Zurich Citizens News, 1976-10-13, Page 10Page 10 -Citizens News, October Dashwood By MRS. I. RADER Both the United and Lutheran Churches were decorated with flowers, fruitsand vegetables Sunday for Thanksgiving as special services were held in both churches. A number of people from Dashwood attended the Hayter- Welis wedding at Exeter, Satur- day and the reception at the Legion Hall in the evening. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandahl, Earl junior, and Diane, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce and Janice Hayter, Windsor; and Mrs. Grace Beavis, Detroit. They all attended the Hayter -Wells wed- ding. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and boys were Rick Hayter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Brantford; and Mr, and Mrs. Spike Nagel, Oshawa. They also were wedding guests. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler were Susan and Chris Baynham, Oshawa; and Peter Martene, Seaforth. They also were wed- ding guests. Thanksgiving visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Brantford; Mrs. Grace Beavis 13, 1976 and Mr. and Mrs. Don Duffy, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandahl, Earl, junior and Diane, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs, Jim Hayter and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hayter; Junior and family, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Desjardine and Nicole, Missis- sauga; Mr. and Mrs. Spike Nagel, Susan and Chris Bayn- ham, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGuire and David, Grand Bend; Janice Hayter, Windsor and Brad Oke, Zurich; Mrs. Ernest Koehler, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, Janice and Tom with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and boys. Mr. and Mrs Irvin Rader with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and girls, Zion. Syd Baker is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell returned home sunday follow- ing a trip to three European countries—Sweden, the Nether- lands and England. Jack was a member of the Select Commit- tee on Highway Safety estab- lished by the Premier of Ontario sent over to study research and legislation in an effort to reduce Ontario's highway fatali- ties. Women's Institute meet The Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries group with Mrs. Stuart Wolfe converer was in charge of the October meeting of Dashwood Women's Insti- tute. Roll call, "One advantage of living on a farm" was answ- ered by 14 members and several visitors. Mrs. Ray Rader, president, dealt with the business. Letters of thanks were read for contri- bution and a donation was made to C.N.LB. The Bazaar will be October 26 at Huronview and baking contributions were re- quested. An invitation to attend a Halloween party at Usborne Central school from Elimville W.I. October 13 was accepted. Mrs. Irvin Rader gave a report on the Rally. Mrs. Wolfe was chairlady for the program. Mrs. Hilda Rader gave the motto, "If we teach character in the home, it will blossom in the nation". A contest on town- ships, towns and villages of Huron County was played. Sue Anne Schroeder entertain- ed with guitar and singing. Mrs, Ray Rader introduced the guest speaker, Don Pullen, Agriculture Representative from Huron. He spoke on the importance of farming in Huron and stated that they were always concerned about what is helping in a community. He spoke briefly on the Huron County plowing match and Howard Datars was present sporting the official's uniform. THANKSGIVING VISITORS Lorne and Debbie Miller held Thanksgiving dinner for the Riddell farnily on Monday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell, Donna, Heather, Brenda and Wayne; Debbie Love; Mrs, Dorothy Riddell; Mrs. Alice Bryan; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riddell, Steven and Sandra; and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Rader. BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Mrs. Don Gaiser, Mrs, Jack Gaiser and Mrs. Letta Taylor were hostesses at the Hoffman home for a miscellaneous shower in honor of Rose Marie Weigand bride -elect of October. Mrs. Jack Gaiser showed pictures of Dashwood past and present which were most enjoy- able. Mrs. Don Gaiser conduct- ed a contest. Rose Marie was recipient of many lovely gifts for which she thanked every- one. Visit Our Store FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF Groceries *. Confectionery * Novelties Dairy Stor MAIN ST - ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 ;:t 4-r t: FOO UN Gr. E and ANNEX nd end LINE UP FOR LUNCH—Almost all the children at the Zurich public school took advantage of the hot dogs being sold by the student council on Friday as well as indulging in do -nuts, pop, chips and chocolate bars. Photo by McKinley Annual 4-H awards night 4-H Club members who com- pleted their project, by showing it at the Achievement Day, will be taking part in the Annual 4-H Awards Night which will be held on Friday, November 5, 1976 at the Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. For 4-1I club members who are 12 years of age as of January 1, 1976 and have received a plaque last year, you will receive a mounted plate with the year inscribed unuuu emnuemuw mmittuteuumteett% m It LL ye, 10 G U' L LI SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED • Varna Ontor.o NOM 2120 Gent 514.262.5809 5 TinlulueMultetnetreue0netlnemeuitunleuir on it to attach to last year's plaque. As you were told at the beginning of the 4-H Year, PRE 4-H MEMBERS (club members who had not reached their 12th birthday by January 1, 1976) will not receive a plaque because they are only recognized as county 4-H club members and not as provincial members. However, the pro- ject you complete this year will count towards the pro- ficiency certificate you will receive after completing six projects. Pre 4-H members will receive a certificate from the Huron County 4-H Club Lead- ers Association, recognizing them as completing their pro- ject. r / • i 4%%,.%%%r OoY.O%v \•%%•%!tiA\:r,>.%.0*.%N. REGISTRATION FOR FIGURE SKATING AT THE ZURICH ARENA SAL, OCT*, 76, (FROM 12:00 - 2:00 P.M.) New This Year Power Skating Taught By A Professional REGISTER NOW 4 / / v 1 225-275 Ib. avg. SIDES 100-130 Ib. avg. HIND QUARTERS 100-1301b. avg. FRONT QUARTERS 70 Ib. avg. CHUCKS of BEEF Canada Grade A-1 & 2 Government Inspected EF 4, 4, Ib. lb 85' 9.08 68' I, 79' CANADA SELECT PORK 90 fb. avg. SIDE of PORK „ 95' WHOLE PORK LOIN lb 51.19 OUR OWN PURE BEEF $ PATTIES 10 LB. BOX All beef purchased for this, sale is Canada Grade A-1 government inspected. All orders are cut to your specifications, freeze wrapped and sharp frozen at no extra cost. For More Information Call 238-2123