St. Boniface Church on March 7 for this devotional period. The sum of $10 was sent to the March of Dimes and the Right to Life in Stratford. Membership to Adult Rehabilit- ation Centre, was renewed for another year. Final plans for a Valentine card party onFebruary 14 at eight thirty were outlined by Mrs. Marie Gelinas. This event is to be held in the school auditorium and the public is invited. Mrs. Arnold VandenBoomen introduced guest speaker, Mrs. Stephen Gingerich, who dem- onstrated using liquid embroid- ery. A door prize was won by Mrs. Madeline Gelinas. 0 Obituary EUGENE MARCEL CANTIN A former resident of St. Joseph, Eugene M. Cantina died in his home in East Det- roit, Michigan, February 3, in his 49th year. The deceased was the son of the late Napol- eon A. Cant in and Valerie M. Cantin, of St. Joseph. Surviving besides his wife, Irene, are his two daughters, Camille and Yvette. Eugene was one of twelve children, seven boys and five girls --three of_whom predeceased hien. Those remaining are Napoleon, Oliver, Pierre, Jean Paul, Andre, Mrs. Gabrielle Brisson, Mrs. Valerie Schutz, all of Detroit and Mrs. Yvonne Ducharme, of Mitchell, Ontario Eugene served in the U.S. Navy during World War II from August 24, 1943 through March 10. 1946 as Quartermast- er assigned to the USS Kitkun Bay Aircraft Carrier. He main- tained the ship's log throughout its long history of battles for supremacy in the South Pacific during the war with Japan. During his tour of duty in the Navy he received the following citations: Asiatic Pacific Area Campaign Medal, Philippine Liberation Ribbon and the Pres- idential Unit Citation. After leaving St. Joseph Eugene started working in Det- roit as a carpenter ani: event- ually started his own construct- ion company with his brothers. The body rested at the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich until Friday morning. A solemn Mass was celebrated at St. Peters Church, St. Joseph by Father John J. Bensette. Inter- ment was in St. Peters Cemet- ery. Pallbearers were nephews of the deceased. News of Kippen The International meeting of Kippen East Women's Institute will be held February 19, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dave Triebner. The roll call will be, "An interesting item I read in a newspaper or mag- azine about another W.I." Mrs. J. Sinclair will give the motto, Mrs. Hummel a contest and Mrs. Pullman a poem. Members are asked to bring crochet hook, broomstick etc, fa the craft workshop and also to wear something from another country. Mrs. R, Broadfoot is in charge of lunch. A number of ladies of Unit II of the UCW of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen entertained some of the residents at the Queensway Nursing Home last Monday. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot entertained on the piano and led in a sing song. Mrs. Vivan Cooper is convalescing at her home following surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGreg- or accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hugill, Clinton are holidaying in Florida. Zurich Atoms lose to Blyth (by Mark Kirk and Brian Horner) On Friday, February '7, the Zurich Atoms began the play- offs and were dumped 7-2 by Blyth. In the first period Blyth started the scoring with four goals. Mark Crawford scored one and Bruce Hunking scored three. In the second period Zurich started to skate with Blyth as Mark Kirk put one behind the goal tender at 8:41. Blyth came back on a goal by Kevin Coultes to make it 5-1. In the third period Zurich kept pace. Then Blyth came back with two more goals by Bruce Hunking and Kevin Coultes. Brian Horner scored one more for Zurich, assisted by John McAllister and David Smith. The Zurich Atoms skated and checked well in the final two periods but could not overcome Blyth's four goal first period lead. E BA TORY URON COUNTY'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE MEN'S- BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS' and BABY'S WEAR YARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRESSES -PAINT SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMPS LOCATED'ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH ©•F -C INTON AT VANASTRA INFANTS' & CHILDREN'S GLOVES IL MITTS VALUE UP TO $1.29 PAIR MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. BOYS' & GIRLS' — BROWN TIE, GIRLS' & BOYS' GLOVES 8t MITTS SNOW BOOTS MOST SIZES VALUE UP TO $2.29 SALE PRICE VALUE TO $12.97 AS LOW AS MEN'S MEN'S SNOWMOBILE SUITS REGULAR SALE $ 1 n 17 $21.50 TO PRICE $29.97 s SNOWMOBILE SUITS RETAIL CALUE $19.97 WINTER JACKETS MEN'S FLANNELETTE SHIRTS WINTER JACKETS REGULAR $12.97 Base Factory Outlet is making special high trade-in allowan- ces on your used sewing machine on the purchase of a new: •UNIVERSAL by WHITE *DOMESTIC by WHITE •BERNINA •MORSE AND OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS REGULAR $9.98 ALL FABRICS We also have used sewing machines from $39.00 dor straight stitch models and used semi -automatics up to $149.95. All our used sowing machines carry a full one year warranty. EARL BERSCHT OUR SEWING MACHINE EXPERT COMES TO: BASE FACTORY OUTLET FEB. 1 4, 1 5 by the yard 20% DISCOUNT OFF OUR LOW LOW BASE FACTORY OUTLET PRICES Mr. Earl Berscht, our sewing machine repairman and instructor, will be at our store Friday, February 14, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, February 15, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring in your sewing machine for a check or repairs. Mr. Berscht has had over 37 years" experience, and all his work is guaranteed for a full year.