HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-01-30, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 3 lteaddiel O64eet MRS. JOYCE PEPPER. CORRESPONDENT' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poole, Eric and Graig of Chatha n were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal. Mrs. Anthony Van Dyke of Three Rivers, Quebec, who has been a house guest for ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal, returned with Mr. and Mrs. Poole to Chatham before leaving for Quebec.' While in Ontario, Mrs. Van Dyke visited in Wyom- ing, Goderich, Seaforth and Woodstock., RECEIVE HONOURS At recent examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Jill McLellan passed her Grade II Theory with honours, and Barbara McCurdy passed her Preliminary Theory examinat- ions with honours. Jill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLellan, of Kippen, and Barbara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don McCurdy, of Hensall. Both girls are pupils of Ivliss Greta Laramie. JIIIII11111111 UNITED CHURCH NOTES Rev Don Beck preached on the sermon topic "Has anyone seen God lately?" at the service worship in Hensall United Church on Sunday morning. The choir sang the anthem "The Glory of God, " accomp- anied on the organ by Mrs. Turkheirn. Amber Rebekahs plan events Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Consitt presided at the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge rec- ently, assisted by the Vice Grand, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, who reported for the visiting committee. Cards of thanks were received and birthday greetings were extended to sisters Mrs. Alice Ferg, Mrs. Grace Thompson and Mrs. Rose Broderick. Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the treas- urer's report. Plans were made to hold a progressive euchre party in February and also to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Inst- itution of the Lodge. Following the meeting an exchange of gifts were made when the "Secret Pals" were revealed. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoy- ed. The social committee in charge were Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor and Mrs. Aldeen Volland, Kinettes will conduct ,canvass For adults of physical disabil- ity, there exists few recreation- al or holiday opportunities in Ontario. The March of Dimes now operate special camps dur- ing the sututner where handicap- ped adults can enjoy a vacation. The March of Dimes acts as an advocate on behalf of dis- abled adults to insure they rec- eive any and all benefits to which they are entitled. Voc- ational'training and job place- ment assistance are among the services provided to physically disabled adults. The March of Dimes provides wheel chairs, artificial limbs, respirators and aids to daily living. The March of Dillies expansion of concern now includ ed all adults with a physical disability. Accidents, strokes, age, diabetes and arthritis inc- rease the numbers of physically disabled adults annually. One in every seven adults suffers from physical disability, one million in Ontario. When was the last time you had a polio shot? The March of Dillies Ability Fund reminds us that everyone should be immunized against polio every five years. For your protection contact your doctor oryour local Depart- ment of Health for your polio shot. The Ability Fund of the March of Dimes reminds us that the Salk Vaccine used in the fight against polio is available free. The HensallKinette Club will be canvassing the village on Monday evening, February 3, if you wish to donate to the March of Dimes. 0 Look ahead and prepare— that way you'll never have to look back and regret. Farm record time It is farm record boot: analy- sis time again. Anyone wishing to have their completed 1974 Farm Record Book analyzed should direct it to our office prior to February 15. However, we would appreciate having as inany as possible turned in dur- ing early January. As before, the completed farm record book will not be leaving our office, therefore, it will be available to you at any time. The checking of the book will be done by our local staff and a summary card forwarded to the computer at Guelph for analysis. (It takes approximately one day to check each book and do the transfers). Your book may be brought to the office or mailed in. If you are in the office, be sure to pick up a new record book -- or we will mail you a 1975 record book upon request. If you would like assistance on the book while you work, please call for an appointment. Every farmer in Huron County who has completed an Ontario Farm Record Book in 1974 is welcome to make use of the "no fee" analysis service. PASTRY FLOUR Mitchell's Canada Fancy APPLESAUCE Allen's Sweetened Concentrated ORANGE JUICE Allen's Unsweetened Concentrated 19 FI. 48 FI. Oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE PIVOlRY BAR SOAP POWDERED DETERGENT FABRIC SOPiENER MAC & CHEESE DINNERS Weston's Hot Dog or Hamburg BUNS Chase and Sanborn All Purpose Grind COFFEE Kraft PEANUT BUTTER McCormick's soca BISCUITS Burn's Canadian Cheddar CHEESE SLICES Weston's WAGON WHEELS Banquet FROZEN FOOD MEAT DINNERS $ 71b. 109 a 3/'100 2/85' 55' 59' 5 lb. $209 s1 4+ 48 FI. Oz. Pack of 4 66 FI. Oz. o;: 4/99' 2/89' $1o9 s 69' „6 59' $1o9 12 oz99' Pack of 8 1 lb. 1 Ib. 11 oz. 694 :••nnnuun1. Sirloin or T -Bone Steaks .b $1 . 79 Wing ,=f�ut Rib Steaks l6 $1.69 Fresh Ground Hamburg Canada Packers Bulk Wieners Butt Pork Chops Sliced Mac & Cheese Loaf Schneiders Side Bacon Smoked Side Bacon 1 Ib. pkg. by the piece FREEZER SPECIALS e 79c 49c e 89< e 79t $1.35 lb 98C Try our new expanded facilities for better service Phone 262-2017 or 262-2041 Side of Beef Hind of Beef Side of Pork Beef Patties PRODUCE Canada No. 1. Carrots 3 Ib. Florida Stalk Celery Size 24's US No. 1 Brussels Sprouts Fully Processed Ib. 914 Fully Processed Ib. $1.09 Fully Processed Ib. 794 10 Ib. bag $8.50 each 10 oz. cup 43t 374 494 WEEKEND SPECIALS JAN. 29, 30, 31, FEB. 1 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items. AL'S MARKET HENSALL --- ONTARIO