HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-03-31, Page 17Citizens News, March 31/76 - Page 17
Hay Mutual still growing
si:.a;000i.c.: 517,094,000 in 100 years
On February 14, 1976, when
directors and policyholders of the
Hay Township Farmer's Mutual
Fire Insurance Company gather-
ed at the Hay Township Hall for
the annual meeting, it marked
the completion of 100 years of
service to the community.
In that century, insurance pro-
tection carried by the company
has grown from a humble
$138,100 in 1875 to a record
$11,094,160 in force at the pre-
sent time.
To mark the centennial of the
company, a souvenir centennial
booklet was published in 1975
and sent to all policyholders.
It reviews the history of the
company from its conception
to the present day and points out
many interesting facts about the
The Hay Township Farmers'
Mutual Insurance Company
appears to have been conceived
in August of 1874 when a number
of area residents published
a notice in the township of Hay
calling for a meeting to discuss
the establish the company.
Dated August 8, 1874, it
"The undersigned members
of the Evangelical Association
and others have concluded to call
a Public Meeting of the said
members and others on Saturday,
September 5, 1874, 6 o'clock
p.m. in the meeting house on
the Bronson Line in the Town-
ship of Hay of which this shall be
notice to consult whether it is
expedient to establish a Farmers'
Fire Insurance Company upon the
Mutual Principle for the County
of Huron."
Signed: Henry V. Dirstein,
John B. Geiger, Jacob Kaercher,
Daniel Hamacher, Daniel A.
Geiger, Michael Zeller, William
McKie, Abraham Lehman, Henry
Ortwein, William Wing, Gottlieb
Merner, Christian Oswald, Daniel
The minutes of that first meet-
ing show that about forty people
attended. Henry V. Dirstein
was elected chairman and Wil-
liam McKie was named secretary
pro tem. A motion passed was
moved by William Lehman and
second. d by Abraham Lehman
that Henry V. Dirstein, Adam
Sachs and Daniel Surerus "open
up subscription books to secure
subscribers for the purpose of
securing a license to become a
registerd corporation, transacting
Mutual Fire Insurance business
in the Province of Ontario."
About 120 farmers signed up
for insurance which totalled
The published history tells us
that "On January 1, 1875 at
3 o'clock at the request of ten
subscribers, a public meeting was
held at the Salem Church on the
Goshen Line, Lot 5, Con. 10,
Township of Hay (of which due
notice was given to every sub-
scriber), for the purpose of
adopting a name of the Company,
the election of Directors and the
Secretary -Treasurer
Henry V. Dirstein
location of the Head Office.
Mr. John B, Geiger was
elected Chairman and Henry V.
Dirstein, Secretary.
On motion of Henry V. Dir -
stein, seconded by Michael
Kaercher, it was resolved that
the Company should be known
as "The Hay Township Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Com -
pan "
The Chairman then requested
the subscribers present to ballot
for nine Directors which resulted
as follows, viz: John B. Geiger,
Henry V. Dirstein, Samuel
Rannie, David Hostetler, Henry
Boller, Adam Sachs, Daniel
Surerus, Bernhard Faist and
Abraham Lehman. And on mo-
tion, it was resolved that the
Head Office of the Company
should be in Zurich. Immediately
after the meeting, a copy of the
list of subscribers, resolutions,
minutes and advertisements were
filed in the Registry Office in
Goderich pursuant to the Insur-
ance laws of the Province of
On January '9, 1875, the Direct-
ors convened at Prang's Hotel,
Zurich, when all members were
present and on motion of Henry
V. Dirstein, seconded by Henry
Boller, Mr. John B. Geiger was
elected President of the Company
and Mr. Henry V. Dirstein, Man-
ager and Secretary -Treasurer.
On motion of John B. Geirger,
seconded by Abraham Lehman,
Samuel Rannie was elected Vice -
President and Henry V. Dirstein
Agent of the Company. It was
resolved that the Agent receive
$1.50 as fees for every application
written by him and accepted by
the Board of Directors and a fur-
ther sum of 104 for every assess-
ment levied and collected by the
Treasurer, and that the first
cash premiums to be paid by the
applicant shall be 5 mills on the
dollar, or 5e for every $100. of
Insurance written and that only
non -hazardous farmers' risks,
churches and school houses shall
be insured in the company fore a
term of five years."
