HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-04-21, Page 1w
H.ydro subdivision
rates re increased
Zurich council meeting Wed-
nesday learned of some changes
in the Zurich hydra and water
system as the result of minutes
from 'the latest meeting of that
Hydro subdivision agree-
ment rates were changed from
$250 per lot plus $2 for all front-
ages to $300 per lot plus $3 for all
Charges for underground
individual residential hydro
services Will be increased to
$1.25 per foot for the first 100
feet and .$1.10 per foot there-
after. This is an increase from
45 cents and 95 cents, respec-
tively. These costs are based
on the distance on private pro-
perty only.
The schedule of charges for
multi -family units to be charged
to the ow ncr or contractor will
be $190 for multi -family units
ith two to 22 units for each
individual unit within one struc-
For each individual unit within
one structure containing 21 or
more units.
Water heater rentals were
discontinued as of March 31,
197(1 and each rental customer
has been advised of the new
policies including a formula
for purchasing the used heaters.
The committee of council
Which. operates the Zurich hydro
and water system decided to
discontinue paying a share of
the village clerk's salary.
ST. BONIFACE CWL ELECTS - The new executive of the St. Boniface Catholic Women's League was
named recently. Back, left, treasurer Rose Regier, second vice-president Marjorie Meidinger, past pres-
ident Anny Van Raay, third vice-president Martha Overholt and secretary Dorothy Smith. Front, first
vice-president Willy Verberne, president Carmel Sweeney and corresponding secretary Louise Denomme
News Photo
(1)ardecoGli aKoe,,A.
COTTON PICKERS - These five young ladies at the Brucefield
Variety Concert Thursday night portrayed cotton pickers in their
routine. Kneeling are Laura Taman and Kathryn Martens while
standing are Diane Wilson, Jane Allan and Kim Thompson. All
are from the Varna-Brucefield area. News Photo
e ter ainment
Grand Bend council Monday
night approved in principle
a request from a London based
firm to operate a Para -sail
concession from the beach arca
this summer.
Harold McDermott and Brian
Smith representing Carlin
Enterprises said para -sailing
was an ultra -safe sport and
described it as a combination
of water skiing and parachuting.
Launching is done from a 40
foot by 40 foot dock type ramp
hieh would be anchored some
500 feet out in the lake. A person
going for a para -sail ride Mould
be hooked into the parachute
canopy and a boat then provides
the lift in towing around a given
Brian Smith w ho is an ex -
The. Zurich recreation conl-
mittee will be making appeals
to neighbouring municipalities
for financial assistance in opera-
ting then' programs. -
Minutes of a meeting of the
committee were read. at Wednes-
day's meeting of Zurich council
and advised that letters will
be forwarded to Stanley town-
ship and the village of Grand
Bend recreation committees.
asking for grants.
Hay township will be asked
for a Minimum grant of $3,000
for 1976. In 1975 the township
paid $900 to aid Zurich recrea-
Discussion was held regard-
ing the possibility of instituting
pericnced miliary parachutist
said the operation is very simple
(continued on page 1 1)
Development of a new sub-
division in the northwest corner
of the village of Zurich will now
proceed after a meeting Wednes-
day of the developer, engineers
and Zurich council.
Developer Mario Zirotic and
-his engineer T. S. Glinka of
Hamilton asked council to sign
the subdivision agreement to
allow work 00 the project to
Council agreed to sign the
necessary papers providing
an advance of $3.000 is received
to cover engineering costs
incurred by the village's en-
gineer, B. M. Ross ofGoderich.
Councillor Ray McKinnon
commented, "We have to have
a guarantee that the work already
done on our behalf by our en-
gineer will be paid for. It could
81110001 to about two hills."
Several minor changes in the
plans were agreed • to by both
u Engineer Glinka agreed the
Hospita9 costs up $3,000 advance figure was
reasonable in view of experience
in other municipalities.
Council asked for and received
an extra 33 feet of right-of-way
to allow a proper turning circle
for snowplow ing equipment.
A reserve of one foot will be
established around the outside
Costs at South Huron Hospital
increased by approximately
17 percent in 1975, but the net
deficit for the year was down
over the 1974 figure.
Total expenses were $954,003
last year and the deficit was
$1,215. The corresponding
figures in 1974 were $$06,127
and a deficit of $3,391.
Salaries made up the major
portion of the expenses, with
the .hospital being one of the
larger employers in the arca.
a non-resident surcharge of
$15 per t nn0111 for all tow nship
residents participating in any
of thu Zurich recreational
programs and using the facilities.
A donation of $1,000 from the
Zurich Lions club for use in the
current updating program ' at
the Zurich arena was acknow-
It was decided to replace
two undersized stoves in the
arena kitchen to encourage
increased use of that facility.
The tender of Carl Vincent,
RR 2 Grand Bend to carry out
roof repairs at the arena was
accepted and also verified by
of the subdivision. Plans call for
52 lots on the six acre parcel of
Clerk Betty Oke said w ater
and hydro agreements become
part and parcel of the total
plans. Minor changes are also
being made in sewer easements.
Council was informed that the
requisition levy for the County
of Huron for 1976 is up $597 from
a year ago to $30,998.
Clerk Betty Oke noted that if
County apportionments were
levied on equalized assessments
the village share would be
$29,360. The levy is based on
a combination of assessment.
and population.
The opinion of' County Council
is that certain services such as
C'hildren's Aid, Huronvicw,
Social Services, Health and
Library should he assessed on
ii population basis.
C'ouncil agreed to request
the Ontario Ministry of, the
Environment to designate the
area of the sanitary sewer lagoon
as a bird sanctuary or declare
it a bailed arca to eliminate
The County of Huron has asked
Zurich councillors and employees
when working out to inform the
'ree Commission of any con-
traventions to the county tree
Bylaws were .passed approving
the necessary amendments
to the zoning bylaw to confirm
with the secondary_ plan of the
A building permit application
from William Ferguson to renov-
ate a honey house in the amount
of $4,000 was approved.
Requests to relieve Zurich
Beef and Sausage and William
Ferguson of sewer surcharges
were approved. These properties
do not have outlets at the street
line for service.
Letters are being sent to property
owners who have not yet hooked
up to the sewer system. They arc
being told the work is to be done
as soon as posssible.
Residents of 'Zurich have until
May 15 to pick up their necessary
dog tags. After this time the fee
will he doubled. About dogs,
councillor Ray McKinnon com-
mented, "We don't really have
a dog problem, except they are
not licenced."
Councillor Leroy Thiel was
in charge of the meeting in the
absence of Reeve Fred Haberer.
HONOURED BY CHAMBER - George Kadlecik and Bert Albertson have been named citizens of the year
by the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce for outstanding service to their community. From the left are
C of C president Tom Webster, Bert Albertson, George Kadiecik, treasurer Dave Nelders and vice-pres-
ident Peter Haist. News Photo