HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-30, Page 6Page 6 -Citizens News, June 30. 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh,
London, spent a few days last
week with Mrs. Cora Gaiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Miller,
newlyweds, have returned home
following their honeymoon at
the Thousand Islands .and are
temporarily living in Dashwood.
Mrs. Jean Walper had the
misfortune of slipping and frac-
turing her ankle. She has been
released from University Hospita
and is staying in London with
her sister and family, Mr. .and
Mrs. Stan. Slezak.
Mrs. Larry Mason and infant
daughter returned home Sunday
from St. Joseflh's Hospital,
London. `�
Mr. anL MrsM _ke Burke and
Susan. Bra=7:,:n. _ 'nc'idaying
w -t -m Mist
SH,ar..n . ,'cspent
and Stacey laden_
Shipka district couple
mark 30th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sweitzer
have returned from a plane trip
to Arizona.
Mrs, Marian Horner, of Park-
hill, visited a day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Desjardine
and Ray.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Russell on the birth of
their baby daughter, named
Jaqueline Marie.
Bill, Lynda and Persephone
Morenz, of London, visited
Saturday with Bill's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz.
Cindy Desjardine, who has
lived for some years at Ripley,
is now at home with her parents
and brother Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Desjardine and Ray and she plans
on attending South Huron Dis-
trict High School this fall.
Karen Guenther was one of
the Grade 8 graduating class from
Stephen Central Public school.
Congratulations to her for win-
ning the Angela Armitt congen-
iality award for displaying the
most pleasing personality. Gues-
ts at her graduation were her
mother Mrs. Karl Guenther,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moore of
Sarnia and Dorothy Harlton.
Wednesday and Sunday visit-
ors with their uncle and cousin,
Mr. and Herb Harlton and
Dorothy were Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Jackson of Seaforth and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harlton of
Mrs. Lillian Meininger visited
Sunday in Hensall with her
sister, Mrs. Tom Gittus.
Saturday and Sti , rs
with Mr. and Mrs. E
were Mrs. Hazel M an,:
Mrs. Ruby Foster of L ..
Alf Burt and his niece
from Manitoulin Island.
FredWeiburg is spending
some holidays with his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and
family at their cottage at Point
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Sid Durie and Glenn were
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montague of
St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Currie of Ingersoll and Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis Durie of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer
celebrated their 30th weddint7
anniversary, Saturday evening,
with a dinner at Zion United
Church, Crediton. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comfort,
Mr. and Mrs. Garson Brady,
Mrs. Elsie Comfort, Mrs. Sylvia
Anger, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lead -
ley, all of Welland; Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Prisciak, of Smithville;
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Evans,
of Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Campbell, Exeter; Mrs. Stuart
Sweitzer, Grand Bend and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Pickering.
The guests returned after din-
ner to the Sweitzer home. Others
who called in the evening with
congratulations were Mr. and
Mrs: Jin -i Sweitzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Sweitzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Ericson, Terry and
Justic Pickering, Debbie Leadley,
James Prisciak, Harry, Deanna
and Chad Comfort
TOP MARKS—The Knights -of Columbus Award for the top girlin
the graduating class of Ecole Ste. Marie was presented to Cheryl
Rau, left, by the school's principal Mrs. Laporte.
Photo by McKinley
Got the blues?
Want to get away from
it all?
Take a wall!
WHERE'S THE MILK? — Jason Clarke of Henson wasn't having much luck at the Hensall fair Tuesday as he
tried to milk this prize winning cow which was an entry in the parade. Jason was actually part of the act
while inside the cow were Kim Ingram and Jeff Clarke. T -A photo.
County fails to reach decision
Continued from front page
McKinley told council. "They are
taking the place of council
members. We propably could run
this council with fewer members
until given more respon-
sibility."The right move at this
point is to adopt Section 27 (a)
and give it a good try," said
Reeve McKinley. "It puts more
responsibility on the members,
but if done efficiently and
properly, there would not be an
increase in the amount of time
spent by individual coun-
cillors."Some of the new in-
formation provided for council
concerning the reduction of
members, sparked new com-
ment. That information showed
that Bruce County now has 31
municipalities with 31
representatives; Wellington
County has 21 municipalities with
26 members and effective
January 1, 1977, will have only 21
members; Perth County will
have 11 municipalities and 14
members effective January 1,
1977 will have 26 members; and
Middlesex County is presently
looking into fewer members.
Reeve Bill Elston of Grey
Township warned council that the
fewer members there are, the
easier it is to move toward the
amalgamation of municipalities.
"We should soon know what
civil servants are doing to the
average citizen of this province,"
said Reeve Elston. "When there
are too few elected people, we are
being told what to do by civil
Reeve Elston held up the school
board in Huron as an example.
He charged that the elected
trustees "don't have any input
into the operation of our schools,"
"I can't support Section 27
t a ) ," said Reeve Elston.
Deputy reeve Finlay Mac-
Donald claimed that ratepayers
in Ashfield Township felt it was
an insult to the township to
suggest that only one county
representative should come from
"I will be offended very much
today if this motion passes,"
complained Reeve MacDonald.
The deputy -reeve from
Tuckersniith, Ervin Sillery, said
that the people "like to have the
fellow in the neighborhood to talk
to" about county matters.
Tuckersmith Reeve . Elgin
Thompson said Dr. Ted Hadwen
from the University of Guelph
found in a study of Huron that
"everyone was happy with things
as they are."
"Let's not change it," said
Reeve Thompson.
Bayfield Reeve Ed Oddleifson
said "the personal aspect"
should not enter into the
discussion at all. He said the
county council members should
"consider strictly the economy
for this county."
William Morley, deputy -reeve
of Usborne Township, made a
plea for council to reject Section
27 (a). According to Mr. Morley, ,
"Huron has been leaders in the
past. Maybe we're still leaders if
we stand pat on this issue. Maybe
that will be evident in the
It was Mr. Morley who later in
the day asked council to table the
issue of a Private Members Bill.
Those sentiments were echoed by
Reeve John Jewitt of Hullett
Township - and the matter was
held over for further discussion in
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