HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-02-06, Page 9PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THEY'RE ALL IN CLASSIFIED FOR SALE POTATOES, carrots, turnips. - Call A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038, 2 1/2 miles out of Zurich, on Highway 84. 5-tf APPLES - different kinds, spies, red delicious, golden delicious, Macs, Wagners, Greenings, Banana, Bring containers. No Sunday sales please. - Alvin Steckle, phone 565-5365. 3-4-5-p 1, 000 Address Labels, Name, Address, Postal Code, any 4 lines $3.50. Remit to J.D. Enterprise 15-A Easton St., Cambridge, Ontario. NiR 1 G3. 1- 9-b SPRINGING Holstein Heifers. Due Soon. Call 236-4676. 4-5-6-p 1974 - F 350, One Ton Ford truck with stock racks, 5, 000. miles. Phone after 6 o'clock, 236-4114. 5-b WOODEN COOK Stove, in good condition. Phone 236-4174 5-b 1973 VEGA, automatic, 19, 000 miles, radio, block heater, Best Offer. Phone 236-4978 after 7 p.m. 5-b ATTENTION ALL MUSICIANS, one set of trainor column speak- ers, 4-12" speakers in each. Two Shure microphones, One microphone stand, one trailer with heater to carry equipment. Call 236-4023 between 6 and 7 p.m. 4-5-6-b FOR RENT - 2 or 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, on Main Strfet, Hensall, with small commercial area to help with rent. Can be rented togeth- er or separately. Call 262-5341. 5- 6- b WANTED TO BUY ANY TYPES OF USED furniture, antiques, etc. - Call Laverne Heywood, 235-1057. 2,3,4,5- WANTED ,3,4,5- WANTED TO RENT approximately 50 to 150 acres. Apply to Box E.B., oh Citizens News, Zurich. 4-5-p TO RENT crop land. Phone 482- 7423, 4-5-b SERVICES OFFERED WE REPAIR ALL MAKES of washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, irons, toasters, kettles, etc., Free Pickup - Call Gary's Appliance Service, Zurich. Phone 236- 4055. 2-3-4-5-b COMPLETE ELECTRIC MOTOR Sales & Service. Call Gary's Appliance Service, 236-4055 23-4-5-b Fuller Brush Co. to buy or sell our products. Call 1-296-4646, D. Wight, R,R,2, Thedford, Ontario. Territories are now open in • Huron County. $3.00 to $5.00 per hour. 3-4-5-b COMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade cordially invite relatives, friends and neighbours to an "Open -House" at their home, February 9, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., to honour Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stade on the occ- asion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Gifts gratefully declined. Best Wishes only, please. 4-5-b THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter, on Monday, Feb- ruary 10, 1975 and Monday, February 24, 1975 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 5-b EUCHRE PARTY on February 10, at 8 p.m . , at the Hay Township Hall. Prizes and Lunch. Admission .750. Spon- sored by the Zurich Women's Institute. 5-b HULLY GULLY Feb. 8 - Valentine Dance "The Bluetones" Feb. 15 - Roger Quik and The Rainbows Feb. 16 - Oval Racing Feb. 22 - "Bluewater Playboys 5-b 64TH ANNUAL MEETING of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held at 8 p.m., on Wednesday, February 12, 1975, at the Board Room Assess- ment Building, 46 Glouchester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Membership for 1975 may be obtained at the door. 5-b TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of producer members of the Huron County Pork Producers Association will be convened at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. EST. on February 19, 1975, at the Legion Hall in Clinton for the purpose of the proper business of the annual [meeting, the elections of officers and the election of substitute delegates. ERIC MOORE LLOYD STEWART PRESIDENT SECRETARY 5-b SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Mondays - Beef and Pork Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard; Curing and smoking. Pick -Up Service Available - YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET, Zurich, Phone 236-4312, PIONEER HYBRIDS BEST FROM START TO FINISH * 520 and VERNOL ALFALFA * EMPIRE TREFOIL *FORAGE MIXTURES * SEED CORN a SORGHUM SUDANGRASS William Coleman KIPPEN 262-5031 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1975 CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Oliver Moore wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to all their friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness, sympathy, flowers and donat- ions extended to them during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A,C, Blackwell, the pallbearers and Westlake Funeral Home. - Frieda Moore and family - 5-b I wish to express a hearty thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, baking and treats during and after my visit to St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Pastor and Mrs. Blackwell, the LCW, Zurich Ladies Bowling League Dr. Wallace, Dr. Walker, Dr. Jory, Dr. Meltzer, Dr. Thompson, nurses on the fourth floor and to my family. - Marg Thiel - 5-b I wish to thank everyone for remembering me with get -well wishes, cards, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. - Mrs, Pat Cronkite. - 5-b SERVICES OFFERED HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Dia. monds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barom- eters. Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are $10.95 and up, family rings and charm Watch and clock work guaran- teed. uaran- teed. Custom Killing ata Processing Wednesday - Beef & Pork Zurich Abbatoir Phone 236-4939 or 236-4681 Bus. Res. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood. 19,,4t CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available. Al's Super Save Market, Hensall, Phone 262- 2017. 36-tf T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Techniciar call GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 Report on cattle_ (by R.E. McKinley, M.P.) Because of the unsettled sit- uation in the cattle industry the following comments may be helpful to producers. Canada's cattle and beef global quotas have now been official policy since last Aug- ust 12, and the U.S. retaliatory quotas started on November 16. Light weight fat cattle (mostl1 heifers) under 700 lbs. can enter Canada legally and are not subject to our quota. Our cattle feeders are very critical of this item as it has been a depressing factor on our fat cattle market. A 507o tolerance in this 700 lb. weight range had been permitted but this has now been eliminated after protests were made. All imported slaughter cattle, regardless of weight range must be designated as "for •immed- iate slaughter, " and of course are subject to Canada's DES certification policy. All feeder cattle, including those over 700 lbs, can enter Canada outside our quota prov- isions provided they are design- ated as feeders and held for at least 90 days before slaughter. Feeder cattle imports must show the necessary negative tests to five health items; T.B., Brucel- losis, Anaplasmosis, Blue Tong- ue and our DES certification policy. Some mixed loads of cattle including heavy slaughter cattle and cattle under 700 lbs have been imported and were not subject to quota because their load average was under 700. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN JACOB GALLMAN, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of John Jacob Gallman late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Retired Labourer who died on or about the 15th day of Decem- ber, 1974 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of Feb- ruary, 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario. REDI MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Plane 237-1 or 2374422 All of these loopholes in our quota provisions --legal 9r otherwise, have been vigorously pointed out on several occas- ions by cattlemen to our federal Agricultural people including Health of Animals who are responsible for the administrat- ion and follow-up procedures involving our quotas. For the last quarter of 1974 there were 7193 slaughter cattle under 700 lbs, imported from the U.S.A.-not subject to quota. In the same period (3 months) 9071 feeder cattle were import- ed into Canada. In 1975, at this date (January 28), 13,576 U.S. cattle have been imported, but this figure includes some out of quota cattle. This is an average of about 714 head per day. At this rate of importation our first quarter quota should be filled by about mid February. While it is perhaps too early to estimate the impact of Mr. Whelan's cow subsidy policy of December 13, it is my personal view that it will not substanti- ally reduce our total Canadian cow and bred heifer numbers. There are now indications that our '75 calf crop could be up 2°/0 over '74 and that crop was 7 to 8% over the prev- ious year! Again it seems to be more of the same for '75. Our Can- adian beef cattle industry is faced with two fundamental market depressing factors: 1. A short tem oversupply of breeding cows (and calves) - a situation which has apparent- ly put Canada into a net export position, for the first time in 4 or 5 years. 2. A shortfall of domestic feed grains with resulting sust- ained very strong prices for these domestic feed grains, although I never have thought that cheap grain was any long term benefit to livestock prod- ucers. This same broad situation applies to the American cattle situation as well, and their current market levels are well below ours. A delegation from C. C.A. is meeting with the Trade Com- mittee of the American Nat- ional Cattlemen's Association in Las Vegas to begin cattle- men -to -cattlemen negotiations, that may restore some common sense to the current very unset- tled trade relations between our two countries. Hopefully, mutual under- standing of how the 10:1 ratio of our respective cattle popul- ations influence both markets, will move our governments to more statesmanslike negotiation: and less short term retaliatory actions. I expect to shortly be receiv- ing a copy of the cattlemen's brief to the Canadian Trade and Tariffs Committee. This is a brief relating to Canada's cattle industry that has been submitted in anticipation of Canada's involvement in the Tokyo round of discussions rel- ative to GATT. •I have also made representation to the Minister. of Agriculture. 0 Even a true friend has little time to worry on your account.