HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-09, Page 7Confirmation held Sunday at Hensall Rev. Don Beck conducted the Hensall United Church service on Sunday when the Celebration of the Lord's Supper was observ- ed and new members were recei- ved into membership. Joining the church by confirmation were Paul Norman Alexander, Jeffrey Harvey Corbett, Linda Kay Elder, Bradley John Mansfield, Stephen John McGregor, John William Laird Mickle, Julie Ann Mock, Gerald Douglas Smith. Being welcomed from other churches. was Joan Ruth Pepper. The subject of the message given by Rev. Beck was, "Put your hand in the Hanel" and he spoke of our Faith in God and how we must give our hand to God and He must take our hand himself. The choir. led by Mrs. John Turkheinl at the organ, sang the anthem. "Walk with your God". After the Service, a reception was held for a new member in the Fellowship Hall. Flowers in the church were from the weddings of Katherine McEwan and Terry Stephen Gre- gson and Linda Keys and Jack Fraser. nommanimmamini St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, M. DIV. ' PASTOR Organist Miss Christine Haberer, SUNDAY, JUNE 13 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service With Choir From Huron Cent- ennial School. 11:15 a.m. - Luncheon and Social Reception in honour of confir- mands and new members. Everyone Welcome t'( Golden Glimpses . Itt1JE 'WATER r.EST I -OMR 1 4 Cjy 1. note by our Residents' register that a number were out with families and friends to enjoy the ideal weather conditions that existed over the week -end, On Tuesday afternoon, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Horne held their annual June picnic for the Residents. During the after- noon slides of Northern Ontario and the Western Provinces were shown and narations given by Mrs. Mary McKinnon and Mrs. Anne Flaxbard. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Heywood of Wingham were the guest enter- tainers for the afternoon. Mrs. Heywood presided at the organ and accompanied Earl in some vocal numbers, also during his numerous magic tricks that he performed. After the program- me, a delicious picnic supper was provided and served by the Auxiliary Members to the Resi- dents and visitors. We appreciate having Mr. & Mrs. Heywood take time from their busy schedule to visit and entertain the Residents. We regret that Mrs. Catherine Hicks is a patient in University Hospital, London. New tenants of the Maplewoods Apartments in addition to 'Mr. & Mrs. John Rau who were mentioned last week are Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeBosdari of Rodney, Mrs. Ethel Bertrand of Orillia, Mrs. Mary Gerber and Mr. Noah Gingerich both former residents of Zurich. By the week end others who are partially moved will have taken "1 ;.x.: »P. . m.Stke•••••7144 Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JUNE 13 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.nl. - Gospel Service Wed., 8:00 p.m. - Prayer & Study in Church History . He Faileth not, for He is God, He faileth not, He's pledged Word, He faileth not, He'll see you through, This God with whom we have to do. Everyone Welcome up residency. We hope the good neighbours of our area will welcome the newcomers, Bingo was played on Friday afternoon rather than the evening because of other commitments, The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Barry Robinson of Thanes Road United Church. Miss Janet Bray presided at the organ. UCW Picnic Zurich U.C.W. niet for a picnic supper on the church lawn fo their June meeting on Wednes day June 2nd arranged by the committee of the month, Mrs. Fern Desjardine, Mrs. Marie Pask and Mrs. Donna Greb. After enjoying a lovely supper the members moved into the church basement for their re- gular meeting. Donna Greb presided for the program. A reading `Summer days are here again' was given by Mrs. Marie Pask. Robbie Dickert delighted the members by singing two num- bers..1 have got the joy down in my heart' and 'He's got the whole wolrd in his hands', accompanied by his grandma Marlene on the accordeon. Contests were enjoyed directed by Mrs. Fern Desjardin; Mrs. Clausius and Mrs. Meda OBrien also a short skit by five U.C.W. members. In the business period, the kitchen committee reported on progress of kitchen renovation plans. An invitation. to Carmel Presbyterian• W.M.S. Hensall on June 7 was announced, and discussed attending Alma School for leaders in August. Mrs. Isabel Gascho reported still having some 50th Anniversary spoons and pins on hand. r Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. PASTOR Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 13 10 a.m. - Sunday School 1 1 :15 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome The Huron County Board of Education invites QUOTATIONS by Tr'adesme on interior and exterior maintenance in their schools. Closing dates for Quotations is June 18, 1976. Specifications may be picked up at the Huron County Board of Education, Ad- ministrative Offices, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. Lowest or any Quotations not necessarily accepted. H. TURKHEIM D.J. COCHRANE Chairman Director ,.t.,11i' lil:n; Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JUNE 13 9:45 a.m, - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service 8 p.m. - At Blake Mennonite Church. Doris Kramer in charge. Wed„ 8 P.M. — Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meditation: Christ said, Peace Heave with you, my peace 1 give unto you, not as the world giveth. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 Everyone Welcome eintainuismammussasummaulis /6051/14/ Dit1YE-IN - 60DERKN we I; AT-0I0t 1110 I0..$• MOM 5140111 JUNE 1 O Showlime du,N all programs subtect 10 chant LAST NIGHT AUCE DOESN'T UVE HERE ANYMORE JUNE 1 1 to JUNE 1 7 FRI. T1.I1IRS. The Fastest Gun In The West Joins With The Most Brutal Hands In The East! THE SIMANGER AND TAIL tGIJWIfG'd �R Recommended as Adult EnlertatnmOht CHARLES BRONSON JAMES COBURN 1-IAI2D TIMES ADDED ATTRACTION FRI., SAT. ONLY THE FLINISFONES' FIRST FULE•IEIIBTN MUSICAL SPY AUYENTUUE! :,,:F :�C r:• Cr1:V Y. It01011 • COMING JUNE 18-24 "JACKSON COUNTY JAIL" ALSO "CRAZY MAMA" Citizens News, June 9, l976-Pay.>e 7 EVERY SAT. AFTERNOON T-4p.m. ONLY 50° T:T.::•, Nd S TIN SCHNEIDER'S Meat Loaves SCHNEIDER'S Skinless Wieners FRESH Beef Liver FULLY PROCESSED Fronts of Beef LB LB LB LB 99' 89' 59' 75 Inquire about prices on sides and quarters of Local Feed Lot Beef. We will cut and wrap to your specification CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING BEEF MONDAY — PORK TUESDAY alitablirtataar Laporte Meat 236-4962 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7.811 AIR CONDITIONED Showtimes — Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. "Jack Nicholson was born to play McMurphy, and he has been surrounded with an excellent ensemble." —Newsweek Magazine Recommended Adult Entertaipment