HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-07-14, Page 5School bus saftey improvements
(By Jack Riddell) seven million dollars • to do so,
At the Annual Convention of Another point was if the seatbelts
the School Bus Operators Associ- were installed who was going to
ation of Ontario,, the Minister of ensure that the youngsters were
Transportation and Communica- actually wearing the belts. He
said he was not sure of
tions, Mr. James Snow, said that the
answer, other than have a second
the MTC have prepared a sub-
mission to the Ontario Cabinet person patrolling the aisles dur-
to improve school bus trans- mg the trip and that would mean
another 7,000 salaries added to
One of the main recommenda the payroll. He said this area
tions involves a closer examina- was going to require a lot of
tion of the school bus driver's thinking through.
The Mtn
driving record, as well as his or for said the pro -
her moral character. tposals put forward, and hoped
Based on recent research con- serveer Associationinresagreed, and
ducted by the University of to increase the safety and
tdwhich clearly indicatefs efficiency of what he felt is alrea-
Toronto,that demerit points are a reliable dy an excellent school bus
predictor of future accident in-
and future driving
behaviour, the Ministry is pro-
posing that an applicant for a
school bus licence would be
refused when his or her driving
record shows more than six
demerit points. A licence could
be withdrawn from the holder if
his/her driving record showed
an accumulation of at least nine
demerit points. Another area
under scrutiny is, any applicant
who has had a licence suspension
within the past year resulting
from a driving offence under
the Highway Traffic Act or under
the Criminal code of Canada
within the past five years. That
kind of an applicant will be denied
a licence to drive a school bus. A
licence would also be withdrawn
from anyone with two or more
motor vehicle r ;fated offences
under the Criminal Code of
Canada within thepast five years.
A licence would also be denied
or withdrawn. should an applicant
or driver have been convicted
of a moral offence such as rape
or indecent assault within the
past five years.
Improvements recommended
by the Ministry would include
regulations that on a one-time
basis, a defensive driving course,
or a course in modern driving,
or a school bus driver improve-
ment course would be required
before a licence would be granted
to operate a school bus. That a
St. John's Ambulance course in
First Aid would be a pre-
requisite to the granting of
renewal of a licence. The Minis-
try would recommend an increase
in the minimum amounts of pub-
lic liability insurance required
to be carried by a school bus
operator. The Ministry is asking
that a first aid kit be carried on
every school bus, and this would
be the kit prescribed by the
Workmen's Compensation Board
for 5 to 15 employees. The
Ministry would also seek a
regulation that an adult supervis-
or be present when children are
being transported by a school bus
on a field trip and on such a field
trip standees would be prohibit-
ed. The Ministry proposes to
make it mandatory for school
buses to be examined twice
yearly; that all wheels be remov-
ed and brakes inspected at least
once a year. These inspections
would be carried out and certified
by a licenced motor vehicle
inspection licencee who would
apply a Ministry approved sticker
to the school bus window certify-
ing that the bus had met inspec-
tion standards.
It is gratifying to know that
steps are being taken to afford
more protection for students
travelling by school bus. I have
always felt the crying need for
action to improve the safety of
our schoolbuses. 1 have intro-
duced two Private Members
Bills in the Legislature. These
bills addressed themselves to
two major areas in school bus
safety, the school bus driver and
the school bus itself. I have also
stressed in the numerous speech-
es I have made that seatbelts
must be worn, no standees must
be allowed and first aid kits to bs
carried on the buses and a course
in first aid for the drivers.
The Minister in his speech said
that the theory of mandatory
seatbelts for students in these
buses sounds very safe and sane
but there are flaws in the theory.
If it was structurally possible to
outfit the present 7,000 school
buses in Ontario and the Minister
said it was not, with properly
installed seat belts, it would cost
On the last day of the Session
the Minister of Agriculture and
Food announced details of the
1976 beef calf income stabiliza-
tion programme. The premiums
for this year are to be $5 per cow
and the support price will be
50 cents per pound, the same as
last year. Enrolment closes this
year on the 16th August, and only
cows in the producer's possession
as of June 22nd may be register-
ed. All contracts will expire
in June 1980.
