HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-12-08, Page 19Col Citizens News, December 8, 1976 -Page 19 lective agreement ratifie in brackets where applicable). 1. A reduction of one percent of total salary cost in the Staff Improvement Fund. 2. Principals of Schools for the Trainable Retarded to receive an allowance of $4,250 ($4,000) over and above their basic salary as a teacher. 3. Vice -principals to receive an allowance over and above their basic salary as a teacher as follows: 0 years as a vice- principal - $2,800 ($2,600); 1 year as vice-principal - $3,000 ($2,800); 2 years as vice - The Huron County Board of Education and its teachers who are members of either The Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation or The Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario are pleased to announce that a collective agreement for the 1976-77 school year has been reached and ratified by both parties. Terms of the agreement in- clude an eight per cent increase in cost of salaries and allow- ances plus a folding in the cur- rent Cost of Living Allowance of 1.7 per cent. In addition to the necessary clauses to conform with recent provincial legislation the agree- ment contains the following major changes: (1975-76 figures principal - $3,200 ($3,000); 3 or more years as vice-principal - $3.,400 ($3,200). 4. Co-erdinators to receive an allowance over and above their basic salary as a teacher as follows: Co-ordinator of Student Services $4,400 ($4,000); Co- ordinator of Media Centre Services $3,400 ($3,000). 5. Teachers' Basic Salary Grid: Category D $9,182 to $12,452 ($8,400 - $11,400); Category C $9,727 to $14,630 ($8,900 - $13,400); Category B $10,290 to $17,657 ($9,500 - Jack's Jottings (continued from page 17) had an opportunity to consider the major policy change. Liberal MPP for Kitchener, James Breithaupt, raised in the Legislature the fact that the Minister of Government Ser- vices, Margaret Scrivener had indicated in a recent newsletter to constituents that the Govern- ment may introduce entrance examinations for universities, and has asked Ontario's prin- cipals and headmasters to produce a plan for province- wide investigation of standards in testing and marking. The Minister of Colleges and Universities has admitted that university entrance examination may be introduced, that the idea is being studied, but he didn't care to suggest that "it will happen next fall." According to the Education Minister, universities are "inclining in this direction." The Minister of Transportation and Communication announced the reduction of gas prices by Imperial Oil at Service Centres on Highways 400 and 401. Mr. Snow stated that he was questioned in the Legislature about the differehtial in the price of gasoline between Highway Services Centres on the 400 and 401 and highway stations. The Minister, in a word of explanation, said that these service centres operate under a lease agreement with the oil companies which tender for the award of such leases, and the lease agreements call for a percentage of the gross revenues, not a per gallon rate. The Minister said when most of the leases or contracts were drawn up, fuel was at a much more reasonable price but as the costs increased the sale price of the product increased. As a consequence, the 400-401 service centres have been paying their rental percentage on inflated costs. 0."X.0%000% % % 00% The Ministry negotiated with the Oil Companies and as a result Imperial Oil has agreed to lower the prices they charge motorists using service stations on High- ways 400 and 401. The Ministry is also now committed to amending its agreements with the Oil Companies, allowing them to reduce the amount equal to the increases from September, 1973, from their gross revenues. The increases from September 1973, stem from higher Federal taxes and the oil producing countries well -head royalties. As of November 23rd, the price of gasoline at Esso stations on Highways 400 and 410 has dropped anywhere from five to nine cents a gallon. The Provincial Government is to produce a detailed report on the follow-up care provided for nineteen teenagers who have died in the last two years after being released from provincial training schools. The Minister of Correctional Services told the Legislature this week that nine boys and one girl between the ages of 14 and 17 had died in the year ending March 1975, while they were still wards of the province, and that there had been ten similar cases in the previous year. He said the teenagers had been free from training schools for an average of 17 months before their deaths. Margaret Campbell, MPP (Liberal - St. George) asked the Minister to include in his report information regarding the case- load of the after-care workers handling each teenager who had died, and Stephen Lewis com- mented that the report would probably show that the probation officers concerned probably had such heavy case -loads that "nobody had time to look after them. I think you will find what is true of all services in Ontario - that after-care follow-up is 'desperately inadequate." $16,100); Category Al $11,300 to $18,767 ($10,400 -.17,100); Category A2 $11,704 to 820,180 ($10,800 - $18,400); Category A3 $13,117 to $22,700 ($12,000 - $20,700) Category A4 $13,520 to $24,014 ($12,400 - $21,900). 6. Principal's Basic Salary Grid: Category D $12,410 to $14,430 ($11,400 - $13,200); Category C $14,025 to $18,870 ($12,900 - $17,300); Category B $19,575 to $24,420 ($18,000 - $22,400); Category Al & A 2 $25,125 to $29,970 ($23,200 to $27,600); Category A3 & A4 $25,830 to $30,675 ($23,800 - $28,200). e zirpc c c e e e c c r c c e G r e ;.: e zyledt:e 4c 41c c e c c c r :•J rr :Mm..n...M.y7:r.. GREAT SAVINGS WITH Ic Wide Assortment CORO Jewellery 20% OFF TURTLES! TURTLES! TURTLES! 14 OZ. REGULAR OR DARK CHOCOLATE 2 boxes per customer) qti loth Sti Sig Sri SriSriSri ctri trSri COSMETICI GIFT SETS 25% OFF :•J :•J :!J ;•J FRESH FROZEN Roasting Chickens LOIN Pork Chops SIRLOIN OR TuBone Steak CHAPMAN ASSORTED FLAVOURS Ice Cream LB. 954 LB. LB. 2 LITRE :•J $ 1.45 $ 1.85 9911 Inquire about prices on sides and quarters of Local Feed Lot Beef. 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