HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-08-04, Page 1NO. 31—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS
FIRE DAMAGES HOME—The home of Elroy and Marlene Des-
jardine was severly damaged Monday night by fire,, which started
in the garage and spread to the adjoining house. The back door
as seen here and the roof and attic all were heavily damaged.
The garage was completely gutted as was the car that was inside.
(photo by T. Stover)
Taxation reform
The following is the brief from
the Huron Federation of
Agriculture 'presented to the
commission for property tax
reform in Ontario. Sessions were
held in Goderich this week.
The proposals for changes in
property taxation in Ontario, as
presented in the paper by the
Ministry of Treasury, Economics
and Intergovernmental Affairs.
have been thoroughly studied at
Committee, Directors and at
membership meetings of the
Huron County Federation of
The unanimous conclusion is
that the proposals are not ac-
ceptable as inequities as they
now exist, will not be rectified
and' new inequities will be
created. The rejection is based on
the following points:
While it is well known among
those who make it their business
to know, that farm subsidies are
considerable lower than those for
other industries, it is generally
thought among the daily press,
and therefore by the general
public,. that farmers live on
subsidies and handouts by the
various levels of government.
This impression will be
strengthened even more if
Ontario's government pays the
taxes on one hundred percent of
the value of farmland and
buildings. We, as farmers
belonging to the Huron
Federation of Agriculture, are
too proud to be considered
welfare cases, even if we our-
selves know that this is not the
Reservation about the plan
concern the right of ownership, if
another party pays the taxes on
property for an extended period
of time,
We have also a very real fear
that our voice as taxpayers in our
local governments will be further
eroded if we don't pay our taxes
ourselves. Any future govern-
ment could use the taxes they
hold as a weapon to make
municipal government do their
Never before have farmers
refused to pay their fair share of
the tax burden and we don't in-
tend to shirk our responsibilities
If the government pays our
taxes for us, controlling
trespassing would become much
more difficult, as hunters and
Counsel service
in Exeter
Lois Hinz replaces Elmore
Boomer as Information South
Huron Counsellor. The service
has been renamed "South Huron
Counselling Service" in order to
more clearly define its pur-
Ms. Hinz will begin the service
August 12 and will be in the
committee room of Victoria and
Grey Trust (rear entrance)
between 9 p.m, and 5 p.m. each
She has a masters degree in
social work, has had considerable
experience •in personal and
family counselling and will be
working in Exeter under the
auspices of the Ministry of
Community and Social services.
The counsellor might be seen
either by making an appointment
through South Huron Hospital
235-2700 or by corning to the
committee room of Victoria and
Grey Trust, Thursdays.
Fire causes extensive damage
The fire alarm was sounded at
10:40 p.nl. on Monday night and
Zurich firemen rushed to the
house of Elroy and -Marlene Dcs-
jardine. A blaze started in the
- garage and spread to the rear
and attic of their• house.
Mrs. Dcsjardine said she went
outside for something and noticed
smoke was routing from inside
the garage. When she opened
the door, Mrs. Desjardine said
the entric interior of the garage
exploded into flames and the
force pushed her back some dis-
tance. The family car was in the.
garage and it's tires, and several
other tires quickly ignited.
Flanges from the garage quick-
ly engulfed the rear of the house,
scorching the outside of the
building severely. But it 'was
the heat and the flames that
reached the attic via the overhang
on the south side of the house
that did the most damage. Fire-
men were -working to douse the
fire in the garage and keep the
house wet. However, smoke com-
ing from under the shingles on
the roof prompted firemen to go
up on the roof, knock holes in
the root' and light the fire from up
Shortly before this point, the
Dashwood fire truck was called
in and they hooked up to another
hydrant. Men were trving to
salvage some clothing and furni-
ture but a collapse of. something
or an explosion sent everyone
scurrying out of the building.
Only after some time did anyone
else enter the house with proper
gear and air packs.
When the aluminum under -
hang was torn away on the south
side of the house it revealed burnt
timbers,. and flames which were
causing the damage in the attic.
When firemen could reach that
area effectively with their hoses
the fire seemed to be under
There were no serious injuries
reported, although one man, Ron
Clark was taken to Exeter Hospit-
al to be treated for smoke inhala-
tion and was kept overnight for
HURON FLAG Bob Heil, left, and Gary Maxwell display the new flag of Huron County that is flying in
front of the Hensall Town Hall. The flag was officially unveiled last Wednesday in Goderich.
(photo by T. Stover)
Wintario grant to minor athletics
Toronto Grams totalling
$3,624 have been approved for
seven Huron County projects
from the lirocecds of the Ontario
Lottery. The amounts range from
5718 to $368.
All but one of today's grants
are for sports equipment as
$718 is being awarded to the
"Zurich Minor Athletic Association
for the purchase of softball
equipment .and a 5598 grant is
being used by the Seaforth Girls
Minor Softball League for base-
ball equipment.
The East Wawanosh Recrea-
tion Parks and Community Centre
in Bclgrave will use a $538 grant
for baseball supplies while
The Rotary Club of Goderich will
sponsor the Huron County
Playhouse road show tour of
„Anne of Green Gables" with a
$500 grant.
1'he Bluevalc & District Recrea-
tion Association. the Seaforth
House League Baseball Associa-
tion and Exeter's Minor Softball
League (Usborn:e Recreation
Council) will use respective
grants of $482. $420 and $368
to buy baseball equipment.
Culture and Recreation Minis-
ter Robert Welch said today's
grants are part of the ongoing
Share Wintario programme for
the support of cultural and recrea-
tion facilities.
To date, the ministry has alloc-
ated $46.1 million to more than
2525 groups and projects across
the province..
FRIEDSBURG BEAUTIES — Marilyn Ford of Dashwood was named Miss Friedsburg 1976 Friday night. She
is shown in the centre of the above picture with her Princesses Diane Ducharme and Mary Van Osch.
photo. .