HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-12-01, Page 5Citizens News, December 1, 1976 -Page 5 oa`000a+.ewal,N.eSn®14%.*6%%46"e•!..ew0. Y s s t e P , , , , PROCESSED 1.07 HINDS OUR OWN Sausage OUR OWN Smoked Sausage WHOLE FROZEN Beef Livers LOIN Pork Chops THE FINISHED PRODUCT—Left.. to right, Cathy _ p. ._ . >...a Sandra, h Beh Le pington, McKay, Ruth Bechler, Joanne Chapman and Brenda Buuck proudly display the two loaves of bread and dish of butter they made themselves. The girls were taking part in a Pioneer Day at Huron Centennial. Photo by McKinley Attacks chain store power After seven years as president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Varna farmer Gordon Hill withdrew from running for an eighth term Monday, but not without taking swipes at two traditional ad- versaries. During the opening session of the OFA annual convention here, he took shots at the Ontario government and supermarket chains. He warned of the "awesome authority" of chain stores which control 67 percent of Ontario's retail food business, charging they "sucker" consumers into stores with low-priced specials. "Once lured into the store, the unwary consumer is then rabbit - punched with higher prices on other products cunningly located and seductively packaged," he said. Chains get larger as they "gobble up" competitors, said the Varna farmer, citing in- terests of George Weston Ltd. in the retailing of foods. Besides interest in Loblaws, the Weston firm controls Red and White, Power, Lucky Dollar, Westfair Foods, Economart, Superior Food Stores and Buy'n Save. Mr. Hill also renewed his at- tack on the Ontario government for what he claims is inaction on preservation of agricultural land. "For 13 years the federation has been leading the fight for intelligent pand use planning .. . Now many other groups are demanding preservation of good land," he said. "It's really not surprising that a lot of farmers are now won- dering if the OFA policy is right . They're beginning to feel like patsies." Mr. Hill was conciliatory towards consumers for the most part, claiming farmers and consumers need each other. "We have nothing to gain by public quarrels and fighting each other in the press," he said. While consumer spokesmen at the provincial level of the Consumers Association of Canada are reasonable, some are not, he said. "Self-styled consumer advocates, particularly at the federal level, have not been as responsible," he said. He said that former Food Prices Review Board Chairman Beryl Plumptre should have attacked the middle -men in the food chain rather than marketing boards. Marketing boards are "the only defence" farmers have against processors and food chains setting prices, he said. However, Mr. Hill warned marketing boards which deal in quotas should keep the cost of those quotas to a minimum to prevent artificial price increases. "Society grants great powers to farmers in the form of marketing boards," he said. "The objective (of such boards) kept in line, "public resentment" bursts" of attention to will persist. agricultural problems, rather Federal Opposition leader Joe than producing long-term Clark, the convention's keynote policies. speaker, Monday called for more "The role of a Conservative farmer .participation in decision- government would be to reduce making and Iess political in- elements of uncertainty in fluence. agricultural prices," he said. stimulating agricultural exports rose substantially, the volume of He accused the federal Mr. Clark also said the "Between 1971 and 1975, while Canadian agricultural exports government of only "sporadic government should aim more at• the prices of many commodities (continued on page 13) LB. 51.19 LB. $1.39 LB. 29' LB. 51055 Inquire about prices on sides and quarters of Local Feed Lot Beef. We will cut and wrap to your specification CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING BEEF MONDAY — PORK TUESDAY Laporte Meat Market MAIN ST. ZURICH 236-4962 o♦o.0000aoo♦•o.00,%%N000•000704.00`N.%•• g4"4444"."""4":" Jim and Jessie Ross invite you to ®.S,TE'DMA1S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PARTY J 1V 1 0 OFF OUR REG. LOW PRICES ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, December 3 O 4 U } 4 :ta•s ss,crr.i sa,aa.rua.zz:s.;ea.a• µss.a.•s?a.na ss.a•ss.s s ra sa•aa•+.s sua•a•s;,.s•s•a•sssa? These Are Just a Few Of Our 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Specials 11. n Jumbo i9+ n COLORING BOK sot Reg. 98a Cushion Heel RUNNING A SHOES ' • n PULLOVERS $39 Boys Slugger Sizes 7-14 • PANTS S!� Boys Acrilan :•J !!.‘i 15t $6' Reg. $8.99 Ladies blue jean assortment, corduroy separates, red and white blouses, Hombre style 'blouses, muslin blouses, separate checks. :A 2yf L • L : : 14,4 is to increase farm. income, not increase capital value." 4 7 1 BALLOONS FOR THE CHILDREN 5 FREE COFFEE AND CAKE O Gold, lack Magic,ctri Christmas cake, plum pudding, a....,vti.c . sc. c.7 c r is ic'1 tic •s �i•cql c, ,c ,•c ae t61s!gs tzge4 .: candy of all kinds, nuts, �+�• 1. I SHOP glassware, stemware, � Check Our New � �;;p: a flatware, luggage, planters, Al plant food, pet food, supplies. ,: ss LO W PRICES '4 SAVE Domestic, notions, pillovvgs; e: 6 f3 mats towel sets bedding, Al On A �{ flannelette sheets, pillow cases c,:: FRIDAY . '�. FREE DRAW FOR PRIZES EVERY HOUR ALL EVENING These Are Just A Few 1 GIFT IDEAS YOU COULD WIN 0 Ladies wear, lounge wear, Cr:: • Holly Hobble Electric Bake Oven • Barbie tops, jump suits, evening wear "�.. Sunsailor Catamaran • Battery Operated and much more. Mens wear, ft : boxed shirt and ties, boxed Spitfire Plane • Police Verti Board Helicopter socks, dress shirts, knit pants • Polaroid Super Shooter (draw at 10:00) a and much more. Children wear, denim overalls, T-shirts, $1: • ' 'arca.•.#7 ' 'oF#t*.4 vc ', co ij sleepwear, pullover, etc. : Cameras,digital watches, ft FREE GIFTS FOR MEN & WOMEN andg �� radios, tape recorders, stereo, digital radios, memo tecorders, AI calculators, clocks, records, fir.: tapes, lamps, toilet sets, hair r: .: dryer. Chocolates, Turtles, Pot At R cis 0 F SMALL F APPLIANCES F f APPLIANCES 5 p.m. 10 p.m. d rf You'll Really Save ALL SPECIALS SUBJECT TO A FURTHER 10% DISCOUNT AT CASH REGISTER Just say charge it on your Stedman's Charge Card J 1 IED NAN s commodity quota valuescaretnl t > C 1 Cfrain CW:1 lr.�JP'0Zf riliCC,C•.1 03I t IC # r 4in tnO i W