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Zurich Citizens News, 1976-06-09, Page 11
GRAND BEND Rev. J. Thomson from the London Bible Society, was guest speaker at the morning and evening services at the Church of God. The morning sermon topic was "Joy," and in the evening he showed Bible society slides with commentary on Czecho- slovakia, Poland and New Gui- nea. Rev. John Campbell conducted the 47th anniversary services Sunday at the Hartford, Church of God. Kathy Hotson was hostess for a surprise miscellaneous and kitchen shower Saturday evening for Wendy Van Bruaene, bride - elect of June 26. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. John Hotson. Rev. Harley Moore's sermon topic was on "Joining the chnrch." The following young people were confirmed into membership of Grand Bend United Church, Trevor Kobe, Jim Lovie, Mary Read, Nancy Read, Erryn Shepherd, Ellen Shepherd and Mark Willert. Elders of the church who assisted Rev. Moore at the con- firmation service were " Mrs. William Blewett, Alec Hamilton and Fred Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Van Bruaene, and Mr, and Mrs. George Kadlecik attended the Lion's convention held at the Hilton Hotel, in Quebec city last week. Jennifer Weigand of Dashwood celebrated her first birthday on Saturday and spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy. Visitors with Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer this past two weeks have been her mother, Mrs. Elsie Comfort, and her aunt, Mrs. Sylvia Holiday, both of Welland. Mrs. Lawrence Obermeyer, spent a week visiting in Connec- ticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and visited her brothet and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J, Brine, and also attended the wedding of her nephew Gary D. Brine to Penny Davidson. Erwin Holt is a patient at University hospital, London, having suffered a heart attack. Mrs. Melvin Peariso is a patient at Strathroy hospital. Seniors �nnotmc• 'drop-in' centre There were 41 in attandance at the Golden Age Club meeting Wednesday afternoon, at the Village Retreat. President Bill Love, presided for the business. It was announced that a "Drop In Centre" located in the Village Inn will be open Wednesday and Friday evenings, during the month of July, begin- ning July 7, --- drop in! A walnut, "Name Board," was made and donated by Bill Love, which will have the club name and number painted on it. Mike Iredale, Mrs. Mary Ravelle, Mrs. Susie Devine and Mrs. Leroy Bariteau, re- ported attending a meeting in Clinton on May 20, when all Senior Citizen clubs in Huron County were organized into Zone 8. This group are planning a picnic in Bayfield on July 18. Anyone wanting transportation, phone 238-2041. A bus load is being organized to attend the Huron Country Playhouse on August 12, to see "Anne of Green Gables". There are still afew tickets available. A white elephant table is planned for the Buffalo Burger Fest with Mrs. Mary Ravelle in charge. Mrs. Marge Mason will take charge of a table of Sr. Citizen articles at the UCW bazaar. After .the meeting entertain- ment consisted of a skit "A Visit to Aunt Elma," by Mrs. Irvin Rader,of Dashwood, also juggling acts and twisting balloons into various shapes by Steve Harmer. This was the Golden Age Club's last meeting till Septem- Program at Church of. God During a spring tour the Alberta Bible Institute presented a two part program, Thursday night at the Church of God. There were eleven in the group, three being faculty members. The program consisted of sing - sing. accompanied by electric piano and guitar, titled "First Love," and "Let Love Live." The A.B.I. family members came from Alberta,, Saskatche- wan and British Columbia. At one time Mrs. John Campbell was an instructor at this Institute. ber. The Inn staff served them a delicious turkey dinner. The evening was climaxed by playing cards, music and sing- ing, Plant flowers Several members of the Playhouse Theatre Guild met Tuesday afternoon at the barn theatre, followed by a meeting and then a flower planting bee on the Playhouse grounds. Hensall Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gor- don Schwalm, Mrs. Elizabeth Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey during the week were Mr. & Mrs. Art Coombs ofClinton, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb of Lucan, Mrs. Eldon Johnston of Brucefield. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Varna and Mrs. Al Hoggarth of Kippen. Town visitors included Mrs. Irene Finlayson and Derek Robinson. *** The June meeting of Unit 4 of Hensall U.C.W. opened with Mrs. James McAllister reading an article tom "The Upper Room" based on Acts 10. Mrs. Nellie Riley gave a splendid de- votional, titled, "Little Things" and read verses from Psalm 8 and Romans 12. Mrs. McAllister read letters from missionaries in Brazil and India, also one from Brother Bob from Ashram. Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt gave a financial report, and Mrs. Russell Erratt reported on the packing of the bale. Unit 4 received an invi- tation to Chiselhurst on June 30 at 8 p.m. Our next meeting will be on September 9 and will be a Pot -luck luncheon when we will have the shut-ins as our guests. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and her com- mittee served lunch at the mitte served lunch at the close of the meeting during which, Miss Amy Lammie conducted a quiz. * * * Hensall Sales Barn Supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers. Demand was steady and prices were steady. Fat Cattle: heifers $39.60-$43,75, top to $45.20; steers $41.50•$45.30 top to $46.00; Pigs: weinlings $46.00-$54.00, chunks $56.00- $68.00 au we ve so mi En an warm so NI soirimi sat an mum vm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Citizens News, June 9, 1976-1'af2c 1 1 1161 el WI WM MN WI VW as1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 STORE -SLICED °Dom Hi1+ LB. FAMILY PACK TIWING NEU LB. BONELESS CANADIAN POT loAs' LB. FAMILY PACK 1 LB. OUR OWN ALL BEEF $TEAKETTE PATTIES , 4OZ. SIZE�48 10 LBS. OUR OWN ALL NEW 1 URGERI EST 1 SAUSAGE. I LB 9ir mmial RI, JUNE 1ONLY CUT FROM A-1 STEER BEEF LEWIS WHITE BLADE BONE REMOVED 1&rL86EA. 8 1 CHEESE WHIZ 1 SCHNEIDER'S SOFT 2 LBS.DARES 1 LB. IN� COOKIEL1S/0ECHIPMAi GAR 98-e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KICK'S GREEN CUBIT RELISH 20 OZ. 58° FOR DISHWASHERS CASCADE 50 ©Z. PREPRICEC $1.89169 SUNKIST 138 ORANGES aoZ 58` KLEENEX NAPKINS ASST. 60's 2,i78c JAVEX BLEACH 68° 64 OZ. PRODUCE FEATURES U.S. NO. 1 HONEYDEW MELONS EA. 38° PREMIUM SWIFT HAMS 24 OZ. $ 3.48 / ■ LUNCHEON MEAT 1 SWIFT'S PREM 12 OZ. 88C 1 U.S. NO. 1 STALK 1 CELERY EA.38° 1 MON. TO WED. 8 - 6 _ THURS. TO SAT. 8 - 9 - SUNDAY 8 - 6 PRICES IN EFFECT JUNE 9 TO CLOSING TUES., JUNE 15 SPOT xHETENDR oruIMu: 1! 1MI011.1111NN PS OM 1111/11111111111111111IM1MIiMWIN I 11111 PMNNI11111111NMNPiINN N X111. / 1 1 1