HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-04-28, Page 7Ministryerect signs
opm,R9,01wood streets
Pall bearers for Mrs. Sylvester
Dashwood 41-1-1 girls club No. Wuerth were her six grand -
2 held their seventh meeting children.
\ith all the girls present. The Pall bearers for Miis. Garnet
roll call was "One place 1 use the Patterson +ere Rick Hendrick,
French knot." Most of the girls Wayne Miller, Jim and Donald
said the centre of flowers or Patterson, Keith Gill and Russel
decorative outlining, Mrs. Keller Desjardine,
discussed places for the french Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rader
knot and Mrs. Rader showed how attended the funeral of their
to mitre a corner. uncle, Harold Scott at the M.
Box and Sons Funeral Home,
PERSONALS Parkhill, Wednesday April 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Classin, Pall bearers were Donald Dei -
Garden City, Michigan were trich, Joe Ryan, George Prest,
visitors last Wednesday with Bill Morley, Earlee Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz. and Roy Thompson.
The funeral of Miss Almeda Have you noticed the nice
Miller was held at Zion Lutheran street signs erected by the
church Tuesday, April 20th Department of Highways on
with the following pall bearers, Main street? 1 understand the
Vernon Schatz, Harold Sch- other streets will also be reco-
rocder, Ernie, Robert, Delmar gnized by signs. What an aid to
and Hubert Miller. the police and visitors.
Shipka man weds
Huron Park .bride
( by Annie Morenz)
Tom Arnold son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Arnold, Shipka was
married Saturday, to Bonnyanne
Phillips, daughter of Mrs. Phil
Phillips and the late Mr. Phillips
of Huron Park, at the Immaculate
Heart of Mary Catholic Church,
Grand Bend.
Weekend guests of Tom's
included Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Baker of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Matka of Toronto and
Michael and Paul Arnold of
A reception for the young
married couple was held Saturday
evening at Dashwood Community
Fred Weiburg is spending
some holidays in Waterloo with
his son Gordon and family.
Gary Latta of Waterloo visited
a day last week with his aunt
and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Earl Ratz is a patient in St.
r this
Joseph's Hospital, London having
suffered a heart attack.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schultz,
of Windsor visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Reid
were Sunday supper guests with
Mr•. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
in Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and
Kathy spent the weekend in
Essex and attended a family
gathering where they honored
Cliff's brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Russell, on their
25th wedding anniversary.
They also visited Cliff's father,
Walter Russell, who is a patient
in Leamington nursing home.
Mrs. Murray Reid was honored
Saturday afternoon at a luncheon
and presented with a gift, prior
to her and Murray leaving' the
community, at the home of
Mrs. Donald Brown, in Southcott
Pines by members of the Huron
Country Playhouse Theatre Guild
Boutique, with whom Anne had
from our
who will be at:
S.E MAY 4th
Citizens News, April 28/76 -Page 7
TAKE RUNNER-UP TITLE—The Ups and Downs were up to win the runner-up championship in the
Zurich ladies bowling league. Back, left, Ila O'Rourke, Doreen Webb, Ann Schade and Irene Hartman.
Front, Dianne Becker, Dara Hartman, Diane Hartman and Nancy Rader. News Photo
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