HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-04-21, Page 19MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU, . ALL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTIERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE LADIES GUILD The -April rueeting of Trinity Church Ladies Guild was held Tuesday evening, April 13 in the Parish Hall. Thirteen memb- ers and one visitor, Mrs, George Reid of Varna were present. Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons, the pres- ident opened the meeting in the usual manner and called on Mrs. Lorna Merner to read a poem. Mrs. Merner chose a poem entitl- ed "Ode to our Saviour" Mrs. L.B. Smith read the scripture lesson. The Lord's Prayer was then repeated in unison. The secretary, Mrs. Berthena Hammond gave her report of the previous meeting, seconded by Mrs. Florence Brown, was adopted. All correspondence was moved for filing. Treasurer, Mrs. Lorna Merner, gave her report which was approved on a notion of Bessie Hulls. All out- standing bilis were moved for payment by Mrs. L.B. Smith and Mrs. Jeanne Bennett. The card report was given by Mrs. Maude Weston. The hostess for the May meeting will be Mrs. Margaret Lynn. Scripture reading by Mrs. Merner and the poem by Mrs. Greta Scotchmer. Plans were finalized for the Euchre and Bridge party in the Parish Hall, Friday evening, April 23 at 8 p.m. it was decided to have a dinner at our January 1977 meeting. Each member was given a colour, either pink or blue, and during the remainder of the year we are to save our pennies. The losing colour (the ones with the least pennies) arc the ones to put on the dinner. Mrs. Margaret Lynn, celebrat- ing per birthday in April, paid her irthday money. . The mccting closed in due form and Mrs. Florence Brown servcd a delicious lunch. 4-H CLUB REPORT (by .Joanne Sturgeon) The final meeting of Bayfield 1 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Phoenix at 7 p.m. on 'Tuesday. April 13. The meet- ing was opened with the 4-H Pledge. During the business discussion we learned what to have ready in our record books and how to ,judge articles for our Achie•venient Day, and our free choice article. We are to bring a pencil and paper to Achieve- ment Day for recording the activ- ities of the day. We arc meeting in Bayfield Baptist Church on Thursday, April 22 to practice our skit. The mccting was closed with the 4-H Motto. * .y: :r: The men of St. Andrews United Church are staging their third annual Bean Supper in the church basement on Saturday, April 24 from 5 p.ni. and "until the beans run out" Ted Dunn reported. Besides the beans there will be salad, bacon, sausage, muff- ins, bread and fresh cider. Mr. Dunn said the idea for the sup- per originated with their Minist- er Rev. .James Reddoch, to try and get the men of the church more involved. The supper is organized by the church stewards and has turned into a most en-' joyablc evening for the men, and a tasty supper for thc guests. a, * Marg. Laudenbach called dur- ing the weekend to advise us that the Annual Pioneer Park' Rum- mage Sale date has been set for Friday evening, July 9 in the arena. Marg and Gail Grant are this year's convenors and are asking everyne when they are doing their spring housecleaning if they will please save all their treasurers, rummage, clothing, shoes, collectables, etc., etc., for the sale. * * * Messer's Norman and Glen Lynn, and a friend of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ludlow of Mississauga were weekend Easter guests of the boys and Mrs Ludlow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Sturgeon, Jeff and Rollie, Or- angeville: Mr. Bud Sturgeon and his fiance Miss Barbara Davidson, London; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Potter and Miss Merry, R.R.3, Clinton were guests of their parents, and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon and brother Andrew, during the Easter weekend. Mrs. Nellie McRae had the pleasure of her family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford La Forme and children of London; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Easton and Scott of the vill- age, who visited her for Easter and enjoyed Easter dinner to- gether. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Don Sager, Clare and Nick; Misses Jean Hopkinson and Cathy Wise, Godcrich; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Turner Godcrich Township; Mr. and Mrs. Brian King, Mat- thew and Timothy, Blyth, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotch - mer, Robert, Lori and Carolyn, Chatham, were Easter weekend guests with his mother, Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer. Rev. and Mrs. William Foster, Detroit, Michigan. carne on Friday to spend thc summef at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Reid and family .of London, spent the weekend at their home of Louisa St, form- erly owned by George and Ada Little. Mrs. B. Meyers and daughter Jane, Komoka, visited Good Fri- day with her mother. Mrs. S. Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dinel, Tracy and Eric, London were Easter weekend guest of her mother. Mrs. Maude Weston. Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Erickson spent the weekend in Port Huron, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Murdon Mac- Lean, Robert and Judd, lnncr- kip. visited for Easter with her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ham- ilton and brother Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Blackie, London, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blackie during the weekend. Mrs. George Reid, Varna. spent last week with her sister. Mrs. L.B. Smith. Mr. • ncl Mrs. Art Latimer and Christine. Weston and Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Latimorc, Downsview were the Easter guests of Mrs. Latinmer's mother, Mrs. G.L. Knight. Visiting Sat- urday with the family was Perc- ival Kingsley of Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scotch - mer, Molly and Jody, St. Cath - crines were the weekend guests of his father, Mr. A.F. Scotchm- cr. Mrs. Gordon A. Stewart, R.R.2, Ripley was a guest Wed- nesday with her sister and niece, Mrs. E.W. Erickson and Lydia. Tell it to the News TED VOOGEL And Sons Ltd® BUILDING CONTRA CTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages * Renovations CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R.1 PH:238-2742 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mackie, Jim, Joanne and Stephen, London visited on Friday and Saturday \with relatives and friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker spent the Easter weekend with their son and 'family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, Pans, Jack and David in Dorchester. Mr. Stephen Elliott, Bogar- town is presently staying at the Albion Hotel. Mr. Elwood Bell of Galt was the weekend guest of his sister, Mrs. E.B. Robinson at the Albion. Mr. and Mrs: Joe Laudenbach and family, Agincourt were at their summer residence for the Easter \veckend. Citizens News, April 21/76 - Page 19 Couicii consider heritage planning Bayfield council met for their regular, session Monday evening to approve plans submitted for a sanitary facility on the south side of the Bayfield River, .pres- ented by Ed Beck, chairman of the Bayfield Yacht Club. Council also approved a request by Charles Rogers to tap into the catch basin at Susan and Main to remove surface water. Council heard a letter read by clerk Gordon Graham from Elaine Townshend in respect to considering the elimination of curbs etc., on village property to allow more accessibility to the physically disabled so they may enjoy more independence. Council approved a request from ,Joe Laudenbach to have calcium spread on the bottom end of Victoria St. (a private right-of- way) at his expense. The clerk, Gordon Graham and Reeve Ed Oddlcifson will attend a meeting of the Huron County Board of Education on Wednesday, April 21 at 8 p.m. in Clinton to hear the presentat- ion of their 1976 budget. In other business, council approved the rental of two Johnny -on -the -spots" to be placed by the Old Town Hall from May 15 through September 15. Council decided to set up a Bayfield Architectural Conserv- ancy. Advisory Committee to be composed of nine members to study the feasibility of a Herit- age District Plan for the Main business area, around Clan Gregor Square and along both sides of Main Street. The town foreman is to prepare the streets to be paved this year. The Centennial Pancake Brunch was a real success' and council were reminded of the Centennial Queens Dance and crowning on May 8 in the Com- munity -Centre. / for Sharp Food Shoppers Bathroom Tissue WHITE SWAN 2's instant Coffee TASTERS CHOICE 8 OZ Tomato Juice Coffee Ivory Liquid BRIGHT'S FANCY 480Z MAXWELL HOUSE 1 LB DETERGENT 24 OZ 2/89 $ 23 53'* $1.39 /. • / • /. / / 75c 1 /. $1®59 r/ 7 ;ra c / DELMONTE 48 OZ • Fruit Drinks 2/$1 / (Pineapple Orange or Pineapple Grapefruit) OP CHIPITS 12 OZ ;Baking Chips do for DISHWASHERS 50 OZ • Cascade 22 0Z ' CometCenser 4 MR CLEAN 480Z • Liquid le er op 24 OZ • Nabisc i, Shre i / ST. LAWRENCE 25 OZ ,Corn Oil • BEEHIVE 3 LB Corn Syrup / / / $1®09 49r $1®63 s 85` $1®19 99c ROBIN HOOD BUNDT Cake Mix CALORIEWISE 160Z Kr ft Dressings SPAGHETTI 12.5 OZ Kr •: ft Di i ners CARNATION 340 G. stc /t �Ott's 10 KG+ 10 q!7 •s1 in s�3' 9 LIVES 6 1/2 OZ Cat Ft•°,od FEMININE 12's 4/ Modess Napkins 77� CLUB HOUSE RED 6 OZ Maraschi io Ch .. rries59c DREAM WHIP 40Z emit Dessert Topping 71V' Schneider's Luncheon Meats Wieners Thurim er ° ausage Country Style Sausage Beef Patties Side Bacon SLICED 1 LB Head Cheese SLICED 2 LB BOX ONTARIO NO 1 TASTY 12 OZ ONTARIO FANCY Macintosh Apples 3 LB BAG 49° 6 OZ PKG 2/ LB 89r LB s 1 x+65 LBs1 25 $1®89 $ 1.69 89r CANADA NO 1 Tomatoes LB 39° Zurich Superior Market DIAL 236-4354 ZURICH • • • ,e 40. 4.%%%%,%%%%%%%%%%i% ',1%,%%%%%%% %%''r , ;% !►%`te' '%%%%%%a%%i; w `'%%!11ii'