HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-06-02, Page 7Jottings by Jack -from Queen's Park
Want farmers prctected
The Minister of Agriculture
announced the establishment of
a financial protection task force to
review methods of protecting
farmers against default of pay-
ment for their products. In
making the announcement, Mr.
Newman said he is concerned
about a situation where a pro-
ducer sells his entire crop or
livestock to one or two buyers
and then, because of difficulties
experienced by the buyers, may
be unable to collect all or part of
the payment due him.
The bankruptcies of various
packing plants within recent
years and the concern expressed
by the producers who have lost
a large amount of money because
of these bankruptcies, has result-
ed in such a Task Force being
established, so that some deter-
mination might be made as to
the best method of extending
financial protection to producers.
Mr. Newman said the Task
Force will examine existing
Provincial programs and also
look at methods used in other
jurisdictions. The Task Force
will ask individuals and interested
organizations to submit briefs
and comments.
Publication of the revised
Agricultural Code of Practice
for Ontario, was announced by
the Minister of Agriculture and
Food. The Code was revised by
the Ministries of Agriculture and
Food, Housing and Environment,
provides guidelines for the man-
agement of livestock operations
to minimize problems of odour
from manure.
The new edition of the Code
contains minimum distance for-
mulas to keep rural residences
a reasonable distance from live-
stock buildings and manure con-
centrations. The formulas take
into account such variables as
the type of livestock, the number
of animals, the type of manure
system and manure storage.
• The Code's guidelines apply to
the design location and manure
management system of new live-
stock buildings, the renovation or
expansion of existing livestock
operations and the control of
water pollution caused by anim-
als watering at streams, ponds
or lakes. They also discourage
open manure lagoons and govern
the disposal of dead animals.
In its original form the code re-
duced problems for neighbours
of livestock operations, but pro-
vided the operators with little
protection from encroachment by
other types of development,
particularly, rural non-farm resid-
ential development. The mini-
mum distance formulas had been
designed to help provide such
Municipalities will be encour-
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aged to incorporate the provisions
of the Code into their official
plans and zoning bylaws. A
model bylaw is being developed
by Huron County. When it
receives approval from the Ontar-
io Municipal Board, the model
bylaw will be offered: to other
municipalities which may use it
or modify it to suit local con-
The Agricultural Code of
Practice was originally drawn up
in 1970 and has since gained wide
acceptance by farmers. Its suc-
cess has been the result of the
high degree of co-operation
among farmers, farm organiza-
tions, municipal officials and the
Government of Ontario. The new
version was drafted in consulta-
tion with the Ontario Federation
of Agriculture. Because of its
positive reaction . by farmers the
Code is not compulsory. Farmers
who plan changes to their oper-
ations are encouraged to apply
for a certificate of compliance,
which will be issued jointly by
the Ministries of Agriculture and
Food and Environment after an
appraisal of the proposed chang-
The Attorney General has in-
dicated support for a suggestion
that drivers be allowed to appeal
lengthy licence suspensions. Al-
bert Roy, Liberal M.P.P. (Ottawa
East), has suggested that a
judge might impose a 15 year
licence suspension even though
a driver could be fully rehabili-
tated after five or ten years.
Under proposed legislation,- Ont-
ario judges would be able to
impose up to a life -time licence
•suspension . He asked the
Attorney General whether On-
tario intends to set up an appeal
mechanism now that licence
suspensions are a provincial
matter. The Attorney General
said suspensions of more than
three years would relate only to
criminal offences where there is
a possible penalty for life im-
prisonment. However, he said
he agrees in principle that a
mechanism should be established
to deal with the new changes in
Liberal Leader Stuart Smith
told the Legislature this week
that a least two employees at a
small Hamilton firm have devel-
aped lung diseases which appear
to be caused by asbestos fibres.
He raised the matter while
. criticizing the Ministry of Health
for the inadequate inspection
of industrial plants, asked the
Minister to investigate the com-
pany in question, and submitted
for analysis a sample of dust from
the premises. The Minister
indicated that his Ministry is
experiencing some difficulty in
recruting occupational health
inspectors. Apparently there is
a world-wide shortage of qualified
people in this field. He indicated
that the Ministry's main respons-
ibility is to set' standards for
occupational health, with the
Ministries of the Environment,
Natural Resources and Labour
carrying out most of the inspec-
The Leader of the Opposition
has charged the Minister of
Community and Social Services
‘vith trying to pull a "veil of
secrecy" over information the
public is entitled to have. He
made public an internal memor-
andum which the Minister sent to
officials within the Ministry,
ordering that any communication
Citizens News, June 2, 1976 -Page 7
Jock Riddell
subject to his authority be deem-
ed confidential until he approved
it for publication. The memo
dated the 19th May, makes a
distinction between "informa-
tion" which should be readily
available and "intelligence"
which should .not. Information
according to the Minister, is
"factual, quantitative data, such
as numbers, navies, dates,
locations, etc. of services and
facilities of the Ministry properly
in the public domain". Intell-
igence is described as "reports,
correspondence, conceptual ide-
as, proposals, programmes, pro-
jects, procedures, etc...not to be
made public knowledge unless
and until considered such by the
Liberal M.P.P. Albert Roy told
the Legislature that police sus-
pect people involved in organized
See page 8
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