HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-04-21, Page 4Page 4 - Citizens News, April 21176
Farm Safety
Double check hitches for security and use safety chains
as well as the drawbar
in/greshng sPory!
This is the first issue of the Zurich Citi-
zens News...the first issue, that is, with
which Herb Turkheim has not been involved
in one way or another.
The first issue of the Zurich Citizens
News is sitting on my desk beside nye.
Dated Wednesday, January 16, 1958, the
publication announces the appointment of
Herbert Turkheim of Zurich as business
manager of the fledgling journal.
Also in the files here at the Citizens
News is the first issue under the owner-
ship of Herb Turkheim, dated January 13,
1960. From those days to this, Mr. Turk-
heim, has been' associated with the news-
Recently he terminated his employment
with the present employers, Huron -
Middlesex Publishers, to strike off on a new
venture in the retail furniture field. While
the move was received with regrets on the
part of the present publishers, it is with
best wishes and congratulations that he
left his office at the Citizens News for the
last time.
The origin of the Citizen News is an
interesting story in itself. A Zurich news-
paper had been a reality in the village for
many years since the presses first rolled
for the Zurich Herald in July 1900. A
Succession of owners published the weekly,
the last being Chester L. Smith. Late in
1957, due to a mechanical failure, the pub-
lisher of the Herald sold his interests in the
newspaper to the Exeter Times -Advocate
which incorporated it with its own news-
From here, the story can perhaps best
be told by quoting from an article which
appeared in the very first issue of the
Citizens News:
"However, after having a weekly news-
paper for nearly 60 years, the merchants
and citizens of Zurich felt they would like
to continue having a weekly of their own.
At a meeting of the Zurich Lions Club, the
members endorsed a motion to support
Herb Turkheim in the task of investigating
ways and means, Merchants gathered to-
gether in support of the project and the
Zurich Chamber of Commerce retail mer-
chants committee chairman Keith Westlake
called a special meeting of the Chamber to
further endorse the beginning of a weekly
newspaper in Zurich."
As could be expected from the support
shown, a weekly was started by the Clinton
News Record with Herb Turkheim as
manager and in two short years, Mr.
Turkheim purchased the paper. Shortly
after he.,acquiredthe equipment necessary
to publish the paper in Zurich as it had
previously been done in Clinton.
The success of the Citizens News has
been amazing. Nestled between Goderich,
Clinton and Exeter, a small village of less
than 1,000 persons theoretically cannot
support a weekly newspaper of its own.
But the publishers, and citizens, and per:
haps most important, the merchants of the
area, placed their faith in the Citizens
News and -it, in turn, has not let them down.
The newspaper is now in its nineteenth
year and all indications point to more
years of successful publication in the
Times change and the Citizens News
will likely never be quite the same again
without Herb at the helm. Regardless,
the present publishers are confident that
it will continue to serve the area well.
As they did back in 1958, we believe the
people of Zurich want, and will support,
their own weekly newspaper. We will
(and have) bet money on it.
Muaikoth owg
Published Each Wednesday By Huron -Middlesex Publishers Ltd.
Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385
A Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Association
Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association
Subscription Rates: $6.00 per year in advance in Canada;
58.00 in United States and Foreign; single copies 200
In a report of a traffic mishap
in last week's News, a fence
which was damaged was owned
by the Blue Water Rest Home,
not Joseph Risi as mentioned.
Easter Seals help
crippled children.
Golden Glimpses . ,
it a
Even July couldn't have prod-
uced a more perfect weekend
than we had this Easter holiday.
No doubt many people are nurs-
ing extreme sunburns. Evidently
the extreme weather also brought
out the worst in some people.
Sometime during Saturday
night daring prangsters removed
our new flag from the flag pole.
Perhaps after thinking this off-
ense over, it would ease their
conscience to have the flag ret-
urned and still remain anony-
I note by our register that quite
a number of residents enjoyed
outings with relatives and friends
over the holiday. It is a very nice
change for those who are able to
be out to get away with their
families for even a couple of
Last Monday evening the films
were shown followed by refresh-
ments. Day light saving time will
begin next Saturday evening,
therefore we will probably
discontinue them for the summer
On Monday afternoon a numb-
er of our residents enjoyed a bus
tour of the area along the Blue
Water Highway through Bayfield,
Goderich, down through Holmes-
ville, Varna and back home.
Many of our residents have liv-
ed in this area and enjoy these
Mr. Lawrence Wein joined
the residents in the dining room
on Tuesday morning and sang
along with then for an hour.
We are pleased to say that Mr.
Grant Edighoff.r has returned
from South Huron Hospital.
We are grateful to the Ladies
of Crediton United Church for the
knee wraps that they made for
wheel chair residents.
Mrs. Emilie Schroeder was the
lucky winner for the special
bingo prize, a large Easter bunny,
on the weekend.
The Sunday evening chapel
service was conducted by Rev.
Blackwell of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zurich. Miss Victoria
Bcrgbusch of Guelph, visiting
at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
Blackwell was the guest organist.
installed officers
The Catholic Women's League Gelinas. Mrs. Van Raay in her
of St. Boniface parish in Zurich, usual gracious manner, thanked
held their monthly meeting on all members for their very good
April 13 with an attendance of support while she was presid-
twenty nine members. The high- ent, as it had been a very succ-
lights of the meeting being essful two years.
the installation of the new ex-
ecutive for the next two year
term, whiLh were as follows:
President, Mrs. Carmel Sween-
ey, first vice-president, Mrs.
Willy Verherne; second vice- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe
president, Mrs. Marjorie Meid- entertained the Merner fancily
ingcr; third vice-president, on Easter Sunday. They celebrat-
Mrs. Martha Overholt; treasurer, cd their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Lee Regier; recording sec- Arnold Merner's wedding
rotary, Mrs. Dorothy Smith; anniversary and also Brenda
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Schilbe's birthday.
Remi Denomme. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien
A presentation gift was given and family, of Burlington were
to the out -going president, weekend visitors with their par -
Mrs. Case Van Raay, by Mrs. cats. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 0' -
Remi Denomme and Mrs. Claude Brien.
Emmanuel United Church
Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist
10 a.m. - Sunday School
11:15 a.m. - Worship Service
7:30 p.m. - Albanaires
40 Voice Choir
Everyone Welcome
Zurich Mennonite
9:45 a.m.-Worship Service
10:45 a.m.-Sun. Church School
8:00 p.n1. - Crusade Service at
Community Centre
Sat. April 24, 7:30 P.M. - Service
at the church instead of Commun-
ity Centre.
0 grant us light that we may
How dead is life from God apart;
How sure is joy for all who turn
To Him an undivided heart.
Everyone Welcome
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist
10 a.m. - Worship Service
11 a.m. - Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Lakeview. Conservative
Mennonite Church
10 a.ni. - Sunday School
11 a.m. - Worship Service by
Wayne Wenger
Evangelistic meetings continued
8 p.m. nightly until Sunday,
April 25, by Evangelist Wayne
Seek ye the Lord while He may
be found. Call ye upon Him while
he is near.
Everyone Welcome