HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-02-06, Page 11PAGE 12 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1975 50 Years Ago Bruin did not see his shadow on February 2, 1925, at least not within the prescribed time. True, the sun peeped out after 10 o'clock, but according to the most competent authorities, the tradition holds only before ' the hour of ten. Spring is al- most here. There were no shadows on Candlemas Day. A bad epidemic of distemper is going around among the horses and many are laid up with this sickness. Mrs. Babe Siebert, of Niag- ara Falls, spent the weekend at his home here. Some women are like an old house; the front view is the best, she requires a lot of paint, the top storey is empty and the roof shingled. The members of the Zurich public library wish to extend a hearty vote of thanks to the members of the dramatic club for their liberal donation. 35 Years Ago Carl, five-year-old son of Fergus Turnbull, was in collis- ion with a car recently and suffered cuts to the face and a dislocated shoulder. Henry C. Beaver was appointee assessor of Stephen Township at a salary of $110 with postage extra, and livestock valuer at 300 per hour which includes his transportation. The employees of the Ka1b- - OF - YEARS GONE - BY- fleisch mills are avai1ing them- selves of the opportunity to take extra instructions in the evening. Last week a represent- ative of Johns Manville Co. was the instructor. In a lightening move, shattering all precedents, Prime Minister MacKenzie King had parliament dissolved within four hours after its sixth session had been formally opened. 25 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hart- man, bridal couple, returned to their home in Windsor on Saturday. A busload of members of the Dashwood Men's Club enjoyed a tour of Schneider's Packing Plant in Kitchener. Post Office and staff have moved into the newly -renovated portion of the Schilbe block in Zurich. When in town, be sure and drop in the new post office and see what a fine place we now have to go to get our mail. Gignac scored three goals when Zurich beat Exeter 6-3. Others who scored for the home team were Grusne, DesLourries and Charlton. 10 Years Ago Herb Cocker, president of McKay Cocker Construction Company and past president of London district Crippled Children's Treatment Centre, spoke to the members of the Zurich Lions Club on Monday ADVERTISES WHILE HIS COMPETITOR AITS !! evening. Members of Stephen Township School Area Board have still not received any definite word concerning the site for the proposed central school. The Zurich Agricultural Society will have a bank bal- ance of $926.83 to commence 1965 operations with, it was revealed at the annual meeting of the organization last Friday night. Total receipts for the Centennial Fair were $6, 030. 22 while the total expenses amounted to $5,103.39. Meat specials this week were: steaks, wing or T-bone, 69¢ lb; side bacon, 59¢ 1b; pure pork sausage, 3 lbs for 89¢. 0 Report on Home care When Doctor says, hospital for you, Don't faint, panic or turn deep blue, Just ask about the home Care Pia n, You're Doctor knows, "Yes, he's the man," To tell you how to get the works, Homemaker, physio or VON nurse. As the above little ditty tells us there is an alternative to hospital care, for selected pat- ients, on the decision of their family physician. If your family physician feels that you can receive the nec- essary care required to make you better using the services provided by the Home Care Program then you can receive care at home. The selection of patients for Home Care is based on the availabilityof services -required, with the resources needed and willingness of the patient and their family to receive their care at house. Every patient accepted for Mome Care must have OHIP coverage, the same as if enter- ing a hospital, then there is no charge for the services provided by the Victorian Order of Nurses, the Physiotherapist, the Occupational therapist or Homemaker when the services are needed. In Ontario in the past year ending March, 1974, 33, 000 patients were admitted to Ont- ario Home Care Programs in Lieu of hospital care, and the length of care was 24 days with an average cost of less than $10 per day. This compares with the average hospital costs in Ontario of 8 to 10 times that amount. In 1974 the Huron County Home Care Program has provid- ed hospital care at home to 469 patients. The average length of care at home was 29 days at a cost of $8.21 per day. The present costs for a bed in the local hospitals range from $70. to $80. per day. Home Care is an alternative to hospital care for any age or illness on the recommendation of your family physician. When a patient can be assured of competent care at home by the necessary professional, coupled with the encouragement and support of the family in one's own environment, it provides a sound formula for effective health care. The Home Care program is 100/ funded by the Ministry of Health and is administered by the Huron County Health Unit. From January, 1974 to Dec- ember, 1974, 469 patients received care at home. Of these patients, 45 were from Clinton hospital; 40 from Exeter hospital; 55 from Goderich Hospital; 29 from Seaforth Hospital; 80 from Wingham Hospital; 108 were referred directly by the family doctor instead of being admitted to the local hcspital. 104 were discharged earlier from hospit- als in London and Kitchen. Eight were from Goderich Psych. iatric hospital. The ages of these patients were;0 to 20 years, 11; 21 to 65 years, 178; 65 years and over 2 80. Thirty- nine were over 85 years. 378 patients received nursing care from the Victorian Order of Nurses, 112, Physiotherapy from Mr. John Westcott, 27, Occupational therapy from Mrs. Joy Daymond, 195 homemaking from certified visiting home- makers. Robert Farquhar Installing VINYL and ALUMINUM SIDING Soffat & Facias Covered •Eavestroughing* Aluminum Storms*Shutters*Awnings *Additions and renovations* FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 236-4808 AFTER 6 P.M, 801/40 BLUE BONNET 1 LB Soft Margarine LIBBY'S 14 OZ Deep Browned Beans HEINZ 14 OZ TIN 85 39' Cooked Spaghetti 33 MITCHELL'S 19 OZ Fancy Apple Sauce Celery Starks LUCKY D ri LLA `: F 39' 45' OD MARKET PHONE 236-4316 - ZURICH BUTT or SHOULDER Pork Chops MAPLE LEAF SLICED Cooked Hem SLICED Beef Liver FRESH Ground Beef LB LB LB 98' s1®69 85c 5 & 10 LB PARCELS 93' LB 89c LB FRONT QUARTER SPECIALS: SEMI -BONELESS SHORT RIB or Shoulder Roast BLADE BONE REMOVED or Cross Rib Roast A-1 and A-2 HEIFER BEEF FRONTS SIDES HINDS LB 79c LB 89c LB $1.04 Price includes complete processing and delivery within 10 miles YUNGBLUT'S Meat Market ZURICH