HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-11-03, Page 9Golden Glimp <<k s $ s a s et.•UE 'WATER PEST HOME t Now that we are back on standard time and the days seem short and the evenings long, perhaps it would be a good time for visitors to spend their evenings with their friends here, also if there are any groups in the area that would like to visit the home with a programme, it would %be very much appreciated. On Monday evening films were shown, followed by re- freshments. Now that we are in November we will soon be starting our 11th year of operation. The annual bazaar and bake sale commemorating our anniver- sary will be held on Satur- day, November 20th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. All donations of home baking and bazaar items will be greatly appreciated by the members of the Ladies Auxiliary. On Friday evening bingo was played after which the girls of the G.S.M.A., attired in Hallowe'en costumes sang some Hallowe'en songs then joined the Residents at the tables and served refreshments to them. The costumes and the fellowship with the Youth Group was very much enjoyed. On Saturday evening the Residents had a few ghosts and goblins call on them which they look forward to each year. The Sunday evening Chapel service was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Luther of Hensall. Mr. Luther presided at the organ and accompanied the Residents in singing several hymns, also Mrs. Luther, who sang some solos. BAKING GOOD ENOUGH TO BUY—The mothers of some of the students at the Huron Centennial school outdid themselves as they provided the baking for a Hallowe'en bake sale held in the noon hour at the school. For a mere five to 15 cents you could buy some of the best Hallowe'en cookies you have ever tasted. Photo by McKinley Huronview welcomes new residents Two new residents were wel- comed to the Horne this past week. Mrs. Ed Ball and Miss Sybil Courtice. Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson. Norman Speir and Charlie Ruffell provided the music for Monday's gettogether and the Christian Reformed volunteers assisted with activities. Mr. Jim Laurie of Blyth arranged and directed the Family Night program. The Swinging Gospel Singers who provide their own accompani- ment sang several gospel num- bers with Hugh_ Whorton and his son, Jim, Sylvia Bromer and family. Beth and Lori Charter entertained with Highland dan- cing; accordian solos by Angela Duttman; acrobatic and step dancing by Catherine Bettye; an organ and guitar duet by Mrs. Bert Elliott and her son Ted. Jim Laurie thrilled the audience with his scottish solos and Ted Elliott who won the Ontario Championship this year for the down east stepping danced a number. Mrs. Mary Appleby thanked the enter- tainers on behalf of the resid- ents. The annual bazaar bake sale and tea sponsored by the 1-iuronview Auxiliary was quite successful. The proceeds were donated to the purchase of a new amublatory lift for the Home. The residents enjoyed an hour of organ music on Thurs- day afternoon with Mr. Ed St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, M. DIV. PASTOR Organist Miss Christine 14ab rer, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. - Church School EVERYONE WELCOME Stiles of Goderich at the ' Con- sole. Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A.• PASTOR Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m. -Gospel Service Wed., 8:00 p.m. - Prayer Ser- vice For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 EVERYONE WELCOME SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service EVERYONE WELCOME Citizens News, November 3, 1976 -Page 9 Golden Agers official opening The Zurich Golden Agers held a very successful dessert and euchre last Tuesday even- ing. Close to 100 people attend- ed the event which was held in the Hay Township Hall. Next Monday evening will be a very important one for the Golden Agers. They are having a smorgasbord supper to honor Mr. Knight and Mr. Barkwell who will be cutting the ribbon to officially open the Golden Age club. Mr. Knight and Mr . Barkwell are from the Heritage Club in London which has been of great assistance in helping in the seniors of Zurich get their club organized. The Golden Agers executive is hoping to have 100 percent turnout of the club's members for the opening and smorgas- bord which will take place in the Hay Township Hall. Guest speaker from India Zurich U.C.W. met one week early, on Thursday, October 28, for their November meeting in order to have the privilege of having Brother Bob Mittle- holtz speak and show slides on his work in India. He was intro- duced by Miss Olive O'Brien, who had been his teacher in public school as well as his neighbor. Mrs. Clare Geiger presided for the meeting at which the men of the congregation were invited guests. Mr. Douglas Klopp contributed piano num- bers. A collection amounted to almost $100.00 and was given to Brother Bob for his work in India. Following lunch, a short business meeting was held. immommusaismaimain Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m., - Spokesman singing group will be here during morning and evening service. Wed., 8:00 p.m. - Praise, Bible Study and Prayer Ser- vice Meditation: Blessed is everyone that feareth the Lord; that walketh in His ways. Psal. 128:1 EVERYONE WELCOME GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 5 years - 10 1/2 5 years - 3 & 4 years 2 years 1 year 10 1/4 - 9 3/4 °/U - 9 1/2 - 9 3/4 ANNUAL SEMI ANNUAL * SUBJECT TO CHANGE Representing many trust companies, we are able to arrange the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. JOHN R. CONSITT 236-4332 or 236-4560 ZURICH — ONTARIO Swam BONELESS RUMP OR Sirloin Tip Roast FULL SLICE Round Steak CENTRE CUT Pe meal Bacon FROZEN GRADE A LB. LB. LB. SLICED LB. Fryers 3 - 4 AVERAGE STORE SLICED RIND ON Bacon BAKED Me t Loaf LB. SLICED LB LB 9.79 959 9.59 9®69 LB. 69c 9.19 $11.29 $1.29 Al Steer - Fronts Sides Hinds Halves 70c 92 $1.12 of Pork Al Heifer - b `'`' 87° $1.06 73` PRICE INCLUDES FULLY PROCESSED BEEF PATTIES FROZEN CUSTOM SERVICES FRIDAY'S BEEF & PORK Pick-up Services Available PHONE 236-4312 or 236-4153 YUNGBLUTS MEAT MARKET ZURICH PHONE 2364312 4