HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-30, Page 1NO. 26—FIRST WITII THE LOCAL NEWS
KRAZY DAYS WINNER—Betty Kirk was the winner of last week
end's Krazy Days draw for $25. Above Betty accepts the cheque
from Ron Heimrich, president of the Zurich Business Association
which sponsors Krazy Days. Lottie Gascho made the draw Saturday
Photo by McKinley
Fail to reach decision
on reducing county totrr
Champion calf brings $1,45 per
pound at Hensall Spring Fair
Records were broken left and
right al the Hensall' Spring Fair
and Beef Feeder Calf Club sale on
Tuesday night but according to
Gladys ]McGregor of RR 3 Kip -
pen, fair secretary, the price paid
for the Grand Champion of the
calf. competition was rather
Marry IN inters of Huron
Tractor paid $1.45 per pound on
the hoof for Bill Kinsman's 893
pound calf, considerably higher
than the $1.30 per pound the
Grand Champion demanded last
year. At the 1974 fair the top price
paid was $1.23.
"This year's price even beats
the Queen's Guineas for the past
six or seven years." said Mrs.
1IcGregor. "11 was quite 0 sale
and should make interest even
higher for the calf club members
and the prospective buyers for
next year's fair,"
The Reserve Champion. shown
by Mary. Jane McGregor, also
fetched a record breaking price.
Ken and 'George Parker of
Parker and Parker of Hensall
topped the bidding at $1.40 per
pound for 1he second place calf..
Members of Huron County deputy -reeve, thereby reducing
Council are reluctant to reduce council from 45 members to 36
membership. In two votes at the members, with a provision for 37
June session of county council in votes, the Town Of Goderich once
Goderich, members agreed to do more getting the extra vote. •
nothing about cutting hack the Section 27 ►a) provides for a
number of county councillors who de'put y -reeve only aft er a
population of 2,500 has been at-
Late in the afternoon, 0 motion
was put forth recommending that
the county council for Huron
pet it ion the Ontario government
in a Private Members Bill to
establish an Act for Huron which
would allow 36 members on
council, and the provision of 10
deputy -reeves.
13y a show of hands, council
voted to table the matter until the
next session - in September.
Discussion the same
For the third time this year,
council debated the proposal to
reduce membership on county .
council. Many of the comments
«'ere identical to those made at
previous sessions. Most of . the
comments were made by the
same people. MEDAL WINNERS—The Huron -Perth Catholic school track and field meet was held in Mitchell June 22
It was shown by the discussion, and Ecole Ste. Marie managed to bring home some medals. Left to right, Debbie Creces won the silver
however, that some progress had ' in the -60 metre race, Patricia Mommersteeg won the _bronze in the 200 metre race, Peter Wild won the
been made towards shortening gold in the 60 metre and a silver in the triple jump, Douglas Denomme won the gold in the ball throw.
the county committee meetings. Photo by McKinley
Currently, council has one Reeve John Baker, Hensall, who
in May said that he would not be
serve the ratepayers of Huron, at
least until the September
The issue has been introduced
in various ways for close to two
years now, but it was at the April
.session of county council this
year that the Local Government
Study Committee brought in a
recommendation that the county
reduce its members from the
present 45 councillors to 29
members. as provided by The
Municipal Act, Section 27 (a).
Uncle ' this scheme, only three
municipalities in Huron would
send a deputy -reeve to the county
council. These• municipalities
would be the towns of Goderich
and Exeter, and the Township of
Stephen. Each of the 29 members
of county council would have one
vote - with the exception of the
Town of Goderich . Reeve who
would have two votes, resulting
in a total of 30 votes for the whole
of council. At the present time,
There are 56 votes in council;
Results in the finishing com-
petition, following the Grand
Champion and Reserve Charn-
pion, were Mark McGregor, Paul
Hogarth, David Sturgeon, Hugh
Ryan, Lyle Kinsman and Robert
Top gainers were Hugh Ryan
with a record 445 pound gain
along with Steve McGregor, Bill
Kinsman, Gary Hogarth, Fay
('arnochan, Paul Hogarth, Mary
Jane McGregor and Michael
Senior showmanship judging
saw Brian Pym as top showman
f'ollowe'd by Les Consitt, Lyle
Kinsn)an, John ('oleman, Sue
Ann Finlayson, David Kinsman,
Murray Stewart and Dwight
In the ,junior showmanship it
was Steve McGregor, Murray
McGregor, Margaret Pym, Fay
('arnoc'han, Sandra Finlayson,
Bill Kinsman, Ron Taylor and
Scott Consitt.
