HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-10-27, Page 4Page 4 -Citizens News, October 27, 1976 "Good n7e11's, Margaret— nobody deserted me today ...Marg? ... Yoo-hoo! Nailowe n Hallowe'en is a time for fun and excite- ment for Canadian Children, as they go from house to house, collecting candies and calling "Shellout, Shellout, the witches are out", or whatever kids call in your neighbourhood at Hallowe'en. But it is also a time for caring and sharing with destitute children around the world, through UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund. Millions of the world's children live in conditions which we could not even imagine. An Italian jour- nalist, Virgilio Lille, gives a first hand description of the plight of many of these children, in the following article: "Throughout my life I have witnessed devastation, slaughter, epidemics, fires, revolutions, wars and floods. But what struck me most was children's hunger. Hungry children are identical in Asia, Africa and Latin America; they all have the same big heads of hollow bone, the same frail and flabby necks of the hanged, the same thin chests of monkey skeletons, the same scrap -iron feet and hands, the same skin covered with red, purple, yellow pustules, the same drum -shaped bellies, ready to burst; the same enormous eyes, full of a mournful seriousness that flames the universe — they are the curse of crea- tion, the appalling. fault of the "laziness of heart" of the developed peoples and coun- tries and they can, with amazing power, re- mind the developed countries of the ex- istence of starving people, in particular, of starving children, all over the world". A few coins in the orange and black UNICEF boxes which will be at your door soon can do so much. Six cents buys penicillin to cure infections, twenty-seven cents buys a thermometer which could save a child's life — so little for us but so much for them! Thin-a-thon There have been all kinds of crazy things done in an attempt by local communities to raise money for arena funds; but this one tops the cake. In Plattsville they held a thin- a-thon with pledges made on the amount of weight lost. Nineteen residents took part in the Chin- a -thou which extended over a six week period and they managed to raise $2.000. One resident lost 29 pounds in the six weeks which is no mean feat you must admit. Perhaps the Zurich community centre fund-raising committee could try something like this in their attempts to raise money for the community centre here in town. It would not only help the arena, it just might be the stimulus some of the pleasingly plump people around town need to get their bodies back to a slim trine shape. Hydro rates The Association of Major Power Consum- ers in Ontario says it is concerned the government may support a 30.3 per cent increase in the 1977 hydro rates in a one- step hike. The association has called for the aver- aging of the hydro costs over the next three years to bring the 1977 rate increase down to 22.7 per cent. However, Ontario treasurer Darcy Mc- Kcough indicated on Friday he supports the one-step increase and we admit we must agree with him. Averaging the price hike over three years may cut the cost for the consumer in the first year, but it will also make it necessary fin• Hydro to borrow more money and interest rates will add a good deal to the bill. In the long run, by averaging the increases, it is going to end up costing the consumer a lot more than it would if the one-step hike is adopted. The proposed 30.3 per cent increase would mean an extra $3.43 per nonth.for the average residential consumer. If the raise is kept to 22.7 per cent as the Association of Major Power Consumers is suggesting, the increase would be $2.53 per month, a sav- ing of only 90ct. If the average consumer was a little more energy minded, they could probably cut more than that off their bill anyway. For the sake of 90ct a month now. we do not' believe averaging of the hike rise is a very good idea. Perhaps the average con - SU MCI' will no„ become n1Ore energy conscious and take greater care to use their hydro wisely. They should not be asked to pay the increase over three. years as then they will be forced to come up with more 111OI1ey to pay the interest on any other money Hydro would have to borrow. 'l'hc consumer may save now, but he or she \vile have to pay even more later. by Cathy McKinley Hallowe'en—it's almost here. Time for all the kids to start bugging 1110111 about costumes; tinge for 1110111 to dig deep into her purse for the extra cash needed to buy the trick -or -treat goodies; time for parties and prizes for costumes and finding Hallowe'en candy wrappers everywhere you go. Yes, it's time for all that, but there is one problem this 'car. With Hallowe'en on a Sunday, when do all the goblins go trick -or -treating. Some places arc celebrating Friday night, some Saturday night and I daresay some will go out haunting on Sunday night. However, in Zurich, the official night for haunting is Saturday night. Hallowe'en isn't the only thing that's getting closer, so is the deadline for municipal council nominations. Don't be shy, just head over to the Clerk's office in the new municipal building and you'll soon discover how easy it is to nominate someone you think would do a good job—of course the person you nominate has to agree with you. 1 -have attended many of the Zurich council meetings in the past while, and it isn't hard to notice that usually I and the only spectator. This would seem to me to indicate that either the council is doing an excellent job so everyone in town iS confidenit they will do the right thing, or there is such apathy in town that nobody cares whether they do the right thing or not. I have been at enough meetings to take an educated guess at which reason is most likely to be true and I would bet my money on the first one. In my opinion the present Zurich council has done a lot of work and done it efficiently. Look around town at the new streets and buildings being built and the sewers and storm drains functioning all over town. This council deserves a vote of thanks. One more thing, -since this is election year and since all the seats on council are open to anyone interested, I think there is one more thing the people of not only this village but all municipalities should consider. Too often the people who run our municipalities become discouraged. The only atten- tion they seem to get is attention which comes from a mis- take they made, or an expenditure which seemed too extrava- gant for some people in the municipality. Or, they go to the meetings of council regularly and do their best only to discover that no one really seems to care unless they have a complaint. So, they become disillusioned and get out of local politics. In Zurich at least, I hope this hasn't -happened to the pre- sent members of council. I realize some of then have said they will not be running, but personally, 1 believe if enough people who thought these members of council had done a good job went and told then they had done a good job, they just might reconsider. They leadership this council has given to the community should not be lost so soon, and a few en- couraging words to the right people might make all the dif- ference in the world. At the very least, it will let those pre- sently in council know their work was not in vain—somebody appreciates it. Well, the work is going well over at the community centre, but if you plan to go over and .help remember to keep your \Nits about you—it's a dangerous place. Believe me, 1 know. Last week I went over to get a picture of some of the volun- teer workers digging the holes around the base of the arena. The holes are deep and situated at every 16 feet on both sides You can guess what happened. While trying to take a picture of the men working at one of the holes, 1 backed up a little too far and fell into the next hole. Well, needless to say the people in the picture were more than a little started when I cxmlpletely disappeared from sight. (The - holes are about 3 1/2 - 4 feet deep.) and i must admit it did have a rather humorous 'aspect to it. i didn't hurt myself and after a good naught and a little mud scraping 1 was on. may way. There's just one thing. 1 can't for the life of me figure out why none of the people in the picture noticed how close I was getting to the hole and warned ale. It does slake one wonder, doesn't it? Nacraocoh Mczo Published Each Wednesday By J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. Member: Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Manager - Betty O'Brien News Editor - Cathy McKinley Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 Subscription Rates: $6.00 per year in advance in Canada; in sited States and Porei • n' sin a le co • ieS 200