Zurich Citizens News, 1975-01-23, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 3 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Peters- Gagel, of Goderich visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Sun Roobal. Mrs. Anthony Van Dyke of Three Rivers, Quebec, is pres- ently a house guest with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal. She has been visiting her daughter and other relatives in Wyoming and Goderich, and will be leaving the Roobals to spend the winter months with her daughter in Chatham before returning to Three Rivers, Quebec in the spring. Leonard Erb of Hensall and Ehnore McBride of Exeter, members of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company attend- ed a Fire Insurance Adjusters Course in Bolton this past week. A surprise farewell party was held recently for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brintnell. The evening was spent playing cards, and a social hour follow- ed. The address was read by Mrs. Jack Brintnell and Mrs. Alvin Cole presented the couple with a gift to which they replied fittingly. UNIT II Unit II of Hensall UCW met on Monday evening at the church. Sadie Hoy acted as Chairman and opened the meeting with a New Years thought, taken from Revelat- ions. Eleanor Mansfield gave the devotional using scripture from John. Her meditation was entitled "Hats off to the past, coats off to the future." This was followed by prayer and a hymn. Peggy Forrest gave the study, which was prepared by Fran Mickle. It was an article from the Readers Digest on Dr. Bethune. In 1972 he was decl- ared by the Canadian Govern- ment that his life was to be of National historic significance. The business consisted of the Annual meeting and pot luck dinner on January 29, at 6:30; UCW church service on Febru- ary 23, with Rev. Ann Graham Langford as the guest speaker; the World Day of Prayer, March 7 at 3 p.m. in Hensall United Church. The roll call was answered by 15 members by paying dues and relating a New Year's thought. Corresp- ondence read was thank -you notes from Ann Brock and Diane Gerstenkorn. Sadie Hoy closed the meeting with prayer and the Hostesses Jeanette Tur- ner and Elsie Carlile served a tasty lunch. ANGLICAN CHURCH The regular meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church Women was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Olive Petty. The President Mrs. Anderson opened the meeting with a prayer followed by the L'ord's Prayer. The minutes were read and approved. Roll call was answered with a New Year's text. Thank -you notes from those receiving Christmas boxes were read, also a letter from prayer part- ner, Captain Corey. Olive Petty gave the study book "Don't put faith in money." Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Ander- son read the scripture. A soap contest was enjoyed by all. Everyone repeated the closing prayer. U.C.W. MEET An evening service was held at St, Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday. Rev. G.A. Ander- son based his sermon on the miracle performed at Cana of ' Galilee. This miracle was performed for a double purpose, first it affected the well being of the host in that it saved embarrassment of supplies running short. Secondly the miracle acted as a sign to show fort-. Jesus as the son of God, so that men might see and bel- ieve. The greatest event and truth of this story is the fact that the faith of the deciples was strengthened. The deciples believed in him because they saw the power of God. The great lesson to be learn- ed by this story, is the differ- ence Christ makes, just as Jesus caused the water to be turned into wine, he also is able to change our dull lives and to give us a new joy of living. The Forrest Orchestra acc- ompanied the singing of the hymns, and also played "We have an anchor." Following the service, the Annual Vestry meeting was held. The treasur- er reported -a very successful year with all obligations being met. Officers for W75 are; Rectors Warden, E.J. Roberts; Peoples Warden, Clark Forrest; Lay Delegate to Synod, Frank For- -rest; Vestry Clerk, Mrs. E.J. Roberts; treasurer, Mark Russell; ;Church Care, Mrs. A. Reid; ;Organist, Mrs. Frank Forrest. OBITUARY KEITH W. PRESSEY Keith W. Pressey passed away suddenly at his residence at R.R.2 Kippen on January 16, in his 48th year. He is survived by his wife, the former Elva Chambers, four sons, Calvin, Brian, Barry, Paul, at home; three daughters, Mrs. Robert (Lynda) Batkin, Owen Sound, Marsh and Karen at home. Also surviving are his mother Mrs. Laila Pressey, Brownsville, two brothers, Norman, Tillsonburg, Phineas, • Brownsville; one sister, Mrs. Murray (Marie) Bowes, St. Catherines, and one grand- daughter. The late Mr. Pressey rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home in Hensall until Friday evening and thence to the H.A. Ostrander Funeral Hoene in Tillsonburg where funeral service took place on January 2 0. Interment in Tillsonburg cemetery. Expansion Sale Try the McLAREN'S SWEET 32 FL bz MIXED PICKLES PARKAY 10070 VEGETABLE OIL 3 LB MARGARINE LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE 4 1/4 OZ SOUP MIX AIR CARE SOLID AIR 7 OZ DEODORIZERS KAM CANNED 12 OZ LUNCHEON MEAT AYLMER 10 FL OZ. CHICKEN' SOUP ROBIN HOOD SUPREME 18 OZ CAKE MIXES LIQUID 64 FL OZ JAVEX BLEACH CEREAL, 14 OZ CHEERIOS QUICK 36 OZ or INSTANT 32 OZ ROBIN HOOD OATS CHRISTIE'S 1 LB SODA BISCUITS PROCESSEDtlCHEESE service at our newly expanded facilities. 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