HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-07-07, Page 10•Page 10 -Citizens News, July 7, 1.9761 RA.^ ,r,inttlk 'ait vSvF AU ,tx; CO. 42i• • t Mogi 'ow FNkE As ''i ,tdiale 0., 9611200 FOREST HILLS 4RM5 $71, CFI For Side 45 GALLON STEEL BARRELS for burning garbage and barrels for all use; also half barrels. Agent for Blyth Steel Barrells, United Co -Op, Zurich, phone 236-4393. Also MeClinchey Store in Varna, phone 482-9113. 25-28-p DAVIDSON HEARING AID Ser- vice. Free Hearing Tests. 45 - day trial, batteries, chargers, repairs. City and country house calls, 334 Queens Ave. Phone 432-9951, London. 24-tfn SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE: Moving -will sell you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Sav- ings or $2100.00, 1975 model, call 416-625-2719, days or evenings. collect. 12- ti WE NEED your old Refrigerator for cottage trade. Buy a new one now while allowances are best. Admiral Refrigerators are priced as low as 5299. Turkheim Furni- ture & Appliances, 236-4075, Zurich. 26, 27, 28-b TOWER KING pressed Stave. Silos, Arca representative, . France's Boyle. R.R.3, Ripley, , Phone 395-5088. 1-tf SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood. ahoy L' ground pool. 16 24: 1 year old. Repossessed by bank. saerilive 1 2 price. Call Mr. Hary e\ , collect. days or c\ cnings. 416-625-8819. 1 1 -If MONTMORENCY Cl -TERRIES• Rcady noir . Pick your own. Watson Fruit Farms. 1 mile north - Forest. 21 Highway. 27-b TED VOOGEL And On Ltd. BUILDING CONTR CTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages * Renovations CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R. 1 PH: 2382 — 742 ,Noississr 1 N. Y r ,r Coming Events The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Monday; July 12, 1976 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years 6. Vision Screening For Sale SWIMMING POOL: Less than 1 yen old. Fanta -Sea above ground Redwood -16 x 24, cost 54500.00. Must sell immediately -will sacri- fice -savings of 52000.00. Ca'1.1 416-625-8817, days or evenings, collect. 12-tf 47th annual Stephenson reunion The 47th annual Stephenson Reunion was held Sunday, July 4, at Seaforth Lions Park with 30 in attendance. President David Turner welcomed everyone and a delicious smorgasbord supper followed. Following the supper, Sandra Turner read the minutes of last year's picnic. It was decided to hold next year's picnic on July 3, 1977. It was motioned by Elmer Turner and seconded by Ann McConnell to dispense with the advertising for next year. Jim Consitt and David Turner volunteered to look after the sports in the absence of the sports committee. Results are as fol- lows: races—girls 5-9, Becky Rathwell; .4 year old, Michelle Turner; 2 year old, Melody Turner. Ladies' kick the slip- per—tie, Sandra Turner and Marion Consitt; children's kick the slipper—tie, Mavis Turner and Ben Rathwell; men's kick the,slipper, David Turner; wheel barrow race, Mavis Turner and Becky Rathwell. A relay race concluded the activities. Zurich News 236.4672 HURON COUNTY BOARD • OF EDUCATION requires TWO (2) ACCOUNTING SECRETARIES at their ADMINSTRATION CENTRE 103 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM ILO To perform general clerical duties in the accounts payable - payroll area. Proficient typing and some bookkeeping and business machine skills are required. Written application addressed to Mr. G. W. Lamb, Accountant, will be received until July 14, 1976. Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane Director H. Turkheim Chairman WARRING1ON 1":° r.• x, • .ell, BK „OOK sL.lFi- xf,AIDS--e° .. 4,1 rt AM N l„ Av. G B busy with Labatt's 100 after the Butterfly. The third boat in was the Straight Arrow, owned by John Warren of Grand Bend. By 9 a.rn. Friday, all the boats that had not dropped out were in Bayfield. Of the 65 that start- ed, 45 completed the '100 mile course. The rest had either returned or were still racing. A Canadian Coast Guard cutter accompanied the race as a safety precaution. There were no rep- orts of any of the boats in 'dist- ress, but the rough waters made it difficult for the smaller yes- scls.. Times were adjusted to handi- cap the larger heavier boats. The official winner of the Labatt's 100 was actually the second boat in, the Tigress. The Labatt's Yacht Race, und- er its new sponsorship has inc- reased the entries this year- and it seems to be growing more and more in popularity every year it is held. The scene at the dock in Grand to Bayfield. The medium and Bend was busier and more larger sized boats were instructed lively for the start of the Labatt's to make their way down to Kettle 100 than any other holiday week- Point and then over to the end of the summer. But here it U.S. coast. was 7:30 a.m. on a wet and windy The unsettled weather condit- Thursday morning and as you ions proved to be a blessing looked down the row of masts and a curse to the sailors. The there were people everywhere rain and rough water took their straightening ropes, tying down toll as the boats dropped out gear or storing supplies