At this first meeting, the di-
rectors considered their own
remuneration and decided that
Secretary -Treasurer
Henry Eilber
they would attend meetings with
no pay for the first year with the
exception that their dinners be
paid for by the company.
"The following tables show the
names of Presidents, Vice -
Presidents, Managers and
Secretary:Treasurers, Auditors,
General Agents, Directors, Fire
Hazards Inspector, and Office
Staff of the Company and the
years served by each in their
respective capacities. Also the
amount at risk, assets and losses
given at five-year intervals since
the organization of the Company.
PRESIDENTS: 1875-79 John B.
Geiger; 1880-81 Hugh Love Sr.;
1882 John B, Geiger; 1883
William Lewis; 1884 Thomas
Yearley; 1885 John B. Geiger;
1886 Peter Douglas; 1887 Daniel
Surerus; 1888 John Torrance;
1889 Henry Heyrock; 1890 Sam-
uel Brokenshire; 1891 John Bak-
er; 1892 Peter Douglas; 1893
Thomas Yearley; 1894 John Tor-
rance; 1895 Peter Douglas; 1896
William B..Battler ; 1897 Samuel
Brokenshire; 1898 William
Lacaont; 1899 John Sherritt;
1900 Justus Mellick; 1901 Wil-
liamYearley; 1902 Peter Douglas;
1903 William Consitt; 1904 John
C. Kalbfleisch; 1905 Benjamin
Surerus; 1906 Jacob Kellerman;
1907 Christian Stade; 1908 Wil-
liam Lamont; 1909 John Sherrit;
1910 William Consitt; 1911 Fred
Willert; 1912 John Sparrow; 1913
George McEwen; 1914 William
Lamont; 1915 William Consitt;
1916 Christian Stade; 1917 Fred
Willert; 1918 John Sparrow; 1919
John Pfaff; 1920 John P. Rau;
1921 Oscar Klopp; 1922 Stephen
Webb; 1923 Christian Stade; 1924
William Consitt; 1925 John A.
Manson; 1926 David Lippert;
1927 Goldie Graham; 1928 W.R.
Elliott; 1929 John P. Rau; 1930
William H. Sweitzer; 1931 Peter
Martene; 1932 John Armstrong;
1933 Oscar Klopp; 1934 Reuben
A. Goetz; 1935 Albert Hendrick;
1936 George Armstrong; 1937
Fred J. Haberer; 1938 John
Armstrong; 1939 William H.
Sweitzer; 1940 Thomas Webb;
1941 Henry C. Beaver; 1942
Secretary -Treasurer
Herbert K. Either
Goldie Graham; 1943 Oscar
Klopp; 1944 Thomas Love; 1945
John Armstrong; 1946 Arthur
Finkbeiner; 1947 Henry C. Bea-
ver; 1948 Reinhold Miller; 1949
Fred J. Haberer; 1950 William
H. Love; 1951 William Haugh;
1952 Ezra Webb; 1953 Clarence
Parke; 1954 Oscar Klopp; 1955
William Haugh; 1956 Otto Wil-
lert; 1957 Reinhold Miller; 1958
Fred J. Haberer; 1959 Ezra
Webb; 1960 Harvey Taylor; 1961
Albert Keys; 1962 Max Turnbull;
1963 John Scotchmer; 1964 Ed-
mond Hendrick; 1965 Theodore
Steinbach; 1966 Reinhold Miller;
1967 Ezra Webb; 1968 Max
Turnbull; 1969 John Scotchmer;
1970 Edward Lamport; 1971 Leo-
nard Erb; 1972 Melvin Webster;
1973 Arnold McCann; 1974
Donald Campbell.
