HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-01-30, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDA1 JANUARY 30, 1975 'THEY'RE ALL IN CLASS I FOR SALE BIRTH APPLES - different kinds, spies, red delicious, golden delicious, Macs, Wagners, Greenings, Banana, - Bring containers. No Sunday sales please. - Alvin Steckle, phone 565-5365. 3-4-5-p 1, 000 Address Labels, Name, Address, Postal Code, any 4 lines $3.50. Remit to J.D. Enterprise 15-A Easton St., Cambridge, Ontario. NiR 1G3. 1- 9-b POTATOES, cooking onions, carrots, turnips and Spanish onions. - Call A. Vandenboo- men, 236-4038, 2 1/2 miles out of Zurich, on Highway 84 40-tf LOT 66' x 136' Rough Landsc- aped with 44' x 25' concrete foundation; Hydro -Water - Sewage and Drainage into basement. Just continue on and build. Call M. Sirotic Real Estate, 236-4028 YORK BOAR for sale, 250 Lbs. Phone Donald Geiger, 236- 4865. 4-b ATTENTION ALL MUSICIANS, one set of trained column speak- ers, 4-12" speakers in each. Two Shure microphones. One microphone stand, one trailer with heater to carry equipment. Call 236-4023 between 6 and 7 p.m. • 4-5-6-b CEDAR RAILS - Phone after 6 p.m. 236-4039. 4-p SPRINGING Holstein Heifers. Due Soon. Call 236-4676. 4-5-6-p CEDAR POSTS - Phone 236- 4039, after 6 p.m. 4-p FOR RENT 100 ACRE FARM, in the Zurich area. Contact Box E.A. 010 Zurich Citizens News. - 3-4-p WANTED TO BUY ANY TYPES OF USED furniture, antiques, etc. - Call Laverne Heywood, 235-1057. 2,3,4,5 - WANTED. TO RENT approximately 50 to 150 acres. Apply to Box E.B., a% Citizens News, Zurich. 4-5-p TO RENT crop land. Phone 482- 7423. 4-5-b SERVICES OFFERED WE REPAIR ALL MAKES of washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers, irons, toasters, kettles, etc., Free Pickup - Call Gary's Appliance Service, Zurich. Phone 236- 4055. 2-3-4-5-b COMPLETE ELECTRIC MOTOR Sales & Service. Call Gary's Appliance Service, 236-4055 23-4-5-b CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday - Beef; Tuesday T Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available. Al's Super Save Market, Hensall, Phone 262- 2017. 36 -tf GEIGER - I Donald "Benjamin" was born on Thursday, January 23, 1975 in St. Joseph's Hospit- al. My proud parents are Don- ald and Kathleen Geiger, of Zurich. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones, of Strathroy. I would like to thank Dr. D.O. Manners, Dr. G.W. Perkins and Margaret Van Der Kurr, R.N. for helping Mom deliver me into this world. .4-b COMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade cordially invite relatives, friends and neighbours to an "Open -House" at their home, February 9, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., to honour Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stade on the occ- asion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Gifts gratefully declined. Best Wishes only, please. 4-5-b ZURICH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE meets on Monday, February 3, at 8 p.m. in Hay Township Hall. 4-b PLAN TO ATTEND - "Out for a Night" with Walter Ostenek, for Jack Riddell, Wednesday, March 19, at Huron Park Rec Hall; 9 to 1. $6.00 each. Lunch provided. 3-4-b LADIES AUXILIARY of the Blue Water Rest Horne meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Horne. Please note change of date. 4-b INITIATIVE Be alert and aggressive — stumbling blocks for one man are stepping stones for another. CARD.OF THANKS My sincere appreciation to all those who remembered me with treats, visits and flowers while a patient at South Huron and St. Joseph's Hospitals. Special thanks to Rev. Blackwell, Dr. J.C. Wallace, Dr. Pakulis, and the Westlake Ambulance Service, and to my family. - Percy Willert - 4-p IN MEMORIAM FOSTER - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, James Foster, who passed away January 27, 1970. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. - Always loved and remember- ed by wife, Lottie and family. 4-b • CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -. Mondays - Beef and Pork Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard; Curing and smoking. Pick -Up Service Available - YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET, Zurich, Phone 236-4312. 1-tf Fuller Brush Co. to buy or sell our products. C.11 1-9QR..dAdc T1 1&74.,1,r SERVICES OFFERED i CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19..4t T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technician call GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 36-4224 DELHI OWERS Antenna & Rotors Installed, sold & repaired Harold Elliott 262-2829 HENSALL Treat criticism like charity— see that it begins at home. •2 R.R.2, Thedford, Ontario. Territories are now open in Huron County. $3. 00 to $5. 00 per hour. 3-4-5-b Custom Killing 8•116 Processing Wednesday - Beef & Pork Zurich Abbatoir Phone 236-4939 or 236-4681 Bus. Res. HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Dia• monds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barom- eters. Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are $10.95 and up, family rings and charm Watch and clock work guaran- teed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN JACOB GALL1v1AN, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of John Jacob Gallnlan late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Retired Labourer who died on or about the 15th day of Decem- ber, 1974 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of Feb- ruary, 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario. ALASDAIR GILLIES of Glasgow, Scottish entertainer and rAcord- ing artist, is the host of Ceilidh (pronounced Kay• lee) on CiC- TV Thursday nights at 8:30. Gaelic ballads, old-tyme fiddling, reels, jigs and hornpipes set the mood on the weekly rousing musical gathering taped live before a studio audience at CBC Halifax by producer Charles F. Reynolds., Enemies in the air Work can be hazardous to your health. And to your fam- ily's. The Public Health Authorit- ies say that over 100, 000 work- ers die in Canada and the Unit- ed States from on-the-job exp- osure to hazards. Each year, Inhaling asbestos fibers is bel- ieved to cause the death of 2, 000 workers. Now research workers have found that even families of asbestos workers and endangered by tiny quantities of asbestos dust that workers carry home on hair and clothing. The researchers contacted 210 family members of workers who have been employed in an asbestos plant between 1941 and 1956. Forty percent of the immediate family members had lung abnormalities associat- ed with asbestosis, the crippling lung disease, caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. If the disease can result from such low- level exposure the implications for the public may be serious indeed. Asbestos is found in hundreds of common household products. Fibers have REDI- MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM reORKI McCann Const. Ltd. WOO L wDASH-x si or 23D 37 2 been found in the urban air, in water, and in some foods. Since scarring of the lung tissue doesn't show up for at least ten years or more after exposure, there is no way of detecting how widespread the disease may be. Often it takes as long as twenty or thirty years to "incubate." Asbestos isn't the only indust- rial hazard. At least 15, 000 substances are suspected as dangerous, and federal standards only regulate 450 of them. Each year, industry introduces another 3, 000 new substances, which may have effects on hum- ans. To find out more about the hazards we breathe on and off the job, contact your local Christmas Seal Association. It's a matter of life and breath. NOTICE DUE TO NEW GOVERNM- ENT REGULATIONS REG- ARDING WORKING HOURS, WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU THAT OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATUR- DAY COMMENCING IM- MEDIATELY WE WILL BE PLEASED TO RE -SCHEDULE WORK NORMALLY DONE IN THESE HOURS TO A TIME CONVENIENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS OUR SALES STAFF WILL BE ON HAND AS USUAL TO ASSIST YOU IN YOUR SELECTION OF ONE OF OUR FINE NEW OR USED CARS HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LIMITED ZURICH