Zurich Citizens News, 1976-07-07, Page 5Children paint
on main street
About 90 children gathered on
the main street of Bayfield Fri-
day morning to take part in one
gigantic paint in as part of the
centennial weekend activities.
Long rolls of paper were stapled
to wooden frames and with paint
brushes in hand the children
were free to paint whatever their
hearts desired.
Many of the children were pro-
tected from the weather and
themselves by wearing plastic
garbage bags over their bodies
with holes for their heads and
arms. Others had . borrowed
father's oldest shirt and by put-
ting it on backwards had succeed-
ed in covering themselves. Still
others painted rnerrily on obliv-
ious to the spatters of paint
flying in all directions from
brushes dipped in all colors.
Paintings ranged from sail-
boats on the lake to birthday
cakes and parties, to space ships
to self portraits to big gobs of
many colors which defied any
It was well organized with
lots of water for taking paint off
faces as well as brushes and the
children seemed to enjoy them-
selves immensely.
PAINTING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS—Robert Boyes of Bayfield was
one of 90 children who participated in a paint -in on main street
Friday. Robert decided painting boats on the lake would be a suit-
able donation to Bayfield's centennial celebrations.
• Photo by McKinley
4 H Budging competition
('lose to 200 iuron County 4-11
members too. )art in the annual
livestock and field crops ,judging
competition in Seaforth, Wed-
The classes which the 'com-
petitors had to judge included:
Arabian horses, dairy and beef
cattle, swine, sheep, corn and
barley seed, mixed hay and one
identif flea lion class.
Sharon Colclough topped the
senior competition with 718 out of
0 possible 800 points. The Clinton
area girl was followed by Barb
Miller, RR 3 Exeter, and harry
Fra nken, 1{R 2 Auburn, who tied
for second with 714 pointy.
The intermediate winner was
()scar, Meier, I{R 4 Brussels,
Behind him were Jean Siert:WI11a
4111d Sa Marshall, both of RR 3
Idyl h.
The 57 junior compel itors were
headed by Chris Meier, RR 4
Brussels, with Grace Alton, RR 2
Lucknow, S(Ton .
The 110V lee class drew 54
competitors. Dianne Oldfield, I{I{
4 Seafnrth, was the winer,
followed in second place by
Margaret Pyne. RR 1 Centralia.
St. Annes Church, Tecumseh,
Ontario was the setting for the
marriage of Gisele T. Cecile,
daughter of .Mr. Ernest T.
Cecile of St. Anises Street.
Tecumseh, and Mr. Kevin T.
Robson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore T. Robson, of Clarence
Drive, Windsor. After a trip to
Montreal, the couple will reside
in Downsview, Ontario.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT IS IT?—To Mary Clare Beachie,
2 year old summer resident of Bayfield, her painting is self-
explanitory. The rest of the world will have to wonder. Mary Clare
was taking part in the Bayfield centennial paint -in on main street
Friday morning. Photo by McKinley •
'fool Coates, RR 1 Centralia,
headed the pre 4-1I class with 627
points. followed by Lisa 'Thomp-
son. RR 5 Wingham.
Winners of special trophies and
awards lV('rc. as follows:
131a1('hfor(l Feeds Limited
Trophy - highest score in entire
Competition. Won by: Oscar
Meier. RR 4, Brussels. Runners
p: Jean Sierlsenla, KK :3,
Blyth: Sandy Marshall, RR 3,
lily! h.
Canadian National Exhibition
Shield - high Novice Judge. Won
by: Dianne Oldfield, ItRt 4,
tient(»'Ih: 1(1)11)1('1' up: Margaret
Pym, lilt 1, Centralia.
('11, Trophy - highest score in
Swine Section. Won by: John Van
\'lief, RR 2, Brussels - score 94
out of n possible 100. Runners up:
Jackie 13rand, RI{ 3, Clinton -
scorc 94; Jerry Logienherg, I{1t
1. Dungannon - score 94; Don
('arier, RR :3, Blyth - Scare 94.
(Tie broken by reasons on the
swine class).
Iluron County Milk Committee
Award - highest score in Dairy
Section, Won by: Murton Brock,
out of a possible 100. (John \'an
\'lie( had 0 Score of 98 hul other
ma jot. award w'inrers arc
ineligible. 1. •
Huron ('aunty Cattlemen's
Association Award - highest
si'n'e in Ihe 130)'! Section. Won
by; Roger Morrison, RI{ 1.
Luck now - 14001'e 96 out of a
possible 100. Runner lip; Paul
ihhings, itlt 1, Clinton -score 94'
out of a possible 1(10.
1\'inston Powell Award -
highest score in the Horse Sec-
tion. Won by: Lorraine Din-
smore, P'ordwich - score 98 out o1'
0 possible 100, Runner up: Oscar
111cicr, RR 4, brussels - score 97
out of 0 possible 100.
Emmanuel United' Church
Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist
11:15 a.nl, - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Citizens News, July 7. 1976 -Page 5
For All Your
Electrical Needs
and Problems
83 Gidley St., Exeter
Residential, Commercial
Industrial and Farming
Local Initiative
Changes in the $100 million.
Local Initiatives Program annou-
nced today by Manpower and
Immigration Minister Robert
Andras are designed to ensure
that funds arc directed to areas
of highest unemployment.
Federal constituencies with an
unemployment rate in excess of
seven per cent will receive the
major share of funds allocated for
the 1976-77 program, and the
minimum allocation for constit-
uencies w'Ith unemployment rates
below seven per cent of the
labour force has been cut from
$100,000 to $75,000.
"By using a higher base un-
employment rate of seven per
cent instead of last year's tiv(.
per cent to determine how funds
are allocated, and by cutting the
basic_ minimum allocated by
$25,000, more money Will be
diverted to areas where unem-
ployment is most severe." Mr.
Andras said.
"It is not likely that there will
be a significant drop in the unem-
ployment rate this winer and I
anticipate that the Atlantic pro-
vinces and Quebec will likcl�
experience the highest rate (11
Applications,for L.I.P. this year
will be accepted up to midnight.
September 10, and application
forms will be available from
Canada Manpower Centres from
St. Peter's
Lutheran Charch
Organist Miss Christine Haberer,
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service
10:45 a.m. - Sunday Church
Vacation Church School
Mornings of July 5 - 16 inclusive
Everyone Welcome
Itit 1, Granton - score 98 out of a 11111111111
poSsihle 1011: Runners up: Barb
Miller, RR 3, Exeter -score 96 out Zurich Mennonite Lakeview Conservative
of a poSSiblr 100: Joan Pym, I{It Mennonite Church
1, Centralia, Score 96 out of a
possible 100.
Cyanamid of Canada Award -
highesl score in Sheep Section.
Won by: Dave Mewhinney, RR 1,
Lucknow - score 98 out of a
possible 100. Runner up: Joan
Pym, RR 1, Centralia - score 97
Feeling listless? Out of
Fight it! Take a walk.
ltAlk , Mork:C.410 v..
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School
10:45 a.m. - Worship Service
Wed., 8:30 p.nl. - Bible Study
& Prayer Service
The Lord is near unto all then
that call upon Him, to all that Only fear the Lord, and serve
call unto him in trust. Him in truth with all your heart,
For consider how great things He
has done for you.
1 Samuel 12:24
Everyone Welcome
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
8:00 p.m. - Gospel Service
Wed, eve. - Study of eighteen
Articles of Faith -adopted in
Dortresct 1632.
If we fear Him, He will hear our
cry and save us. Psal, 145:18, 19
Everyone Welcome