HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-07-07, Page 15► 2ND ANNUAL COUNTRY M SIC WEEK -END JULY 10 & 11 PI NERI DGE CHALET HENSALL, ONT. SAT. NIGHT, JULY 10 DANCE °MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS ®RESERVATIONS SUNDAY® JULY 77 m BAND JAMBOREE 2P.M.-9P.M. FEA TURING •JOE OVERHOLT 8 THE STANDBYS •MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS *ROGER QUICK 8 THE RAINBOWS •THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS *COUNTRY *YOU 8ME •THE HEYWOODS THE MAD HATTERS ®THE SILVER STRINGS AND MANY MORE M.C. JOHNNY RE r.,+ T ADMISSION $2.00 CHILDREN 14 & UNDER FREE •FOOD 8 CAMPSITES AVAILABLE *BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIRS Proceeds For Community Service Work FATHER TIME MARCHES ON—So says a sign held by Father Time himself, alias 4 year old Sara Pennington of London. Sister Lisa marches beside her carrying congratulations to Bayfield. Photo by McKinley 4H judge dairy cattle At the third meeting of the Zurich 4-H Calf Club, the judging of dairy cattle took place. The meeting was held at William Steckle's on June 30 at 8:30 p.ni. We proceeded to the barn when we arrived and after everyone had arrived the president, Bill Deichert, opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. Mr. Rasen- berg, leader, told us what to look for when judging dairy cattle and then Paul Klopp told. us how to judge. Beef members also judged the dairy cattle. Robert Steckle, a dairy member, had judged the same as Mr. Rasenberg, so Robert explained Hansell Council (continued from page 1) ied that no outside water, eaves - trough water, or ground water could be allowed to drain into the system by residents. In other business council approved payment to the Tucker - smith Day Care Centre of a bill for $5.62. Members of council expressed dissatisfaction that Tuckersmith had not notified then that a resident of Hensall was using their facilities. "If we agree to pay this bill we are agreeing to support the day care centre, " said Reeve Baker. C mtcikoted tn,pay the bill. why he picked the four cows in the order which he had done. We then proceeded to the house where we talked about our calves, the secretary's report was read and nine members answered the roll call. The meet- ing was adjourned and lunch was served. The three dairy members will be having a meeting on July 5, 6 or 7 on clipping their calves. The next meeting will be beld at Carl , Willert's on July 14 at 8:00 p.m. when, hopefully, Mr. Mac Gregor will be able to attend. Members will then be judging beef cattle and shown how to clip them. -�% %%11%%',46 I 4, • • I S 4 NIP, NW, Niro - Citizens News, July 7, 1976 -Page 15 &M VARIETY & ( Formerly St. Joseph B.P. ) R.R. 2, ZURICH * il'Fawl' k ' * Ch9reoal * Nofhmes OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 236-4857 MON. TO THURS. — 8-10 P.M. WEEKENDS &HOLIDAYS 8 - 11 P.M. nny s11flerS%Tjflg oN REFRESHING Nor wEan�t Fooio�s LIBBY'S De � - owned $ �p Beans 1402. 3/ 1 PALANDA CHOICE Pineapple 19 OZ. 2/88c AYLMER CHOICE 19 OZ. 49 Peaches GLAD Garbage Bags GOLD SEAL 61/2 OZ. Chunk Light Tuna. SWIFT'S BEEF OR IRISH 24 OZ. Stew CHERRY HILL 8 OZ. 634: Mozarella Cheese h 9 MONARCH 21/2 OZ. 89c Pop Mix LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE GILLETTE FOAMY 7 OZ. Spagh tti 19 OZ. 394: Shave Cre m 15 LIBBY'S 190Z. Alphagetti DEL MONTE 4's 4/89 JOHNSON'S AERO 133 G. 434 "Off" BUG REPELLANT S 1.49 FANTASTIC 24 0Z. r Pudding Cups 54 Spray Cleaner $1.33 DEL MONTE 10 OZ. OR GREEN BEANS SPRAY 'N' WASH 16 OZ. Cut Wax 2/55' Stain Re « over $1,39 DEL MONTE 10 OZ. NABISCO 20 OZ. Cream Corn 2/k 54. Shredded Wheat 794 DEL MONTE 10 OZ. MacLEANS 100 ML. Pe y:;s 2/594 Tooth Past,, $1.09 894 DEL MONTE 10 OZ. BRYLCREAM 85 ML. Peas & C rrots 2/554 Hair Dressing CHRISTIES 15 OZ. CHRISTIES 16 OZ. Favorite Cookies 934 CHRISTIES 15 OZ. COOKIES Chips Ahoy 93 MOM'S 1 LB. Soft Ma rga r i n BROWN BEAR 2 LB. 484 Creamed Honey 1.75 Crackers PREMIUM PLUS LUCKY WHIP 4 0Z. Dessert Topping CHERRY HILL 8 OZ. Brick Cheese CHERRY HILL 8 OZ. Colby Cheese GILLETTE 7's Super Stainless Blades 794 69¢ 441 59 894 894 SCHNEIDER'S 16 OZ. BOLOGNA SLICES SCHNEIDER'S MINI .SIZZLERS SCHNEIDER'S BREADED CHICKEN LEGS SCHNEIDER'S SKILLET STRIPS CANADA#1 Canteloupe 49' EA. SUPE RIOR) #FOOD Itelk*ETS*j 16 OZ. LB. 1 1/2 LB. LEI. CALIFORNIA L mons 6 for45C 99c $1.09 $2.35 $1.09 ONT. #1 Lettuce 29cEA, Zurich Superior Market DIAL 236-4354 ZURICH %.%%1•:. %' %% ® . ►1 0 ®11tA ♦ % % %%% i