10 the overall Grand Champion
showmanship class, .junior
champion Sl eve '1cGregor
achicvc'c] a 00(1100 honour by
lopping the senior showmanship
winners to receive the trophy.
For those who missed -the fair,
particularly the calf show and
sale, a second chance will be
offered on Sunday as . the
television camera crew from
CFPL-TV were busy !filming the
event which will be seen on the
Roy Jewell Farm Show this
Jim Taylor of Wingham,
showinglpolled ;Herefordsywasthe
lvinner of the Dobbs Motors Ltd.
special prize. Mr.•Taylor went on
to also take the Simpson -Sears
Ltd. Special for one bull, three
females, any age.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce Ilensall branch,
Livestock Special went to Frank
]Falconer of Clinton showing
shorthorns. This award is given
to the exhibitor with the most.
points awarded in the Cattle
Brian Pym was chosen top
senior showman from the Hensall
feeder c'alf club with Les Consitt
taking second, Lyle Kinsman
third and Don Coleman fourth.
Winners in the 4-11 group of four'
fed heifers were: 1st, H. Cald-
well, 2nd J. Upshall. 3rd II. Rpm,
4111 E, Caldwell.
representative for every 1,437 willing to spend much more time
citizens. If Section 27 (a) had
on county business if that's what
been adopted, there would have ._ sa s c er
is size won
o danger.ofarena
mean, told council last Friday he
had come to believe
been one representative for every
reducing count I ]d
1,885 people in Huron. It was
estimated that costs would be c a new system
could work and that it would save Ifensall's arena should be in n
reduced at the county level by
abqut $30,000 per annum under the ratepayers of Huron money, danger of being shut down by th
the proposed scheme. "I'he committee meetings are Ministry of Labor, according t
By a very decisive vote of 40 to already getting shorter due to the town clerk, Bob Heil. Ile sa
15. Huron County Council new committee systemconcept," that improvements to the aren
members turned down the explained Reeve Baker who which were undertaken last yea
recommendation to adopt Section announced he would be sup- brought the roof and most othe
27 (a). porting a move to Section 27 (a). important. elements of th
During the discussion which Reeve Anson McKinley who structure "close to 100 percent'
went before this vote, it was also suported Section 27 (a) said Even if the Ministry did have
shown• that many members of ' that while he had hoped county some ideas about .closing the
council felt that Section 27 (a) council would be given more arena, Labor minister, Betty
was too drastic, and that another responsibility, the trend seemed Stephenson's statement last week
method of reducing council to be otherwise. He referred in thatsome arenas ordered to be
somewhat would be more ac- one instance to a new appointed Closed would be allowed to
cepfable. It had been mentioned body within the county to look terrain open provided that work
that a Private Members Bill . after a portion of the health needs was progressing to bring the
could be presented to the Ontario in the community, building up to 1976 standards,
government, requesting that "These are citizens appointed would seem to give a bit of in -
municipalities with a population to represent the taxpayers," Mr. surance to Hensall's renovation
of 2,000 or better would elect a project of this year, which will
o tackle small repairs to the worth of improvements which
e building, According to the were made last year,
o minister's statement, visible some different specifications,
ys signs of improvement of an arena but that code only applies if an
a facility plus continuous arena has been condemned by the
r monitoring of the safety of the ministry.
r structure with regard to daily As long as Hensall continues to
e weather conditions would add up upgrade its building to standards
to ministry approval to keep such of the National Building Code and
a facility open through the the Ministry sees no reason to
winter, provided there was initial condemn the building, no one in
Hensall has to worry .about the
confidence placed in the struc- "The ministry doesn't want to
ture by licensed consulting inspect the building", Heil said in
engineers, reference to a request by Hensall
B,M. Ross and Associates are Council for the ministry to have a
the engineers who have inspected look at the 27 -year-old structure.
the Hensall arena. Their last full According to Heil all the ministry
report of the structure's sound- requests is a look at the plans for
ness came in 1972 and according renovations to be made this
to Heil that led to the $35,000 see page 8