According to the Minister, the
support price is calculated on
100% of the producer's operating
cost. All beef calf producers
and cream shippers in Ontario
are eligible. Producers who
participated last year will re-
ceive enrolment forms in the mail
and new participants may obtain
forms from their agricultural
representatives after July 12th.
The Ontario Federation of
Agriculture has attempted to
determine the costs of beef -
calf production on Ontario farms
in 1975. Twenty-five ,farms
were selected, all reputedly
producing at above-average effic-
iency. The farms were visited by
a researcher in mid -summer last
year, and again early in 1976.
Two producers had ceased or
greatly reduced production and
the farm records of two others
proved insufficiently reliable, so
that final calculations included
21 farms only.
An attempt was made to select
farms engaged solely in beef -
calf production, or farms where
the costs of other enterprises,
such as cash crop or hog pro-
duction, could be accurately ex-
cluded from the cow -calf costs.
The growing of feed for the
animals was also included in
calculation of the production
costs. Most producers had
adjusted to the cow -calf prices in
the fall of 1974 by wintering at
least some of their 1974 calves in
1975 and carrying some 1975
calves into 1976 for sale this year.
It was not possible to isolate the
costs of feeding and caring for
these yearling animals, so the
O.F.A. survey results included
the costs and also the pounds
gained, of steers and heifers.
The average herd size in the
group was 74 cows, with an
approximate calf yield of 85%
For the purposes of the O.F.A.
survey, land values were estab-
lished at $130 an acre for all land
in beef production. This figure
was based on current sales
values modified by revised
assessment schedules for the
area. Building values were based
on the operators' estimates, often
using the insured value as a
guide. Machinery and equip-
ment was valued on depreciated
value of actual cost, and pur-
chased feed was charged at actual
cost with home-grown feed cover-
ed under figures for fertilizer,
machinery, fuel, labour, etc.
The receipts for cull cows were
subtracted from total expenses
and from each category pro
rata. Where herd replacements
were not specifically designated
or selected, it was assumed that
15% of the heifers were destined
Sharen Oesch, of R.R. 1, Varna, and Charles King, of Stratford,
were united in marriage May 15, 1976 in the Zurich Mennonite
Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch;
the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert King. Attendants to
the bride were Mrs. Emma Manson, of R.R. 2, Zurich, and Miss
Terry Oesch, of R.R. 1, Varna. Groomsmen were Brian King,
Stratford, Ivan Oesch, R.R. 2, Wellesley, and Gary Ayre, Stratford.
Reverend 'Clayton Kuepfer and Canon Ernest Wells presided at.
the ceremony. Mrs. Irvin Martin was the organist with Mrs. Stuart
Steckle soloist. The couple will reside at 129A Ballantyre Avenue,
All school children who wish to take part in the
parade on Fair Day, please register at the Hay
Township Farmers Mutual office between the
hours of 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
during the week of July 19th to July 23rd.
Zurich Agriculture Society
Citizens. News, July 14, 1976 - Page 5
This survey by the Q.F.A, was
carefully carried out, and would
seem to be an accurate estimate
of the situation. The Q.F.A. pro-
duction cost per pound is '71.7(P—
considerably higher than the
Minister's 50 cents a pound.
This production cost differential
is very important when con-
sidering the effectiveness or
otherwise of the beef calf stabiliz-
ation programme. As the Minist-
er stated the scheduled payment
under the programme is based on
four factors—"the support price
for calves, which is 50 cents
a pound this year; the weighted
average market price for calves,
which will be calculated from
fall sales; the average number of
calves from 100 cows, which when
calculated for the whole prove is
85; and the average weight of
the calves in the fall, which is
450 pounds each."
to become brood cows, Their
pounds gained were not counted
as net pounds produced. Opera-
tors' equity in the enterprise was
charged at 8% interest, and
operators were allotted a full
industrial wage of $10,400 for
managing a 150 -cow herd, or any
portion thereof on a per cow
basis. No manaeement fee was
July 10
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