HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-30, Page 13The third season of the 30th
Ontario Legislature has now
adjourned for the summer recess.
However, if the Supreme Court
of Canada rules later this month
that Ontario's agreeinent with the
federal government on the anti-
inflation, programme is invalid,
the Members of the Provincial
Parliament will almost certainly
be recalled into session. The
Federal Justice Minister has
asked the Court to rule on the
constitutionality of the federal -
provincial agreement after ob-
jections raised by teachers in
Renfrew County.
During debate on the Estimates
of the Ministry of Health, the
Minister threatened to quit
his position if an appeal court
rules the province does not have
Jottings by Jack -from Queen's
Government by government
the power to close hospitals
through a Cabinet Order -in -
Council, and the province does
not then introduce enabling
legislation. The Divisional
Court has ruled that the Cabinet
does not have the power to close
ten hospitals, and the Provincial
Government is appealing the
ruling. Meanwhile, four hospitals
in Clinton, Paris, Durham and
Toronto, have received interim
financing. The Minister also
said his Ministry staff has been
reduced by 2,192 over the past
two years in an effort to make
savings. Liberal Leader Stuart
Smith said the Health Minister
has never "bungled so thorough-
ly" as it did in its attempts to
close hospitals, that the govern-
ment's activities in this area left
many hospitals "in a shambles"
and caused feat among hospi-
tal employees. Most people
were, he said, "shocked at..the
government's assumption it could
close hospitals in small communi-
ties simply by Cabinet decision.
The government Ministers are,
apparently, afflicted by the notion
that decisions can be made at
an elite centre and then imposed
by regulation.
About 180 Ontario communities
are being ordered to shut down
their arenas permanently because
they are too dangerous to use.
An additional 120 communities
are expected to be prohibited
from opening their arena in the
fall unless they make structural
repairs. Many of these arenas
may have seen their last hockey
game as well, because major
repairs often cost as much as a
new building. However, the
Minister of Labour has indicat-
ed that some of the unsafe arenas
may be allowed to remain open
while repairs are carried out,;
and the Minister of Culture and
Recreation has announced that
grants will be made available to
cover at least half the cost of
arena repairs in most areas.
A question was raised in the
House by a member of the
Opposition. The Minister • of
Transportation and Communica-
tions was asked whether he was
aware that Bell Canada is plan-
ning on proceeding with the
introduction of the Balance Armi-
LEARNING TO DRIVE a tractor can be fun as well cis educational as Dave Springham, left, discovered.
Dave is participating in a Junior Agriculturalist program by spending the summer working on the dairy farm
of Martin Van Ninhuys, right, near Bayfield. photo by McKinley
Seaforth 527-0910
Hensall 262-2418 Clinton 482-9514
Citizens News, June 30, 1976 -Page 13
Health Minister's axe, a hospital
`" Nhich over a period of some ten
years provided excellent and very
comprehensive mental health.
care and only a few months
before, the hospital had received
ture Receiver. The Minister was from the Canadian Council on
asked to intervene either through
the CRTC or directly in this Hospital Accreditation, one of
the highest accreditations of any
matter. It was pointed out that hospital in Ontario.
the Provincial Government has
intervened on many occasions The case of the Clinton Public
with regard to Bell rate hearings Hospital was appealed in the
and in an important matter like Divisional Court and the closure
this it is imperative that the of Clinton and three other hospit-
Minister intervene on behalf of als was ruled invalid and rightly
the hard of hearing. so. There is no possible justifi-
The Minister, Mr. Snow, ad- cation for closing a hospital
vised that he had correspond- of this calibre with the kind of
ence on the matter and as he re- record it has. 1 again outlined
called the matter was resolved the functions carried out in the
satisfactorily but that he would Clinton Hospital. The many
have to look up the details. emergency surgical procedures
The Balance Armiture Re- carried out as a result of motor
ceiver is a new receiver formulat- vehicle accidents. The only
ed by Bell Canada. According to hospital in the area with five
Bell Canada it is a design that certified active specialiston
will produce a great savings in staff with four highly trained
the future. However, people anaesthetist. The only hospital
who wear hearing aids will not in the area with a laparoscope
be able to pick up the sound. for diagnostic and therapeutic
The new receiver will gradually procedures and patients came to
be phased into all telephones over Clinton from miles away for this
a period of 10 years. service. The first class remote
cardiac monitor and resuscitation
1 had another opportunity dui
ing the discussions on the health team available 24 hours a day
estimates to bring up the matter with a successful resuscitation
the closing of our hospitals. rate of 100% for 1975. The fact
of the speecI quotedoand that the hospital specializes in
endorsed an editorial which said the treatment of hemophilia and
that democracy suffered a great was asked by the university
in London to establish a rent
setback in the Province of Ontar-
io, and that it was government by peritoneal dialysis unit for pati -
the government and to hell with ents in the area, which is functio-
the people. ning very successfully and is, in
fact, the only one in Huron
A first rate example of this County.
was the closing of Clinton Hospi-
tal without any real compromise. I quoted letters that came to
I said, sure, they put up a great niy office, to illustrate how the
act of listening to our beliefs people were feeling.
and reading our letters which 1 told the Chairman that I
poured in by the thousands but knew that I have gone overthis
where did it get us—nowhere. ground before, that it was ploug-
1 stressed that now there was no hed ground but I said that I
place for sick people from Clinton firmly believed that this ground
and area to go when they really must be held in order to give the
need it. The nearest hospitals, seed an opportunity to germinate,
Seaforth, Goderich and Wingham and I hope that 1, along with the
have indicated they are full and people in the riding which 1
can't accommodate the patients represent, have implanted the
from Clinton and surrounding seed in the mind of the Minister
area. 1 said it seemed Huron- and I do hope that the Minister
Middlesex had been singled out will give that seed a chance
for their very special attention. to germinate, and will give our
First, the Goderich Psychiatric small communities a chance to
Hospital was threatened with the continue to function.
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Management training
Information on government
programs for business
Hugh Sheldon
one of our representatives
well be at
Les Pines Hotel, EXETER
on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month
(July 6th & July 20th)
If you require financing to start, modernize or
expand your business and are unableto
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write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford