HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-09, Page 1(KITTD NO. 23—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS Huron -Perth board WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1976 20e PER COPY Vacant positions debated after resignations Faced with the loss of two supervisory officers in two mon- th's time the Huron -Perth County Ronan Catholic separate school board debated the problem at a special meeting of the board Monday night. Joseph Tokar, superintendent of special services and Alexander Easton, superintendent of pro- gram have both resigned effec- tive July 31. For almost two hours in com- mittee of whole the board mem- bers thrashed out the problem of replacing the officers. Just before t0 }p.m. the board went into a general meeting and the lone press representative was allolved iniu the board room. The heated debate centered around whether to advertise for a supervisory officer• or a superintendent of special services. Finally in a recorded vote, asked for by Howard Shantz. -on 0 motion to a.dvertisc for a superintendent of special services eight trustees voted in the affirmative — Ronald Marcy, Joseph Looby, William Kinahan, Donald Crowley, Vincent Young, F.J. Vere, Ted Geoffrey and Greg Fleming. Opposed were Howard Shantz, David Tcahcn, Michael Connolly, John O'Drow- skv and Francis Hickncll. Next cane 'the recorded vote, again called for by Howard Shantz. on a motion to advertise Os soon as possible for 0 super- intendent of program to fill the second vacancy. Those opposed wanted to hire only a supervisory officer and not name the position. The affirmative vote carried nine to lour. Opposed to the super- intendent of program were Ho- warcl Shantz, David -Tcahcn, John O'Drowsky and Michael Connolly, with the remaining nine trusters approving. A'1 committer was named to interview the applicants — Mr. Ma rev. Mr. Geoffrey. .1ohn Vin - tar. director' of education for the hoard, and Rev. Vincent Gleason. Dean of the Perth Deanery to be invited to act on the committee. In. other business the board oppuintcd I:l and Florian, as partlnle position, custodian of St . Joseph's School. (linion- The board accepted the follow- ing resignations — Sister Jean Doyle, who has been on a leave of absence for one year while she took a course on early child- hood education. She will go with the Kent County separate school hoard. Thomas Keller, who has hecn teaching Grade 6 at St, James School, Scaforth. Victoria Zyluk, who has been teaching St. Boniface field days St. Boldface public school, Zurich, held their first all -metric field day last Monday. Weather conditions were excellent and a large number of students partici- pated in a variety of events. Even the kindergarten class participated with the following results. Winners in the girls events: 60 metre race -Beth Sweeny, Patty Regier; 100 metre race -Beth Sweeny, Patty Regier; Sta'nding broad jump -Cathy Hart- iman, Margaret Hartman; running board jump -Cathy Overholt, Jan- ice Ducharmc; ball throw -Cathy Overholt, Rosemary Regier. Winners of the kindergarten boys events are: 60 metre race - Doug Regier, Todd Gettner; 100 metre race -Danny Watson, Jimmy Thuss; standing broad jump -Doug Regier, Allan Desch; running broad ,lump -Michael, Cyr, Jimmy Thuss; ball'throw-Jimmy Thuss and Kevin Masse. Winners of girls 7 to 8 years are: 60 metre race -Carmen Mathonia, Pauline Regier; 100 metre race -Carmen Mathonia, Colleen Bedard; standing broad jump -Pauline Regier, Janet Regier; running broad jump - Pauline Regier, Debbie Bedard; high jump -Peggy VanWonderen, Carmen Mathonia; ball throw- Jancv Regier, Diane Vcrneste. Winners of girls 9 to 10 years were: 60 metre race -Theresa Regier, Michelle Watson; 100 metre race -Elaine Pennings, The- resa Regier; standing broad jump -Michelle Watson, Theresa See page 13 Bayfield council turns down request for drive Grahame Backhust and his father approached council at their regular meeting Monday evening in regards to a roadway into their property; lot 551; in order to build a permanent hone. Council agreed it was most necessary, but could do nothing until the survey of the village streets is completed. Accepted the very kind propos- al offered by Judy Huntley on behalf of the Lioness Club to purchase and install more than Bayfield pans second arena Paint -1n" The Community Centre Board met Monday evening with chair- man John Siertsema in the chair, to discuss ways of smoothing the asphalt floor in the arena for roller skating. It was decided to try a driveway sealer on a small~ area as an experiment. The chairman reported on the progress of the painting in the arena and set another "Paint -In" for Saturday, June 12 starting at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is asked to come out and do some painting to clean up the building for the centennial, $400.00 worth of kiddies slides and gliders, as playground equip- ment to be erected in Clan Gregor Square for the enjoy- ment of youngsters 8 years and under. Council members were given a booklet on the proposed reform of property taxation in Ontario and were asked to carefully study it and report their feelings next meeting. Council received invitations to attend the Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority official open- ing of Port Blake conservation area on Wednesday, June 9, at 1:00 p.m. A tour of the Lake Huron Water plant; and later to the Authority's rooms in Exeter for a meeting and luncheon. In other business, council acknowledged Canada Week from June 25 to July 1. It was decided to erect more sign's regarding parking areas on the Long Hill at the River. Council dis- cussed the status of Bayfield Fire Dept, and by a request from Mr. Owens of the Fire Marshalls Dept. passed a resolution for a confidential fire protection survey to be carried out at no cost to the village and set up a special meeting for Tuesday, June 15 to meet with Mr. Owens. Grades 1-2 at St. Boniface School, Zurich. Helen Partridge, who has been on maternity leave, who will stay at Ironic with family. Marjorie Glendinning, Grade 5, Principals Relief at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Dashwood, who has been granted a leave of absence without pay until June, 1977. The board agreed to renew the rental lease of St. Peter's School in Goderich to the Goderich Day Care Centre for $125 per month, up $25. The meeting was adjourned and continued as committee of the \\ hole . :\k' :::\\::::;2S''';:' \ ':.„,,4'st.4,‘ :, \ \ . CONGRATULATIONS—Father Durand was honoured by parishioners of St. Boniface Froman Catholic Church on Sunday to mark the fortieth anniversary of his entry into the priesthood. News Photo Hensall reeve states ave t "We'll have to live with the dust for another week." This was the comment of Hen- sall reeve John Baker in reply to a complaint of John Taylor about the condition of Hensall streets due to sewer system installation. Clerk Bob Heil informed council that a 5,000 gallon tank of brine was being brought in this week to temporarily alleviate the situation. Reeve Baker - said grading would be started early next week with six of gravel being spread.. Calcuim will then be applied. Heil added, "putting on cal- cuim now • before the gravel is spread would be a waste of money." Works foreman Gary Maxwell reported that 33 tree stumps had been removed by Lorne Dale of Clinton for a total cost of $176. A resolution from the township of Hope requesting the provincial government to review asses- sment equalization factors was not endorsed. Clerk Bob Heil told council he felt it would not be worth making changes now as assessments in Huron County would be changed Receive bill for day care Hensall council will be asking Tuckersmith township for more information regarding a request for payment of $5.62 for a Hensall child attending the Day Care Centre at Vanastra. The bill was for the months of April and May but Council was riot aware of any local participa- tion in the program. Councillor Harold Knight com- mented, "this looks as if it could be our share of a deficit similar to what we pay to the Exeter Senior Citizens Home for Hensall residents." Knight continued, "Day Care Centres seem to be the up and corning thing. The government seems to be pushing them, ' live with the to the full value system in the near future. A letter from the Huron County land division committee gave approval to the land severance application from Bill and Helen Lost Tinney. Building permit applications were accepted from D. Leader, R. Harnather, G. Harburn, W. Bagot, L. Beer, K. Volland and Hensall District Co-operative. n.. MOST IMPROVED PEEWEE—Chris Denomme received the most improved peewee award from Don Oke on behalf of Donald Oke Limited. Mr. Oke made the presentation at the Zurich Minor Hockey banquet last week. News Photo Renew vows on anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Regier of Windsor celebrated their anniver- sary by renewing their wedding vows in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. They were originally married in this church in 1951. Relatives, friends and neigh- bours attended the ceremony with Rev. C. Durand of this parish officiating. Mr, Bob Smith, a Windsor neighbour was soloist and Mrs. Patricia Meidinger was at the organ. Following the ceremony a delicious dinner was served in the Dashwood Community Cent- re, the Dashwood Ladies cater- ing. ater- in Afternoon entertainment was by "Benny and Paul" of Wind- sor, special friends of the honored couple and Mrs. Regier's uncle, Tony Etue, of London on the violin. The party concluded at the home of the ring bearer, Phil and Linda Regier, Zurich.