Samuel Rannie; 1877-80 William
Lewis; 1881 John B. Geiger;
1882-83 Hugh Love, Sr.; 1884
Henry Heyrock; 1885 Peter Doug-
las; 1886 Daniel Surerus; 1887
John Torrance; 1888 Henry Hey -
rock; 1889 Thomas Yearley; 1890
John Baker; 1891 Peter Douglas;
1892 Thomas Yearley; 1893 Just-
us Mellick; 1894 Henry Lippert;
1895 William B. Battler; 1896
Samuel Brokenshire; 1897 Wil-
liam Lamont; 1898 John Sherritt;
1899 Justus Mellick; 1900 Wil-
liam Yearley; 1901 Robert Mc-
Mordie; 1902 Samuel Broken-
shire; 1903 John C. Kalbfleisch;
1904 Benjamin Surerus; 1905
Jacob Kellerman; 1906 Christian
Stade; 1907 William Lamont;
1908 Jbhn Sherritt; 1909 Will-
iam Consitt; 1910 Fred Willert;
1911 John E. Sparrow; 1912
George McEwen; 1913 William
Lamont; 1914 John C. Kalb-
fleisch; 1915 John Sherritt; 1916
Frederick Willert; 1917 John
Sparrow; 1918 Roy Sherritt; 1919
John P. Rau; 1920 Oscar Klopp;
1921 Stephen Webb; 1922 Chris-
tian Stade; 1923 William Consitt;
1924 John A. Manson; 1925
David Lippert; 1926 Goldie Gra-
ham; 1927 Christian Stade; 1928
John P. Rau; 1929 William .H.
Sweitzer; 1930 William Consitt;
Secretary -Treasurer
Reginald G. Black
1931 John Armstrong; 1932 Rein-
hold Miller; 1933 Reuben A.
Goetz; 1934 Albert Hendrick;
1935 George Armstrong; 1936
Fred J. Haberer; 1937 John Arm-
strong; 1938 William H. Sweitzer;
1939 Thomas Webb; 1940 Henry
C. Beaver; 1941 Goldie Graham;
1942 Oscar Klopp; 1943 Thomas
Love; 1944 John Armstrong; 1945
Arthur Finkbeiner; 1946 Henry C.
Beaver; 1947 Reinhold Miller;
1948 Fred J. Haberer; 1949 Wil-
liam H. Love; 1950 William
Haugh; 1951 Ezra Webb; 1952
Clarence Parke; 1953 Oscar
Klopp; 1954 William Haugh; 1955
Otto Willert 1956 Reinhold Mil-
ler; 1957 Fred J. Haberer; 1958
William H. Love; 1959 Harvey
Taylor; 1960 Albert Keys; 1961
Max Turnbull; 1962 John Scotch -
mer; 1963 Edmond Hendrick;
1964 Theodore Steinbach; 1965
Reinhold Miller; 1966 Ezra
Webb; 1967 Harvey Taylor; 1967
Max Turnbull; 1968 John Scotch -
mer; 1969 Edward Lamport; 1970
Leonard Erb; 1971 Melvin Web-
ster; 1972 Arnold McCann; 1973
Donald Campbell; 1974 Cecil
AUDITORS: 1875 Daniel Stein-
bach and John Mathewson;
1876 August G. Ehnes and Wil-
liam Wilson; 1877 Robert Brown
and Samuel Foster; 1878 William
Wilson and Samuel Foster; 1879
Charles Eilber and Daniel Stein-
bach; 1880 George Baird and
Daniel Steinbach; 1881 Daniel
Steinbach and William Wilson;
1882-91 William Curry and John
Boderick; 1892 John Broderich
and Charles Zwicker; 1893-95
William Curry and John Brod-
erick; 1896-1909 John Broderick
and August G. Ehnes; 1910-11
Henry Neeb and August G..
Ehnes; 1912-17 Jacob Haberer
and August G. Ehnes; 1918-24
Andrew F. Hess and William
H. Pfile; 1925-29 Andrew F. Hess
and William S. Johnston; 1930-
32 Andrew F. Hess and Arthur
Weber; 1933 Kenneth Routledge
and Arthur Weber; 1934-38
Kenneth Routledge and Jacob
W. Haberer; 1939-63 Jacob W.
Haberer and George Deichert;
1964-68 Touche, Ross, Bailey &
Smart, London; 1969-74 Touche,
Ross & Co., London.
