HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-02-06, Page 10THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1975 ZURICH•CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 HAnnuaI meeting Using a litany prepared by the Canadian Council of Churches for the week of Pray- er for Christian Unity, the members of .St. Peter's Luther- an Church, of Zurich, opened their annual meeting on January 29. The meeting was chaired by Ivan Kalbfleisch and minutes were read by Harvey Hohner with the congregational financ- ial report given by Jack Turk- heim. Other reports were received from Bert Klopp for the Luther- an Cemetery Board, Mrs. Har- vey Hohner for the Lutheran Church Women, from Charles Yalbfleisch and Mrs. Keith Thiel for the Sunday Church School, Mrs. Harold Thiel for the Cradle Roll and from Mrs, • Andrew Blackwell for the Vacation Church School, Indebtedness which ten years ago was as much as ten thous- and dollars has been reduced to five hundred dollars. A substantial amount (over five { thousand) was sent for apport- ioned and other benevolence for the Missionary, Educational, s` Administrative, and Social Ministries of the Eastern Canada Synod and the Lutheran Church in America. • Kenneth Baker, Laird Schilbe and Fred Deichert were elected -.� to the congregation's Church Council and they, with the continuing members of the Council, Ivan Kalbfleisch, Carl Willert, Louis Willert and Donald Warner, were instal- led in office on Sunday, Febru- ary 2. Victor Dinnin moved a vote of thanks to the retiring memb- ers of the Council, the staffs of the church schools and to the pastor. 0 Ontario Hydro's Nanticoke Generating Station, located near Port Dover on the north shore of Lake Erie, will have a generating capacity more than double Canada's total share of power resources at Niagara Falls. Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 10 a.m. -Sunday School 11 a, m. - Church Service ,Everyone Welcome Zurich' Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun Church School MEDITATION - Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look fullin His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. Everyone Welcome, Golden Glimpses .. Since Sunday was such a beautiful sunny day, especially in some areas, the groundhog no doubt made his debut, which is supposed to mean that we might as well buckle down the hatches for another six weeks. This will bring us pretty close to Easter. On Monday evening films were shown and the usual ref- reshments were served. This week was fairly quiet but we hope with the odd sunny day and spring in the. offing that the bus will soon be able to get out on its weekly tours. We hope that all who have memberships in the Home and receive notices of the annual meeting will put forth an effort to attend. Notice of this meet- ing will be appearing in the • localpapers in the near future. We are pleased to welcome Mrs. Emma Bennewies of the Mitchell area to our Horne. Bingo was played on Thursday evening rather than Friday as is usually the case. At present there is a quilt up in the hobby shop. If any of the ladies would care to drop in for an afternoon of quilt- ing and visiting, they would be most welcome. We wish to thank Mr. Edwin and Alvin Steckle and Mr. Dougall's family for the donat- ions of apples. They are very much appreciated. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev, Andrew Blackwell of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. On Sunday afternoon, the Si. Peter's Lutheran Church A. C, BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School February 12 - 8 p.m. - Lenten Service Everyone' Welcome Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 10 a.m. Sunday School 11: a, in . Church Service 8 p.m. - Church Service WEDNESDAY EVENING, For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, That everyone may receive the things done in His body, according to that He hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. II Cor. 5: 10-11 Everyone Welcome lommmemsommomm young people of the Conserv- ative Mennonite Church congreg ated in the hallways of the Horne and sang several numbers for the residents. This helps to brighten the long winter days, Obituary MRS. JESSIE STELCK Mrs. Jessie Stelck passed away at the Kilbarchan Nursing Home, Seaforth, January 26, 1975, The former Jessie Foster, of Varna was in her 100th year. She was the beloved wife of the late Charles Stelck. Mrs. Stelck is survived by one niece and several nephews and also seven step grandchild- ren; Mrs. (Mae) Davidson, R.R.3, Zurich; Mrs. Arthur (Viola) Golding, London; Mrs. Aaron Jantzi, (Flossie), Dublin, Mrs. James Adams, (Dorothy) Toronto, Margery, Charlie and Kathleen Stelck, Edmonton, Alberta. The funeral service was held at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hensall, on Tuesday, January 28 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Taylor officiating, Interment was in Bayfield Cemetery. 0 St. Mariestudents see live theatre The students of Ecole Ste, Marie, St. Joseph were visited last Wednesday, January 29, by a French theatre group from Montreal. "Le Theatre des Pissenlit" presented the play Ti -Jean Margoton et le mauvais geni, to the students of grades 1 to 8. SOOP ALuE SAFE MORE! ESSEX COIL POLISH PRIME Sausage LB 88' Rib Steak LB x1.38 FAMILY PACK LOIN MINUTE Pork Chops LB 98` Steaks LB s1.78 FAST FRY LOIN LEAN Pork Chops LB s1.38 Steering Beef LB 98C Fryer Parts Country Style x+esc c c ry►ac..►a %..v000sNma.'k eovoo •%.% .► vvw I f • A • 1 • 0 e f O. 58 41 1 ESSEX COOKED Ham LB. $1.39 t0„„„,....„„...,„.,,.•.,,.....,..,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,.,,„,1 tlllE MESON TM RIM TO UM autumn BEAT THE NIGH Cost OF EATING...SHOP TI-IESE SUPER SPECIALS—FEBRUARY 10, 11, 12 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT Coffee 7.O OZ JAR ' McCORMICK'S SALTED or PLAIN 5 Crackers $2.08 1 LB LB58< FLORIDA NO 1 - 5 LB BAG ORANGES 884 FLORIDA PINK or WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 6/884 FLORIDA VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs 784 1 LB CELLO PACKAGE RADISHES 334 Carnation Powdered Milk 3 B1BoX 1.98 WHITE SWAN 2 ROLL PACK Bathroom Tissue 47 COOKED 14 OZ TIN Libby's Spaghetti 3/98t HEINZ CONDENSED Tomato Soup TINZ 5/984 (0f#F0Dpill SU NK IST Lemonade 12 OZ 48t BATH SIZE Zest Soap LEMON FRESH 3 BAR DEAL 98s Joy Detergent 32 OZ 18c CANADA DRY Ginger A I e 26 OZ BOTTLE 284 VAWABLE COUPON I Wirh e.vcry purchase of $l0 or wore, fill- \ in this coupon and drop it into our store. DRAW FOR $25 MERCHANDISE (Name) �: k\‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ N\MX%\v// ////// /A (Address) Last week's winner - Rea Martin, Grand Bend Open Monday to Thursday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.iu, Friday, 8 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 8 to 7 p.m. THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 ® GRAND BEND