HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1975-01-09, Page 5Mj is ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 5 1 CHANGEs UARY1st Here's good news...for CPP contributors -their Recent changes to the Canada Pension Plan will result in substan There are other important changes, too. Some affect people over spouses and dependent children of male and female contributors. advice. So we suggest you read this message very carefully. surviving spouses and dependent children tially increased benefits for 1975 and subsequent years. 65 or approaching that age. Others provide equality for the These changes may require prompt action or getting Retirement Pensions Have you contributed to the Plan • at any time since January 1,1966? Are you between 65 and 69? Then you have a choice .. . Apply now and start receiving your monthly CPP retirement pension. No more need to retire to collect benefits. (Once you start receiving your pension, however, you can't make further contributions to the Plan.) OR Continue to contribute to the CPP and possibly build up a larger retirement pension to commence at a later date. Continuing to contribute is also a way to qualify survivors for benefits if you have not already done so. (When approaching age 70, you should consider applying for your retirement pension because after 70 you may no longer contribute to the Canada Pension Plan.) NOTE: Before making your choice you may wish to seek advice from the nearest CPP office. The staff will be pleased to help you. Are you approaching age 65? If you have made your choice and want your CPP retirement pension to commence as early as possible, you should apply two or three months before your 65th birthday. NOTE: There is no provision for retroactive payment of retirement pensions between the ages of 65 and 69. So if you're in that age group or approaching it, get advice as soon as possible. Do you now receive a CPP retirement pension? As of January 1st, 1975, your pension will no longer be affected by any money you earn thereafter. Equal Protection el for Males and Females. This means that for female contributors, in addition to being eligible for a retirement pension and disability protection for themselves, and a death benefit payable to their estates, as has been the case in the past, their spouses and dependent children are now eligible for benefits as follows: Benefits for Surviving Spouses A monthly pension payable to the widower who at the time of the death of the contributor is over 35 years of age, or under 35 years of age but is disabled or has dependent children; that is, a benefit similar to that which has always existed for widows. Benefits for Orphans A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 18 and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis. In order for survivors to qualify, the contributor must have died in January 1968 or later and must have contributed for the minimum contributory period, which is three years for deaths occurring before January 1, 1975. Benefits for Children of Disabled Contributors A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between 18 and 25 attending school or university on a full-time basis, where the contributor concerned is in receipt of a CPP Disability Pension. NOTE: In all cases, it is necessary to make application for benefits. If such applications are approved, payments can only be made currently—that is, from January 1, 1975. No payment can be made for any period prior to that date. - Other Changes: The earnings ceiling—that is, the maximum amount on which contributions can be paid and on which benefits can be calculated—is being raised to $7400 in 1975 and to $8300 in 1976. The initial amount of earnings, on which you are not required to contribute, will be $700 in 1975. MAXIMUM MONTHLY CPP BENEFITS Effective January 1975 Retirement Pension $122.50 Disability Pension $139.35 Surviving Spouse's Pension—under 65 $ 88.31 over 65 $ 81.67 Orphan's Benefit $ 37.27 Disabled Contributor's Child's Benefit $ 37.27 Death Benefit (Lump Sum) $740.00 1* Health Sante et and Welfare Bien -etre social Canada Canada Marc Lalonde, Minister For assistance contact: Your nearest Canada Pension Plan office Your Canada Pension Plan ...keeping up with changing times •