HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-09-22, Page 20Citizens News, September 22, 1976APage 21 uululu!lnnununnnnnunnmmnuman : Name week - gooC - The Government of Ontario has proclaimed the first week of November "Energy Conser- vation Week" to encourage greater public participation in cutting energy bills throughout the province this winter, Prem- ier, William Davis and Energy Minister Dennis Timbrell an- nounced today. Energy Conservation Week will start Sunday, October 31, and end Saturday, November 6. "Throughout September, we will contact thousands of organ- izations across the Province to ask them to undertake projects of their choice that help con- serve energy", said Mr. Davis. Already several large corpor- ations and other public-spirited organizations have express- ed willingness to participate in a co-ordinated and ,continuing energy conservation campaign. "We are moving the cam- paign beyond the educational information phase into an active participation stage," Mr. Tim- brell said. "The need to reduce energy consumption is becom- ing more critical now that Ontario's energy bill is estimat- ed at $7.5 billion a year. We want to cut a billion dollars off that bill by 1980. Energy Con- servation Week is a way of stimulating the voluntary sup- port necessary to avoid restric- tive legislation in the future." The first week of November has been identified as Energy Conservation Week for two reasons. First, Daylight Saving time ends October 31 and with one hour less of daylight in the evenings, there is a pronounced surge in energy consumption, particularly in residences, com- mercial buildings and industrial plants. Second, early November is the time when most people think of winter automobile tune- ups that reduce gasoline •con- sumption and of insulating and caulking homes to reduce resid- ential fuel bills. "The Ministry of Energy will be working with private indus- try, particularly energy sup- pliers—petroleum, natural gas and electrical—and community groups to promote practical tips on how the individual can quickly undertake conser- vation activities that save him money," Mr. Timbrell said. September the month to kill lawn weeds September is the ideal month to eradicate your lawn weeds. Thin and weedy turf is usually the result of poor maintenance practices or neglect. It can also be an indication that it is lacking adequate nutrients. A dense healthy lawn will compete so strongly for water, light and nutrients, that weed seedlings cannot become estab- lished. Therefore, fertilze your lawn well to thicken existing grass. This should be carried out before trying to kill the weeds, or you will merely increase the amount of space for weed growth the following spring. Mr. R.F. Gomme, horticul- turist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, recom- mends gardeners use 2, 4-D to kill most weeds. However, some Nursing Home weekend The Ontario Nursing Home Association is sponsoring Ont- ario Nursing Home Weekend September IS and 19. It .is the first time, for many years, that the Association has commemor- ated a separate period to honor the residents, staff and volun- teers who provide care for residents of nursing homes. In the past, nursing homes have celebrated nursing home week during Senior Citizens' Week, but some of the 26,000 residents who live in Ontario nursing homes are not senior citizens. We feel we have a special story to tell as members in the health care field. Nursing home care is unique. We seek your help in assist- ing us to promote interest in Ontario Nursing Home Week- end. Throughout the province, member and non-member homes of the Association, will be planning programs for resid- ents and holding open house to encourage the public to come and learn more about nursing home care. I have enclosed a list of representatives of the Association. You may wish to contact a representative in your region to find out more about local activities and pro- grams. We welcome your interest and invite your support. weeds which are hard to kill, such as chickweed, will require mecoprop for effective control. Always make sure you follow the directions on the label when using herbicides. Fall spraying has several advantages. Most cultivated plants in gardens and borders are less sensitive to sprays at this time than in the spring. However, it is still advisable to avoid herbicidal drift. Also, fall spraying ensures that you lawn will be free of dandelions the following spring. For more information, re- quest a copy of Publication 529 "Weed Control for Lawns" from the Information Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Legislative Build- ings, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A5. HEY! ITS yy EK MA 111 0/ 0 • Did you know CHRISTMAS SEALS fight ASTHMA all year with: Health education and information Family asthma programs Day Camps ;t. For information contact your Lung Association ASTHMA WEEK OCT 3-9 Huron Perth Lung Association 121 Wellington Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 2L4 Phone 271.7500 mommoimassommummimomiemiamen "By mid-October, we hope to be in a position to announce a variety of projects for Energy Conservation Week that we are currently planning within the Ontario Government and with private sector groups," he add- ed. The Minister said that he an- ticipates the support and in- volvement of community gro- ups, corporations, business and trade associations and local governments. "1 am asking the people of Ontario to come up with pro- jects in their communities that will contribute to energy con- servation in all its forms," he said. Through the Ontario Energy Management Program the Gov- ernment is already working on 95 experimental conservation projects covering all types of energy use. LL YGULtI- SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED porno Onto, NOM 2120 Dial 519.262.5609 lnlllllnlllnnlnn11nnlllllllnun nlllllmill; Rif Jwhqs BABIES ONLY PLEASE Bathroom Tissue NESTLES Chocolate Quick Kleenex Towels MONARCH PARCHMENT Margarine AYLMER Cream Style Corn AYLMER Whole Kernel Corn CLOVERLEAF Chunk Light Tuna 2's 2 LB. 2/994 $1.66 854 364 3/$1 3/9 594 2'5 1 LB. 14 OZ. 12 OZ. 61/2 0Z. AYLMER CUT WAX OR Green Beans 100Z. AYLMER 10 OZ. Peas & Carrots AYLMER Cream Corn VAN CAMP 19 OZ. 4/$1 4/$1' 10 Oz. 3/884 Beans with Pork 2/$1 STOKELY'S RED Kidney Beans 14 0Z. 3/$1 LYSOL SPRAY Air Freshener 61/20Z. $1 LYSOL BOWL Toilet Cleaner isoz. 654 MAZOLA Corn Oil 32 Oz. $1.49 MAZOLA 9 OZ. 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