for the because they could not handle overnight run across Lake Huron the high waves or too many and back. of the crew got sea -sick and Rough waters and high winds couldn't help to sail the boat. greeted the boats as they made The wind was blowing quite their way to the starting area. strongly and the race, which Sixty-five boats from different normally ends on Friday morn - classes were tossed and pushed ing between 8 a.m. and noon, about by the seven foot waves. ended when the majority of boats The smaller vessels started first entered the barb -or at Bayfield and 15 minutes later the medium between 1:30 a.m. and dawn. sized crafts began the race. A First to cross the line was the half hour behind them the big- Butterfly, a boat owned by Mike gest sail boats took off. Sully of the Goderich Yacht The course for the smaller Club. He carne in at 1:39:13 and cruising craft was directly across was followed closely by George Lake Huron to Sanilac, Michigan Lions on his boat the Tigress. The then over to Godcrich and down Sarnia boat finished two minutes !t• Freezing raspberries - safe and easy. and Food. Choose firm, tutly mature beI't'ies and wash only if necessary. Handle 'carefully to avoid squashing or bruising t beim. Prepare a syrup allowing 2 cups of sugar to every 3 cups of \caIer. Pack the fruit into rigid freezer ('00! 0) ners and cover with the cooled syrup, leaving at least one inch of headspace to allow for expansion (luring fl'ee'zing. To keep the fruit submerged in the syrup, lace 0 small -place of crumll1C(1 waxed paper between the fruit and lid. Raspberries can also be frozen in dry sugar. Allow 2 'Scup sugar for eyerti' four cups of berries. Gently and briefly stir the sugar into the measured berries, then pack in freezer containers. Raspberries can be frozen without sugar, but compared with (hose frozen in dry sugar or syrup, berries packed in this way are not as flavorful, have a poorer texture and show marked loss of color when defrosted. Freezing is not only the best but also the easiest way to preserve raspberries for use during the HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich' has a fine selection of Diamonds, , Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks, Barom- eters. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are 51'1.95 and, up. Family Rings and Charms. , Watch and clock work guaran- teed. 1-tf , THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION . requires a CUSTODIAN at SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL, EXETER Written applications stat- ing age, experience and tele- phone number, should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont- ario. Applicants will be notif- ied if required for an inter- view. Deadline for applications is Friday, July 16th, 1976. D.J. Cochrane H. Turkheim Director Chairman winter months, say food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked, sealed, tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 16, 1976 for contracting custodial services at USBORNE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Usborne Twp. All tenders must be sub- mitted on the official tender forms which are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario. Lowe'st or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. McVean Plant Superintendent NURSING GRADUATE — On June 11, Anna Wissing, daughter of Mrs. Anna Messner and the late Fred Messner of Dashwood her received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Western On- tario. She is a graduate of South Huron District High School and St. Joseph's School -of Nursing, London. In September, Anna plans to study in Master of Nur- sing Education at UWO. photo by Erik Singer. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a CUSTODIAN at GODERICH DISTRICT OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, GODERICH Written applications stat- ing age, experience, and telephone number, should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education,. 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontar- io, NOM 1LO. Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Deadline for applications is Friday, July 16th, 1976. H. Tur Chairm kheirn D.J. Cochrane an Director THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS to do supply work in the ele- mentary and secondary scho- ols during 1976-77. Written applications, in- cluding qualifications, social insurance number, and tele- phone number must be mailed before July 30th to: R.E. Smith, Superintendent of Edu- cation, Huron County Board of Education,, 103 Ontario Street, Clinton, Ontario. Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this infor- mation lists of available teach- ers will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their services are required. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our schools need not re- apply. Names will automatic- ally be included for the com- ing year unless notification to the contrary is received from either the teacher or a principal. D.J. Cochrane H. Turkheim Director Chairman {