HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-01-23, Page 10THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 Golden Glimpses . . 1 1 BLUE WATER REST HOME There is a saying that as the days lengthen, the cold strength ens. The days are certainly noticeably longer, and after the last few days, we would have to agree that the arctic air is also swooping down upon us. Monday evening was our reg- ular film night followed by refreshments. Mr. Lawrence Wein, of Exeter, joined the residents in the dining room on Tuesday morning for group singing. The regular monthly birthday party was held on Tuesday evening under the sponsorship of the Blake Mennonite Church. A variety program was presented Little Misses Lisa, Annita and Dorcas Gingerich played piano numbers, readings were given by Miss Verda Baechler and Mrs. Laurene Zehr. Mr. Carl Oesch and Calvin Gingerich } rendered musical numbers on the guitar and mandolin. Mrs. Calvin Gingerich and Mrs. Carl Oesch sang a duet accompanied by Carl Oesch on the guitar. Residents having birthdays during the month of January and receiving gifts, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary were Mrs. Lena McIntosh, Mr. Elmer Lawson and Mr. Allen Pickard. Following the program, refresh- ments were enjoyed. On Wednesday evening, the children of the Gospel Hall Sunday School, Grand Bend, presented a musical program in the dining room. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Doerr. We appreciate having Mrs. Meda O'Brien replace the Christmas scenes on our windows by those of winter birds before taking a vacation in the sunny Emmanuel United Church- BRUCE hurchBRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 10 a.m. -Sunday School 11 a.m.- Church Service .Everyone Welcome Zurich` Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun Church School MEDITATION: For this I pray Dear Lord! As we stand upon the verge of the New Year. Our paths are all untried. So help us to journey on by faith Knowing you are by our side. Everyone Welcome south: On Friday evening our regul- ar bingo was held, followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Bruce Guy of the Dashwooa and Zurich United Churches. Miss Idella Gable presided at the organ and accompanied the children, Fay Gaiser, Jennifer and Tammy Gowanlock and Joseph and Christian Gowanlock. St. Boniface CWL make quilt for Bean Festival (by Carmel Sweeney) Our president was absent for the January meeting, so the first vice-president, Carmel Sweeney took charge for the meeting. The meeting was opened with the 20 ladies present recit- ing the prayer "For the Holy Year." The CWL will be sponsoring the Birthday Party at the Blue - water Rest Horne on February 4, at 7:15 p.m., and all mem- bers are invited to attend. Some of the members assernbl ed a quilt at the home of Mrs. Theresa Stark on January 21. This quilt will be drawn for at the Bean Festival this summer. Mrs. Rose Regier asked for volunteers to canvass for the Marchof Dimes. The meeting was then adj- ourned, and Marie Cyr's comm- ittee organized a card game for the remainder of the even- ing. Maria Kenda was the door prize winner. A tasty lunch was served. St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D, PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome ousammummimmommom Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 10 a.m. Sunday School 11: a, m . Church Service 8 p.rn. - Church Service WEDNESDAY EVENING If ye then be risen with. Christ Seek those things which are above, Where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Col. 3;1-2 Everyone Welcome OTIOTIOILWIIIMONIONNWIMMOWIINON Lutheran Church Women elect officers for coming term Twenty ladies and Rev. A.C. Blackwell were present for the regular January meeting on Tuesday, January 14. The film presented was on Radio Ministry in Addis Adaba, Africa. Colorful scenes depicted its wide -spread outreach to countries of India, China, Iran, Southern and Central Africa. An urgent appeal for the hungry and starving people of the world was presented and envelopes distributed for cont- ributions. The business meeting was conducted by the new president, Mrs. Harvey Hohner. During the meeting the past president, Mrs. Claire Deichert was pres- ented with a stirling L.C.W. pin. Ladies of the congregation are to keep the special Worka- thon day in mind for February 11. Volunteers for the canvass for the March of Dunes are Mrs. L. Prang, Mrs. G. Fleischauer, Mrs. A. Blackwell, and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner. The lunch following the meet ing was served by the executive for 1975. President Mrs. Harvey Hohner; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Turkheim; treasurer, Mrs, J.W. Haberer; secretary, Mrs. Carl Willert. 104 I G FRESH ROASTING 5 TO 7 LB.J.W. Hab Chicken BY - THE -PIECE Stab Bacon LB98c STORE SLICED Cooked Ham LB 1.58 Pork Liver 3 LBS $1 (COUNTRY STYLE Pork Ribs .A8' FAMILY PAK-LOIN Pork Chops X98` FREEZER BUYS A-1 RED BRAND - 300 LB AVERAGE Steer Beef SIDES LB 99c A-1 RED BRAND - 250 LB AVERAGE Heifer Beef SIDES ie 89c (PRICE INCLUDES PROCESSING) BEAT THE NIGH CQSt OF EATING...SHOP THESE 1 •Week,$peciats • SUPER SPECIALS- JANUARY 27 28 29 5 .0 CANADA NO 1 :413utter A WESTON'S PONYTAIL i Bread 40 GRADE 'A' LARGE i Eggs DOZ 69d 1 E. WE REUM ?NL 061IT To UNIT NAIr xxocxxxxx osxxxexxxxxxxx x cwoo iclsxxxxxxxx. .89< 3 for $1 LIBBY'S FANCY 19 OZ TIN Tomato Juice WITH TOMATO SAUCE Heinz Beans 19 OZ TIN FIRST CHOICE DISH WASHING Detergent CHERRY HILL INGERSOL 2 LB JAR 264, 58 24 OZ 2/984 Cheese Spread $2.08 FREE 1 Loaf Bread WITH PURCHASE OF 3 Packages Sylvannia Light Bulbs (AT REGULAR PRICE) 12 OZ FLORIDA WHITE or PINK GRAPEFRUIT 6/88 FANCY McINTOSII APPLES 3LBS 58 ONTARIO NO 1 CARROTS 2LBS 29 Bicks Relishes 2/884 MAXWELL HOUSE 6 OZ JAR Instant Coffee 51.68 ALL PURPOSE 7 LB BAG Robin Hood Flour X1.18 VALUABLE COUPON With every purchase of $10 or more, fill in this coupon and drop it into our store. DRAW FOR $25 MERCHANDISE (Name), (Address) \X4X‘V‘\\ fir\\w i,ii!//iiiii/// i Lasmo t Week's Winner- Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey, Zurich 'Open Monday tt, Thursday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, 8 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 8 to 1 p.m. THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 — GRAND BEND