Zurich Citizens News, 1976-07-07, Page 13Varna Highlights (By Mrs. Bill Chessell) We see that Cathy McKinley has been given the position of News Editor of the Zurich Citi- zens News. We hope you will enjoy your career in newspaper work, Cathy, and wish you much success. We thought everyone from Varna was in Bayfield on Satur- day to see the Centennial parade until we returned and found some people still in the village. Many people from here attended sever- al of the activities and had an enjoyable time. Charlie and Louise Presber and their daughter, Anna, and Thelma Bye, of Naicum, Sask, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heard and fancily and visited other relatives in this area. Rev. Alex Taylor has returned home after several weeks in Clinton Hospital. Also home from hospital is Walter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Spicer of Regina, Saskatchewan and Mr. Ken Jewitt of Seaforth visited on Saturday with Bill and Joyce Dowson and family and attended the Bayfield Centennial. Parade. Kippen News A number of the Kippen U('W attended the U('VV meeting in Chisel horst Church June 30. 1 tt it's were also present h'om Mensal]. Thames Road and the surrounding area. The speaker for the evening was 111x. Nelson who is associated \cilh 1hc' Scott Mission in 'Toronto. Ile told of his ('xj)('rien('('s \vhich \\'('I'e of great int crest. Mrs. Nelson contributed t\vo solus and was accompanied 00 the guitar by i\1r. Nelson. Kippers l!('\V held a very successful Bake Sale at 1lontestead near I3ayl'ield Saturday. 11r. & Mrs. Alex McGregor holidaying in 1"rankenmuth, llichigtn 00 Illy weekend. :A miscellaneous shower was held in honour of Maureen Connolly al the home •of :firs. Ronald 1icGregor .Jinx' 29. A varied and interesting Pr (4.1, W 115 presented by 1llary I3ron(lfaol . :Margaret Iloggarth, (frac(' Drummond, Francis Kinsman. Janet lloggarih. Nancy \1cGregor and Helen McLean. Mrs. Edison AlcLean read the present al ion address and Mall -MT thanked everyone and - 01\11 ed nd1nyiled them to a reception at Kirkton July 31. ' The s•ntpathy of the com- munity is expressed -lo the family of John Tremeer whose death occurred on the weekend. Citizenship. mobile office The Citizenship Mobile Office will be in The Square at Goderich, Ontario, from Thursday, July 22 to Friday, July 23: The office will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Anyone interested are welcome to drop in. Overcrowding a refrigerator interferes with the normal flow of circulating air and tends to overwork the compressor. :Citizens News, July 7. 1976 -Page 13 NOTICE OF MEETING The Commission to Review Proposals for Propert Tax Refor : 1 Ontario A public meeting for residents of Huron and Perth counties and Stratford will be held on August 4, 1976 at 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at Goderich Collegiate Gymnasium, 260 South Street, Goderich, to receive submissions, both oral and written, from local government representatives, prop- erty taxpayers and all other interested parties, concerning the proposals that have been put forward by the Government of Ontario as a means of establising a new system of property taxation based on market value assessment. This meeting is one .of a series which the Commission is conducting throughout Ontario this summer and fall, before submitting its recommendations to the govern- ment. The proposals, originally published in the 1976 Ontario Budget, Budget Paper E, entitled Reform of Property Taxation in Ontario, are as follows: 1. Residences in Ontario, collectively, will bear a reduced share of property taxes. 2. Residential property will be redefined to include only residences and a reasonable amount of land. 3. The present practice of levying dif- ferent mill rates on residential and commercial properties will be discon- tinued. 4, Farmland, farm buildings, managed forests and farm residences will be assessed at market value. Farmland, farm buildings and managed forests will be taxed at 100 percent of market value and the taws will be paid by the Province. Farm residences will be taxed as all other residences at 50 per- cent of market value and the taxes will be paid by the owner. There will be provision to recover taxes paid by the Province if the property changes use. 5. All real property used for the purpose of a business including wvernmunt administrative facilities will be subject to an additional assessment of 50 per- cent of market value for business taxes. 6. All public property except residences will be subject to payments in lieu of , taxes equal to full taxes at 100 percent of market value. Public residences will be subject to payments in lieu of taxes equivalent to full taxes at 50 percent of market value. Public utilities will be subject to business assessment at 50 percent of market value. 7. As is the present case, churches, cemeteries, and property held in trust for a band or body of Indians will be exempt. All other presently exempt property will be taxed at 100 percent of market -value, except residences which will be taxed at 50 percent of market value. 8. A uniform method of phasing -in the new -tax system over a period of up to five years will be available to prevent abrupt tax changes. 9. Assessment rolls will be returned and enumeration will be performed every two years to coincide with local government elections. 10. Assessment on provincial government property will be pooled and assigned between the public and separate ele- mentary schools in the same propor- tion as the taxable assessment as- signed by the owners and occupants of residences. 11. Costs shared among municipalities will be shared on the basis of the assessment on which. taxes and pay- ments in lieu of taxes are based. 12. Where assessment is to be used to determine the grant to be paid to a municipality, the assessment used will be the assessment on which taxes and payments in lieu of taxes are based. '13. The provisions of The Assessment Act will apply to the assessment of all real property in Ontario, including areas without municipal organizations. 14. Public bodies which receive provincial grants, such as school boards, will be allowed to include their property tax payments as allowable expenses for grant purposes. 15. Ontario's property tax credits which relate property taxes to the ability to pay will. if necessary, be strengthened upon implementation of the new system. Copies of Budget Paper E containing background and explanatory information, in addi- tion to the proposals themselves, may be obtained, free of charge, from regional assessment offices or from Mr. Lawrence Close, Executive Secretary, Commission on Property Tax Reform, Fifth Floor, Frost Building South, Queen's- Park, Toronto M7A 1 Y7, telephone (416) 965-1671. If you plan to appear and present a written or oral sub- mission, please notify Mr. Close in advance, by letter or telephone. We would also ap- preciate receiving one copy of any written submission, prior to the meeting. Since the purpose of these meetings is to help ensure that the new taxation system is implemented in an e=fficient and equitable manner, the •Commission hopes that all Ontario residents with opinions and suggestions to 'offer will manage to make their representations to us. ZOIERIMOCCIM= 111012131r Ontario Willis L. Blair Chairman