Zurich Citizens News, 1976-05-26, Page 5wimammmemessummin Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 30 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service Wed. - Bible Study & Prayer Fri„ 8;00 p.m. - M,Y.F. Talent Night at Zurich. Public School Meditation: "Just think, the One who made the whole universe wants you for a personal friend. Abraham trusted God and he was called `the friend of God'. " James 2:23 Everyone Welcome immummam Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. PASTOR Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 30 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11:1S a.m. - Worship Service Citizens News, May 26, 1976 -Page 5 Amber Rebekahs host Noble Grand, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening, assisted by the Vice Grand Mrs. Dorothy Parker when the members entertained the mem- bers of Victoria Lodge London. Consitt reported for the C.P.T. fund stating a donation was sent to the Cancer Society and to the Feed a Hungry World", Mrs. Parker, Vice -Grand reported for the visiting commit- tee: Mrs. Evelyn MacBeath reported for the finance Commitee Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Margaret and the treasurer gave the Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 30 10 a.m, Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Services 8:00 p.m. -Prayer & Study in church history This was manifested The Love of God toward us, Because that God sent His only Begotten Son into the world, That we might live through Him. Everyone Welcome ONEENsimmunimanamaimea Everyone Welcome St. Peter's C4N4Di see what forest fires can do to Canada! we can't afford to be careless Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, M. MID. PASTOR Organist Miss Christine Haberer, SUNDAY, MAY 30 10 a.m. - Worship Service 11 a.m. -Sunday School financial report. Cards of thanks were received. The second nominations for officers were held. Mrs. Albert Barker brought greetings from their" Lodge. flro. Ernie Chipcliasc, Marshall Grand Encampment, Ontario also spoke. Mrs, Evelyn Mac - Beath favoured with readings, "Nothing to L;urgh At" and "Midnight in the Pantry". Bingo and euchre was played. A draw was made with the follow- ing prize winners: pillow cases, Mrs. Evelyn MacBeath; doll, Alpert Barker; flower arrange- ment, Mrs, Beatrice Richardson. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed by all. KIDS HAVE FUN—Krazy Days in Zurich over the weekend included free pony buckboard rides for the Everyone Welcome younger shoppers. Here Bob Merner drives a load on his wagon. The rides around the village proved to be a popular bonus for the children. Another team and wagon was driven by Percy Bedard. Jr. News Photo Tourism cr tes jobs. Here's what Ontario 's doing to attract burists. . .and what you can do to help. The development of tourism in Ontario contributes substantially to our province's economy. It represents 150,000 jobs, $2.6 billion in revenue, and boosts our image all over the world, And the money that tourists spend helps pay for Ontario's own needs. Your Ontario government is working hard to promote tourism by helping develop tourist facilities, maintaining travel informa- tion offices, and advertising Ontario attractions to promote our province as both vacationland and convention centre. But that's only.part of the job. You can help with the other part. After all, the best part of any trip is the people one meets - and when visitors come here, you are the people they meet. So you can help Ontario -and indirectly. yourself by being friendly to tourists, by making them feel welcome. That way, you'll be "selling" tourism, "selling" Ontario, and helping us all. Naturally, the more you yourself know about Ontario, the more knowledgeable you'll be when you talk to others. So get out and look around. Take your own holidays in Ontario - it's a great province to visit even when you live here, with places you've heard about all your life but probably never seen. Write for a free "Get to Know Ontario" kit which includes the Travellers Encyclopedia, "Coming Events," and a provincial road map. Write to: Ontario Travel Department 3 Ministry of Industry & Tourism Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario Ministry of Industry & Tourism Claude Bennett, William Davis, Minister Premier Province of Ontario