HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-01-30, Page 14THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Ontario Cabinet hears brief opposing energy plant in Huron Premier Williams Davis and members of the Provincial cabinet were told last Wednes- day that the proposed atomic power generating station in Huron County, is not in the best interestes of the residents of the county. The statement was contained in a brief presented to the cab- inet as it met in a special session in London. The bried was prepared by the Huron Power Plant Committee, a committee made up of 18 farm commodity groups and several civic groups in the county. Chairman Adrian Vos of Blyth told the cabinet that Huron County is 90 percent agricultural in base and any development must be supportive of the main industry in the area: agriculture. "Clearly," the brief said, "a generating development with its inherent transmission corrid- ors, its supportive industry and additional building of service roads and highways is not suppor- tive to Huron's main industry." While it has been argued, the brief stated, that the heavy consumption of electricity by farms makes it necessary for more generating stations to be built, figures show that the ' farming industry uses only two per cent of Ontario Ilydro's output while constituting five per cent of the population, "We are not intending to argue the need of electricity as projected by Ontario Hydro, " the brief said. "What we are disputing is the proposed locat- ion of the plants and particularl' the Central Huron Plane." The brief pointed out exten- sive research which showed the damage caused by air pollution to white bean, pea, corn, pot- ato and garden crops which could be caused either by est- ablishment of a fossil fuel (oil or coal) fired generating station or simply from the increased auto traffic necessary to service a large power project. Quoting the figures from the government's own ministry of agriculture and food, the brief stated that the value of bean production in Huron county in 1973 was nearly $17 million. Corn, which is also susceptible to pollution, was worth $27 Annual Meeting of ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL, INC. to be held in Township Hull, Zurich on Thursday, January 30, 1975 at 8:30 p.rn. All participating concession operators and all interested individuals are requested to attend. RAY McKINNON President MARGE SCHILBE Secretary SURVEY OF SCHOOL BEGINNERS For September 1975 In Huron County If you are a parent of a child born in the year 1970, we would like to request that you complete this form, Please return it by February 14, 1975 to: Huron County Health Unit Court House, GODERICH, ONTARIO (Clip out and Mail this) Child's Full Name Date of Birth Address Phone No. Parents or Guradian Father Mother Family Doctor Separate School Child Will Attend Public School Child Will Attend million to Iiuron county farmers and potatoes, which could also be damaged, meant $172, 000 in 1973 to the Huron county economy. The brief said that accurate figures for onions and other garden crops grown mostly in the Grand Bend arca near the proposed site were unavailable but said a conservative estim- ate of the worth of all crops that could be affected is $50 trillion. The brief also pointed out the potential loss of farm land caused by power corridors from the station. It dealt with the problems of finding farm labour in competition with the wages paid at the power plant. It spoke of the problem of higher taxation required to pay for the increased services needed by personnel building the power station. The brief predicted that industry setting up in the area around tltc power plant would also gobble up prime farming, land, Mr, Vos minced no words in I telling the side of the farmers to the cabinet: "When we as farmers have opposed certain developments in the past we have been accus- cd of trying to itupede progress, but T ask you, what progress? Is it progress when land that can feed thousands of people year after year, is buried under in highways and factories? i mtain- Coenv ® rt�ttaro that it is progress when we gsucceed in saving, one acre of PAGI: 15 food -producing land from that process. 13y allowing Ontario Hydro to establish their monster facilities in Huron County in particular, and Southern Ont- ario in general, the Ontario Government will impede prog- ress and future generations in our country and present gener- ations in many other countries will pass judgement on you gentlemen and I predict that the judgement will be severe." The brief urged location of future generating stations be located in northern locations along the north and east shores of Georgian Bay to stimulate growth in the areas and to rel- ieve population pressure on - agricultural areas in the south. While it is hard to find fig- ures of savings to prove the point, the brief said, it is bett- er to pay the extra money for power lines from Northern Ont- ario than it is to ruin good agricultural hand in the south. exhaust Floor Covering Cars with catalytic convert- ers are center stage this year. Along with unleaded gasoline, The 1975 cars with converters not only spew out fewer pollut- ants. They also run better than last year's models, start quick- er, and even get better gas mileage. Fuel savings in 1975 models with converters for ex- ample, are 13 percent above that for last year's cars. Part of the reason for this good news is that car manufact- urers have had to redesign carburetors and ignition systems in order to get the catalysts to work properly. So there are happy side-effects along with less pollution. The converters themselves, attached to exhaust pipes, chemically change polluting hydrocarbons and carbon mon- oxide to harmless carbon diox- ide and water. The converters are designed to reduce hydro- carbons by 83 per cent and car- bon monoxide by 90 percent. Cars with converters must use completely lead-free gas. Tt's agains federal law for a gas station to pump leaded gas into a catalyst -equipped car. In addition to ruining the catalyst, violating the U.S. law calls for a $10, 000 fine. But besides being destructive and illegal, it's almost impossible to pump the wrong kind of gas into the new cars. The filler pipe is so narrow that the standard gas nozzle won't fit inside. Reducing the pollutants in car exhaust is one major way to fight air pollution. Car ex- hause is the chief cause of air pollution. But there are other' important ways, such as support- ing public transportation. To join the fight, contact your Christmas Seal Association. It's a matter of life and breath. TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R. 1 PH' 238-2742 ALL TYPES Wail to ®Wail ALSO A V A TLARI . is Rugs Barre more. 4;rossicek. ara.laot. `1'1i14i row,. 4 )%i I1'. 1'11'. �l.St t 1:1►rfutt.. 9 tt.hion Floor 1•t1•. FREE ESTIMIATES WE INSTALL Westlake Furniture PHONE 236-4365 - ZURICII ZURICH ARENA SCHEDULE � THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 4:1.5p.tn. - Private Rental 5:30 - Midget Practice 7:00 p.111. - Rec League FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 1:00 to 2 p.m. - St. Marys School 6:00 p,tm. - Grand Bend Ivlinor Peewee 7:00 p. mt. - Grand Bend Minor Atom's 8:30 p, tu. - Shipl<a Intermediate Practice SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:00 a.ttt. - Zurich Minor Novice 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Figure Skating 2:00 p.m, - Public Skating 4:00 -p.m. - ? - No Rentals due to re -painting ice SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 12:00 p.m. - Zurich Minor Atom Game 2:00 p.mi. - Zurich Intermediates vs Jura 5:00 p.m. - Grand Bend Atoms Practice 7:00 p.m. - Zurich Peewee Practice 8:00 p.m. - Zurich Bantam Practice MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 6:00 p.m. - Grand Bend Novice 7:00 p.m. - Grand Bend Atoms 8:00 p.m. - Grand Bend Peewees TUESDAY, FEBRUARY4 4:15 p.m. - Figure Skating 8:30 p.m. - Zurich Bantam Game 9:45 p.m. - Bendix Rental WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 2:00 p.m. - Morn and Tots Skating 6:30 p.m, Zurich Atoms vs Hensall 7:30 p.m. - Zurich Peewees 8:30 p.m. - Zurich Midgets vs Hensall THERE IS STILL ICE TIME AVAILABLE FOR: Hockey, Private Parties, etc., Contact Arena Manager for times, 1111e :11) SPONSORED in: Richard Bedard Construction Do r ini,: n Hotel, Zurich