Henry V. Dirstein; 1880-82 Henry
Present Manager
Secretary -Treasurer
John R. Consitt
Eilber; 1882 George Park and
Merino Surerus; 1883-89 Edward
Bossenberry; 1889-1921 Gabriel
Holtzmann; 1922-37 William
Lamont; 1937-57 Reuben A.
Goetz; 1957-67 William Haugh;
1957-70 Clarence Parke; 1967-
74 Edmond Hendrich; 1970 ----
John Scotchmer.
DIRECTORS: 1 year, Robert
Anderson 1879; 15 years, George
W. Armstrong 1933-47; 19 years,
John Armstrong 1931-49; 14
years, John Baker 1885-98;
9 years, William Battler 1894-
99 & 1903-05; 15 years, Henry C.
Beaver 1938-52; 6 years, Henry
Boller 1875-77, 1879 & 1881-82;
19 years, Samuel Brokenshire
1884-90 & 1892-1903; 4 .years,
W.T. Caldwell 1914-17; 4 years,
Donald Campbell 1971---; 32
years, William Consitt 1902-
33; 5 years Cecil Desjardine
1970---; 8 years, Henry V. Dir -
stein 1875-82; 3 years, George
Douglas 1905-07; 26 years, Peter
Douglas 1878-79 & 1881-1904;
2 years, W.R. Elliott 1927-28;
9 years, Leonard Erb 1966---;
6 years, Bernhard Faist 1875-76
& 1880-83; 12 years, John B.
Geiger 1875-82 & 1885-88; 6
years, Reuben A. Goetz 1932-37;
31 years, Goldie Graham 1923-53;
2 years, William Graham 1180 &
1883; 26 years, Fred J. Haberer
1934-48, 1950-60; 10 years, Will-
iam Haugh 1948-57; 12 years,
AIbert Hendrick 1933-44; 10
years, Edmond Hendrick 1958-67,
12 years, Henry Heyrock 1880-
91; 1 year, Septimus Hogarth
1879; 4 years, David Hostetler
1875-78; 13 years, Jacob Kaerch-
er 1884-96; 1 year, Michael
Kaercher 1877; 16 years, John C.
Kalbfleisch 1889 & 1900-14:
6 years, Jacob Kellerman 1902-
1907; 8 years, Albert Keys 1958-
65; 40 years, Oscar Klopp 1918-
57; 27 years, William Lamont
1895-1921; 4 years, Edward Lam-
port 1967-70; 2 years, James
Lang 1976-77; 1 year, Abraham
Lehman 1875; 6 years, William
Lewis 1877-80 & 1883-84; 4 years,
David Lippert 1923-26; 3 years,
Henry Lippert 1892-93; 6 years,
Hugh Love, Sr. 1879-84; 5 years,
Thomas Love 1943-47; 11 years,
William Love 1948-58; 9 years,
John Manson 1922-30; 3 years,
Peter Martene 1929-31; 4 years,
Elmore McBride 1971---; 7 years,
Arnold McCann 1968---; 1 year,
Daniel McColl 1878; 5 years,
Robert McMordie 1909-13; 9
years, Justus Mellick 1891-93 &
1897-1902; 33 years, Reinhold
Miller 1930-32 & 1945-74; 3
years, Henry Neeb 1915-17;
8 years, Clarence Parke 1950-57;
16 years, John Pfaff 1915-30;
3 years, Benjamin Phillips 1906-
08; 2 years, Samuel Rannie 1875-
76; 15 years, John P. Rau 1918-
32; 1 year, Adam Sachs 1875;
1 year, John H. Schnell 1892;
12 years, John Scotchmer 1959-
70; 18 years, John Sherritt 1898-
1915; 3 years, Roy Sherritt 1916-
' 18; 15 years, John Sparrow 1909-
123; 24 years, Christian Stade
'1904-27; 14 years Theodore
Steinbach 1.961-- 12 years, Ben -
(continued on page 19)